If My Left Arm Hurts Is This A Heart Attack

Which arm hurts if your having a heart attack?

Inner side of left arm facing the palm anteriorly.

Which arm hurts during a heart attack?

Although in many heart attacks, pain can begin in the chest and spread to other areas, even when there’s no chest pain as an initial symptom, heart attack signs may include pain or discomfort in one or both arms or in the shoulders, elbows, back, neck, throat, lower jaw or stomach. Or as Mayo Clinic cardiologists call it: anything “from neck to navel”. Men having a heart attack often feel pain in the left arm. In women, the pain is more likely to be felt in either arm. The pain might also come and go. In a previous post called “How Does It Really Feel to Have a Heart Attack? Women Survivors Tell Their Stories”, a number of women interviewed also described unusual elbow pain as an early heart attack symptom.

What arm hurts in a heart attack and why?

My personal heart pain was down my left arm which is usually the case. It was classic presentation, yet I denied it, as I knew it was serious, and could not reconcile what lay ahead of me. The death of a slightly younger, more robust male friend who dropped dead mowing his lawn made me realize my denial was ridiculous. occasionally we get a right side heart attack, and the pain will go to the right arm. Some older diabetics will not present in a typical way. Woman after 55 years old, may have heart attacks at the same rate as men, but not with the same symptoms. We have missed women's heart attacks initially because of that. I would imagine the pain goes to the arm in many cases as a referred pain due to the specific part of the heart having its portion begin to die due to arterial blockage.

Why does your left arm hurt when before a heart attack?

It is called referred pain. It can radiate into the left arm, the jaw and into the back. Women don't display these symptoms like men do though. They can have very vague symptoms such as a hot tingling in their chest. In my 6 years in cardiology, I have seen very few women with the classic left arm pain.

Help! my left arm hurts really bad could it be sign of a heart attack?

I'm not a doctor but I did go to my doctor today because I have had pain in my left arm for a few weeks now. I thought for sure it was heart related. But he told me that you would also be experiencing other symptoms along with the arm pain if it was a heart attack. Keep in mind that during a heart attack women have different symptoms than men. Symptoms for women include:

Chest pain-may also include back pain and/or deep aching and throbbing in one or both arms.
Breathlessness and/or inability to catch your breath when waking up.
Clammy sweating.
Dizziness--unexplained lightheadedness, possible blackouts.
Anxiety--unusual nervousness, feelings of impending doom.
Edema--fluid retention and swelling usually of the ankles or lower legs.
Fluttering--rapid heartbeats, palpitations.
Nausea--gastric upset.
Feeling of heaviness, such as pressure-like chest pain between the breasts that may radiate to the left arm or shoulder.

It could be a pinched nerve or maybe something else, but in any case you should call your doctor or look for a 24 hr nurse line.

Why does your left arm hurt more than your right during a heart attack?

Because the Phrenic nerve runs through the pericardium (membrane enclosing the heart). This nerve has connections to the intercostobrachial nerves that run into the left shoulder, so that when one “goes off,” the other does as well. Sometimes.

Why does a person's left arm hurt during a heart attack?

The nerve supply to the heart and to the left arm originate from the same spinal segment.Although the left arm is a common site of radiating pain - pain which is experienced as radiating from the original source (differing from referred pain - a pain which is felt in a distant site from the original source), the pain of a heart attack (myocardial infarction) can also be felt in other areas of the body.This, fairly old study, shows the common sites of pain associated with the portion of the heart muscle affected by the infarction.Page on ahajournals.orgI regularly teach with a cardiologist who reports a patient of his who only ever suffers pain in his great toe - even when his ECG demonstrates significant cardiac ischaemia.The pain of a Myocardial Infarction is often experienced differently by females and diabetic patients.

How bad does your arm hurt during a heart attack?

Chest pain, also called Angina ( An - JY - Nuh) when you have Angina. You may feel pain in the chest, arms, shoulders, or back.
You may feel the pain more when your heart beats faster, such as when you exercise. The pain may go away when you rest.
You also may feel very sweaty and weak. If you do not get treatment chest pains may happen more often.

Signs of a Heart Attack:
. Chest pain or discomfort
. Pain or discomfort in the arms, back, Jaw, or neck.
. Indigestion or stomach pain
. Shortness of breath
. Nausea or Vomiting
. Lightheadendness

Or, You may not have warning signs at all. Or they may just come and go.

Why is your left arm going numb a sign of a heart attack?

Firstly, check which side of your body the heart is on.Secondly, rethink why you asked this question.Thirdly, if you haven’t already realized that your heart is on the left side of your body, then check again. Basically, the nerves leading to the left side of your body get confused when your having a heart attack and think the pain/numbness is coming from your arm.