If Republicans Are Great At Economics Than Why Did The Recession Surface During Their Time In

Can "skeptics", unlike Republican Congressmen, at least admit that the planet is warming?

Congressional Democrats have tried to add a few science-related amendments to the Republican bill attempting to revoke the EPA's authority to regulate greenhouse gas emissions. One amendment from Waxman merely states that global warming is happening:

"Congress accepts the scientific finding of the Environmental Protection Agency that 'warming of the climate system is unequivocal, as is now evident from observations of increases in global average air and ocean temperatures, widespread melting of snow and ice, and rising global average sea level"

Every single Republican on the Energy and Commerce Committee (31) voted against this, and every other science-related amendment. They can't even acknowledge that the planet is warming.

Do global warming "skeptics" agree with this position? How do you feel about Congressional Republicans refusing to admit that the planet is warming?

Why don't Republicans support an increased minimum wage?

The truth of the matter is most capitalist Republicans would love if there was no minimum wage whatsoever. This is because they see themselves as the " God" ordained hierarchy the so called founding fathers bequeathed this all hallowed white country to. If they had their way for the most part they'd be able to pay certain individuals that they deem less than any wages they'd like. You see minimum wage is just 1 of a plethora of issues that involve what they perceive as giving to undeserving and even worse undesirables" At this very date Republicans still champion the virtues of" trickle down economics" and have done so for over 30 years. And you see where that's gotten the middle class and poor individuals even worse off. Raising minimum wage or even having a minimum wage would undoubtedly put a dent in the capitalist dreams of Republicans. Remember Republicans / conservatives are regressive in their thinking and generally want society back as it was 50years ago.

Will we see another recession during Trump’s presidency?

Realistically, yes, no matter what Trump’s policies do to the economy.The average time between recessions in the 20th century was about 6.5 years. We’re currently in year 8 or 9 of the expansion after the last recession. While trying to predict when a recession will happen is about as effective as trying to predict when you’re going to fall in love, statistically speaking, we’re overdue for another one, and were in 2017. Clinton would be facing the same problem coming by 2020 had she won the presidency.Where I have a serious problem with the Trump/Republican policies is that there really are only three ways you can combat a recession and lessen its impact. It’s the three fickle mistresses of what governments can do - spending, implementing policies that can influence interest rates, and cutting taxes. Chose one, and one of the others has to give. Most administrations use some form of all three to try to spread the pain.Cutting taxes to rev an economy at the end of an expansion is just stupid. At the moment, we really can’t cut taxes much more than where they are, mainly because the Boomers are retiring and entering the age bracket where Medicare costs rise. Let the Medicare and SS “trust funds” run dry and you’re facing the villagers with their pitchforks and torches in their hands. That means an eventual tax increase.Interest rates are rising, but can’t rise enough in the short term to have a major impact on a recession by cutting them back to where they are today in, say, 2019. If they do rise that far, that fast, it will tip the economy into recession.Let’s face it, with $21 trillion in debt and rising, the country isn’t going to love the idea of spending MORE.These guys (Trump and the Republicans) aren’t stupid. Ok, let me rephrase that.SOME of these guys aren’t stupid. They know the train wreck that they’re setting up for the economy during the next recession. THAT’S the reason that you’re seeing all the Republican retirements right now, NOT Trump being historically unpopular at this point of his administration.

Why didn't trickle down economics work?

trickle down economics does transfers all the wealth to the top..exactly as its designed to do

the fallacy is assuming republicans believe it helps the poor...They KNOW IT DOESNT WORK, they'll lying because it enriches them

Obama supporters what is the main thrust of the Obama economic plan. I don't want to go to the Obama site.?

When you have nothing and your looking for something Obama is your
man. When you wouldn't know what a captial gain tax is from a hot
dog then you need to vote for Obama. For it is to evident your going
to need care your entire life. In order to want to know the answers to
the points you have laid out, One must be aware of what these elements mean to our economy and its painfully clear none of these
folks so far do.

The con leading the blind.
There are about 5 of the group of answers that really know
what your talking about chief. Sorry not one bot or Obama