If My Mom Makes Me Throw Away My Phone For A Punishment Does Obama Get More Money

Making your kid smoke a carton of cigarettes as punishment for smoking?

I don't think many people use this punishment anymore. My Grandad did it to my Uncle. It also happens in an episode of That 70's Show which obviously, is set in the 70's. It is an outdated punishment. I think the point of it was to show them how disgusting cigarettes are and make them not want to smoke again. Smoking a whole pack at once would give a person nicotine poisoning and make them incredibly sick and shaky, it probably wouldn't make them addicted. It takes smoking over a number of months to get addicted.

How much money does the U.S. government have?

obama created a 787 billion dollar stimulus package, and that got me wondering: how much money does our government REALLY have? if they can spend 787 billion dollars, it must be a lot...

What is the punishment for insulting the US President in public?

There is no legal punishment. Insulting the president, or anyone else, is protected free speech. Any law that criminalized insulting the President would be struck down by American courts.To demonstrate, here’s a video of then-President Obama reading insulting tweets about himself on national TV, with a special appearance by someone else you might recognize:Even though Obama obviously saw their insulting comments, none of these people went to jail for saying what they said. Perhaps others saw what they said and felt less of them, but that’s part of free speech. The right to insult people and the right to call someone an asshole for insulting people are the same right.

What does "kill the infidels" mean? Is this a good example of Islamic peace promotion?

Yes it does in fact. The Qua'ran, calls for all Muslims to either convert or Kill any infidels (non muslims) as this is their "duty" as muslims. Check the Ramadan section of Yahoo answers, its a whole flock of Jihadists over there. Its Also its every muslims duty to wage Jihad (Holy War) against their perceived enemies (the west/US & Israel). Lots of americans don't know this, but our current president Obama, went to school in Indonesia. As you can see they are definitely radical Muslims. I do believe that only Love can conquer the same token, you don't fight a junkyard dog with ASPCA rules- what you do is take the leash off your own bigger meaner dog.
Yes kill the Infidels translates to kill the Americans/Christians.

I agree with Bruce also- No more aid for these countries- go ask your "Muslim" brothers for help.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a dog?

The advantages- you have a constant companion and friend, they are extremely loyal. Someone to go for walks with.
There are a lot of "disadvantages", although I wouldn't really say they are disadvantages so much as considerations to bear in mind when you bring a fluffy friend into your life. Dogs are a big (read HUGE) resposibility. You have to feed them every day, play with them, make sure they are kept clean. You have to ensure they get enough exercise. You have to be certain that you have a decent size yard for a dog. And remember that dogs cry A LOT when they are puppies, they make a noise when they are older. They will mess up your house, sometimes pee everywhere, chew things, steal clothes off the clothesline, steal food. You have to shower them with attention all the time. They require commitment- you can't just go off on holiday when you have a dog-you have to make arrangements for him/her. They become part of your family.
That said, if you are ready for the responsibility and commitment, there are no disadvantages- they teach you about unconditional love and they can make you a better person. Plus there is nothing like the smell of puppy after a hard day's work!

My parents think weed is the same as crack and heroin?

Weed is not essentially a drug as it is not addictive, you can easily get rid of the habit
There is no Overdose (unless its taken in HUGE amounts) and you have negligible rate of death from weed. It is actually recommended by doctors over nicotine.

But still, you shouldn't smoke it. President Of The United States - Barack Obama used to smoke pot.
But he got rid of it and now is the president of the united states.

the truth is that drugs get you nowhere in life. So just get a life and don't do drugs

Peace Out \/m

{p.s. - the Barack Obama thing, i read that in a newspaper