If People Are Jealous Of A Person Do They Usually Insult That Person And Attempt To Belittle Them

Do you think that people who belittle the suffering of others are pathetic?

Either they are desperate for attention, or the idea of someone's suffering and possible death reminds them of their own mortality so they make jokes about it. As a defense mechanism, it's pathetic.

Freedom of speech includes the right to stand up to people who do that kind of thing. Thanks for standing up for Debra and those who love her.

Add--Wolfechu, it's not just Debra, but those who love her who are hurting. And Debra has suffered very much for a long time.

How do you handle people who get dangerously jealous of your happiness?

The first thing is to not let their insecurities get you down. You have a right to be successful and happy. You have the right to live a wonderful life and do whatever it is that makes you happy.My first piece of advice would be to distance yourself from this person. You don’t need people in your life who bring you down with toxic emotions such as jealousy. You deserve better.However, sometimes it’s not that simple and there are some people in our lives who are there to stay (namely, family). In this situation I would say be strong and know that you are better than their behaviour.Jealousy comes from someone who has low self-esteem and self-worth so, if you can try to empathize with them. In other words, remember that their jealousy is about them and not anything to do with you. By doing so you are seeing the vulnerabilities that they want to hide and seek to protect themselves from through their jealousy. This will make their behaviour less intimidating and hopefully less hurtful.You could also approach them and explain to them how their behaviour hurts and upsets you. Do this with kindness though, you’ll be surprised how effective connecting with someone in a genuine way can be. You never know, it may just stop their jealousy!Good luck :)

Why do some people just insult others for seemingly no reason?

nothing is for no reason...They could be insecure with themselves and feel better directing the attention to others....On the other hand they can be sooo full of themselves, they sincerely look down on others and feel compelled to comment..Some think it's funny..Some are not aware of the insults. Others do like to be the center of attention...but my life experience has taught me that most of these insult-mongors are just down right nasty people to be around and you should stay clear of them.

What are the signs that someone is jealous of you because of your looks?

I am going to leave off the "because of your looks" part and answer the question based on general signs of jealousy. The one thing I have noticed that all jealous people do is devalue whatever quality it is that they are jealous of. If they are jealous of your looks, they will mention how other people are "really beautiful." They will sometimes go so far as to specifically mention qualities of this "really beautiful" person that contrast with your qualities. For example, an attractive woman with “ethnic” looks will be compared to someone who is "really beautiful" that has blonde hair. If a woman is curvy, she will be compared to really beautiful women who are "fit."Additionally, jealous people almost never come right out with their insults. Jealous people will usually deliver their insults surreptitiously by talking about the praiseworthy qualities of someone they admire. As you listen to the jealous person’s praises of the other person, you will usually notice that the qualities that are being esteemed just so happen to be in direct contrast to your qualities. If you do confront the jealous person on this, they will be “shocked” and “hurt” that you would think this of them. Then, for the coup d’etat, they will label you as “paranoid” or “arrogant” for thinking that you are impressive enough to inspire jealousy.All in all, jealous people are just as maddening as they are transparent. My best suggestion is to avoid them when you can. Instead, surround yourself with people who want to help you to grow. Trust me, your mental health will be all the better for it.

Why do (some) people with degrees try to belittle people w/out them?

I don't know, it makes us feel good about ourselves. I used to be top set everything at my school, and I would say in class that we're in here because we're the best students in this school. When a new student would come in our class, I would say he should feel honoured and that he should be prepared to work hard. I said half jokingly if that makes any sense.

I always thought I would get into Cambridge university or oxford, and I really prided myself. I applied and they rejected me. I was angry and upset... I felt like they were belittling me and not giving me an opportunity. Now i've realised the school doesn't try to educate people. It's a place when the elite and superior can get ahead in life. George Bush isn't an idiot, but he wouldn't have gotten into harvard if his dad wasn't rich. If the school system really wanted to educate kids, they wouldn't separate them or give grades. They give grades based on the assumption that people are competitive by nature. But all it does it breed inequality and jealousy.

When I was rejected by universities, I fell into a depression. But it gave me a time to think. I've settled for bath university now and pursuing pharmacy. I can go anywhere in the world with this degree because pharmacists are in short supply. I've gotten over my ego-illness.

What should I do when someone belittle me?

Smile as if it were a joke. Because, honestly, that’s the most likely scenario. They just saw you do something great, and so they just TRIED to make a joke out of it, and get everyone to laugh so they become “the guy that makes people laugh although no one takes him seriously because he’s so insecure and makes jokes all the time.”It’s also the best reaction if they’re actually trying to make you feel bad. When their best insults make you smile in casual amusement, you stick a huge pin in their tiny balloon of hate.When people put you down, that’s a badge of honor showing how good you are it makes them crazy. They’re desperate. They’re reduced to TRYING to belittle someone in stead of just BE the better person.Like you are.What you SHOULD do is feel bad for them. Go along with whatever insult they just gave you, and pat their childish little pouting head in sympathy. They’re so flustered by your greatness, it’s a little sad. Let them have their little victory.You’ll know the truth.

Why do people enjoy judging and putting down or belittling other people?

Every living being, that can form a community, have this in common. Wolf packs too.Some people, really want to be on the top, they believe that they are powerful enough to lead, are take the top most position in this ladder. They probably are, these people are usually liked, popular and have a charismatic personality everyone is naturally inclined to follow and like this kind of person.Some, even if they are not all that powerful and dominant, have come up with an excuse for why they should be on the top.This is nothing but a motive to re-assert their social status, often born out of jealousy and greed, also has other roots.These people, they are willing to do anything to make themselves appear better than yourself, they usually Make the smallest of your mistakes a huge event. Try to prove others are wrong, even if its the mundane thing.Always try to assert their false status.Teasing, calling names and ill treatment comes along with it.Soon, they have this feeling of entitlement to their pseudo-position. As if they deserved it all this while, and the mind sees what it wants, everything to them seems to be the way they want it to be. Even if that is really not the thing.The other type is,Born out of Insecurities.These kind, they are aware of their own shortcomings, flaws and have simply accepted them as perfect. When they see another person, feeling comfortable in their skin, its a reflex to tear them down and make them feel miserable too. They find it easier to criticize and put someone down, rather than improve themselves to grow beyond themselves. They are stuck and afraid to change, and can't accept it if another person tries to change. Like everything else, this too becomes a reflex and a habit.