If Michael Brown Was White Would Anyone Still Care About His Death

What's the big deal Michael Brown was a thug?

The streets are better without him. He thought he was big and bad and picked on a little store clerk and showed his lack of respect for law and im sure he disrespected the officer who killed hik. Truth is we dont know why he got shot. We are goingboff tge word ofbhis thug friend so not the best source for truth. The bullet didnt lie though. Good ridence thug brown.

Whats your opinion on Michael Brown shooting?

People claim Michael Brown was shot because he was black but they fail to bring up he was engaging in a felony which is the sole reason he was in that situation to begin with. I dont know any good people that rob convince stores. Im not saying he deserved to die but at the same time if you put yourself in that kind of situation you are putting your life at risk its as simple as that. And now all these people have the nerve to riot and destroy INNOCENT peoples businesses. They are destroying INNOCENT peoples livelihoods how does these mindless savages think these business owners support their family's. What a disgusting world.

Michael Brown Wasn't Innocent?

I'm Ethiopian but grew up in the states and I can say the media has portrayed Michael Brown as law abiding citizen.

Michael Brown robbed a store and tried to be a thug and bully his way through the store so he could get alcohol. Even pushing down a man twice smaller than him.

Michael Brown could have been killed while in the store but didn't but I say karma will you get!


Why will an officer shoot someone who put his hand down and puts his knees down and gives up.

I'm pretty sure Brown did the opposite and don't you teach your kids not to run-away from the cops.

Michael Brown isn't a teenager but an adult and he is 18 and that is legally an adult.

Michael Brown is just a sad excuse for a grown person.

Michael Brown is thieve and a thug or a thug wannabe but did he deserve to get shot.

Yes charging at an officer will get you shot but did he deserve to die.

That is God's decision and God decided for him to leave this world.

I'm siding with the officer and for black people who see this. Listen this isn't Black vs White but an Officer vs Criminal who just robbed a store! He isn't a kid but a criminal.

Is the media lying to you?

How would public discussions have been different if Michael Brown and Eric Garner had been white men and the police officers that subdued him before he died had been black men?

Fox and every other conservative and outright racist media outlet would have been enormously angered and made proclamations about a coming fascist state and the extinction of whites. (Yes, Fox is openly not just racist but white supremacist, with numerous racists as commentators, O'Reilly, Hannity, even Rivera being used mostly to make racist pronouncement.) Recall, for example, how conservative and racist media celebrated these men. Now imagine if they had been killed while not armed or threatening violence, but killed over misdemeanors.  Recall also the racial double standard. A Black teen can be killed for wearing a hooded sweatshirt, allegedly reaching for their waistband, or simply being a big guy, and many will defend their killings and make excuses for the police. At the same time, some conservatives argued that crowds of whites should be able to carry AK-47s and AR 15s in public or threaten the overthrow of the gov't or murder of police.

Why do Michael Jackson's kids look white instead of mixed?

I do not believe these children are his biological children. It amazes how some people seem to think so. I do think they need to go to MJ's side of the family now.

White people were all of these men at fault; Tamir rice trayvon martin Mike brown, Philando castile, alton sterling Eric garner, freddi gray?

No not all of them.
Tamir Rice- not justified
Trayvon Martin- I can't say that it was a justifiable killing, but he did engage in mutual physical combat with Zimmerman. So, yes I'd say he's partially at fault because of the way he reacted to the confrontation. When you choose to fight there is always the possibility of some psychopath like Zimmerman killing you. I think
Zimmerman took it way to far and I'm not excusing him.
Mike Brown- legally justifiable killing but not necessary. When you punch cops you run the risk of getting killed. Had Mike Brown not assaulted the cop he's probably be alive today. Yes the cop should have used a taser or other form of non lethal force first.
Philando Castille- there isn't enough info yet to make a judgement.
Alton Sterling- I'm not sure about this one yet.
Eric Garner- that was murder or at least manslaughter. He was only resisting because he was literally fighting for his life.
Freddy Gray- was flat out killed by the police.

If the circumstances of Michael Brown's shooting had been exactly the same, except the cop had been black, would the outrage have been the same?

Short answer: no.I'm white, but I live around people I care about who aren't and who have had a totally different experience with society because of it. The differences seem small, like a weird look from a passerby or getting pulled over more often, or maybe being seen as inherently threatening. These small hints that you're not a valued member of society add up over time and wear at the core of a person. Add to that the stark numbers on a black american's disproportionately crappy experience in the justice system (not to mention education or hiring), and the rage over the shooting makes more sense. This cop may have been justified to use force, but he jumped all the way to deadly force right away without a moments thought and there was no systemic questioning of his choices. What's worse is that everyone knew there wouldn't be any charges filed because there usually aren't. I see a bunch of people on TV talking about how dumb the protestors are, about how clear the evidence is. That's not the issue. The issue is that once again a black man has been killed, rightly or wrongly, with impunity. The anger is over the huge difference in outcomes when interacting with cops and the judicial system at large. In that way I agree with the protestors that things need to change.