If Someone Calls An Ambulance For Me But I Do Not Accept Services Do I Have To Pay For It

If you call 911 for ambulance services, but don't get transported to a hospital, are you still charged for the ambulance arrival/patient care?

It depends upon your/the state’s law(s). And sometimes you are only charged for the millage. Or if they've treated you, so for like the equipment, etc.. So say this is the scenario (might not have happened for you, but I’ve come up with this one:)You’re having trouble breathing and/or you or someone you’re with calls 911 for AmbulanceAmbulance and EMS arriveThey initiate oxygen support and fluids and do vital signsYou start feeling better and breathing fine soon after #3 is doneThey ask to transport you to hospital, but you are refusingThe EMS personnel will try to get you to change your mind and explain the risks of you not being transported and treated at hospital(If you’re mentally competent, not under influence of drugs/ alcohol, of legal age, and is fully alert and oriented.) If you meet all of those (again, dependent upon state laws, you may refuse. But an Officer may be called to your location to witness the refusal and you signing off on the documents the EMT’s will give you.)They will probably ask one last time, and if “No” is still the present answer, then they will leave and you may not blame them if you start having issues again. Because you signed the refusal, an officer and EMT’s and a possible 3rd party will have witnessed it and dispatched it probably. Because huge liability for everyone is present, and your condition could worsen and have greater issues if this happens again.I know of course almost everyone is going to worry about costs and such, and that’s normal and means you’re concerned about financial. Maybe something else. But they are very costly.Anyways, it’s better to go when they offer to be on the safe side. Otherwise, have someone else drive you. The EMT’s or whoever else from 911 is on scene could help you call someone to come and drive you to hospital. But again, it’s better just to get checked out. Even if it means going to Urgent Care instead of ER and Ambulance.


Last week I was suffering from hallucinations and went to se my therapist the next day. We discussed it and he determined that I should see a doctor that day. I did not want to go to an emergency room so I went to an Urgent Care Center instead. The doctors there advised me to go to an emergency room to be checked out as my condition could be serious. I feel it is up to me if I wish to go or not go to an emergency room. I am afraid of hospitals.

Later on that day my therapist called me to find out what had happened with my Urgent Care appt. I told him that they ordered me to go to an emergency room. Still this is my choice. When I didn't agree with my therapust and refused to go on my own, he called an ambulance to my house. I could have walked to the emergency room if I wanted to go but now I am responsible for an ambulance bill to go about 10 blocks. I feel as though I should not be responsible for it because I did not request it. I am being told that whoever is being transported is the one responsible. I dont feel this is right.

I'd like to hear your opinions.


Must I pay for a $1,261 Ambulance Bill, if I was forced by police to take the ambulance?

I was arrested in front of my house for being under the influence of Magic Mushrooms.
I had dilated pupils and was sweating, and declaring my love for all life, including my neighbors and the police officers.

I was tazered, and then forced to take an ambulance to the hospital,
where the doctor took a blood sample from me to do a drug test, took a urine sample, gave me NO MEDICAL ATTENTION WHATSOEVER, and then I was released.

I stated that I did not want to take the ambulance, that I was not in any health danger, and that I did not need medical attention.
My declarations were dismissed as crazy-talk, since the police do not understand the extreme spiritual experience I was having from the mushrooms, and they said my behavior was "strange and crazy".

I have no money, tons of debt, and now a total of $2,000 to pay Kaiser for the ambulance as well as the emergency room (ambulance bill wasn't from Kaiser).

Is there any loophole or law that allows me to NOT PAY for the bill of the ambulance which NOT MYSELF NOR ANYBODY IN MY PARTY called for?
Must I pay for this forced "medical attention"? (They did NOTHING to medically aid me, besides drug test me to incriminate me).

Can someone please tell me weither i should ring an ambulance for really bad stomach pains?

I'd go to the doctor.

I disagree with the person saying if you can be on the computer it's not that bad...when my appendix ruptured, I was online half of the night assuming it was just a severe period.

Try a cab, ambulances cost a LOT. But get yourself checked out.

How much does it cost if I call an ambulance to my house?

In the U.S., it generally costs you nothing to call an ambulance and have them respond to your house. Most ambulance services only bill if they actually take you somewhere.So let's say, for example, you call 9–1–1 because you have asthma and you're having difficulty breathing. While you're waiting for the ambulance you find your long lost inhaler and use it and begin to feel better. When the ambulance crew arrives, they will check you out and offer to take you to the hospital. If you decide that it's not necessary to go because the inhaler seems to have fixed things, the crew will have you sign a refusal, leave and you will not be billed.

How can I get out of Paying an Ambulance Bill?

that is awful
You must appeal now ( it is a pity you left it so long )
Still ---- write that letter NOW
ask to be let off due to financial hardship,
and explain all the circumstances , then and now
send a copy,
To the ambulance service

to the collection agency .

and a social worker ( if you have one )

and a (free) solicitor / attorney

if you fail and they still want you to pay

you will have to pay, a s much as you can afford,
each month
( still keeping sufficient living expenses )
If you offer a small sum regularily ,
they will have to accept it , gladly----
unless they are fools .
( you cant get blood out of a stone )
= if you haven't got it , neither will they get it .

Good luck
i do hope it gets sorted well for you
