If Someone Has A Dream About Living A Happy Life With Their Significant Other What Does That Mean

What does living a dream life mean for you?

Honestly, I’m not sure anyone can truly live a dream life. It seems as though, even people who ‘have it all’ (i.e. money, career, house, status, etc.) are always seeking more things to fulfill their lives and reach the ultimate dream life.Whether it is money, friends, family, housing, career, status, or society’s perception of thereof, I believe people will always look for more and try to obtain it.However, for the purposes of answering this question I will try to answer it from my perspective. For our family, stability would be a great step towards to a dream life. Stability includes income, health, mental health, career, academics, family, friends, and status. However, one thing that is very important to us, and we are striving towards, is to live our lives with less worry.We understand that there will always be some level of worry in our lives, but right now worrying about finances, health, mental health, careers, academics, family dynamics, etc. is all contributing to a less than dreamy life. So, having stability in all areas of life would definitely contribute to a dream life.

What does it mean if you dream about someone dying?

There are two dream symbols: death and someone.Dreams about death only indicate that something or a situation ends. Often dreams about death are connected to another ‘dream symbol’ such as a rising sun. This symbol is missing. It is therefore incorrect to say death is about a transition, as in this case it is only about an ending.If you want to know what the dream means, it is important to know who that someone is. It may be about a real person, but may as well be about what that person represents.For instance, if your mother dies in your dreams, then it often is a dream that signifies that a period of caring has ended and that it affects you emotionally.Nevertheless, it may just as well mean that your mother died and that you miss her presence. Dreams are often indirect, so people who die in your dreams often haven't died at all (nor will predict death). It is what they represented that died - their characteristics (and its influence) which you previously experienced has currently ended.

What does it mean to see someone who is alive to be dead in dreams?

I am answering this question on the bases of the knowledge gained from the many old people's sayings so I will be just conveying whatever I heard from them and it depends on you if you want to believe or not it's up to you only.According to many people with whom I came into interaction with this kind of discussions almost every one of them told that if one had seen the death of someone who is alive than it is considered as a good sign.Some of them claimed that it extends the life of that particular person. Some people say that it's going to be the beginning of good times of that person all his/her problems or struggles are going to end & it's starting time of gaining all results, fruits or profit of hard times.I hope I answered this question well up to the extent of my knowledge.@Milind Audichya (मिलिंद औदिच्य)

When someone has a deam about you dying, does that mean that you're going to live a longer life?

I do not like making interpretations. Nobody is qualified to say the meaning, but if one has a dream he must say:

" allahuma iny as'aluka khaira hathihy al rou'ya wa a outhu bika min shariha"

which means: God I ask you the goodness of this dream and seek refuge from the bad.

What does it mean to live a simple life?

I am a new minimalist. From my point of view, living a simple life means you don't have too much ambition, desire or greed. In Taoism, nothing is the best. In daily life, you don't need to be jealous about what others have such as big house or lux cars. The only thing you need to care about is to be yourself and live your own happy life.In addition, living a simple life also means you don't need to addict to items or products. If it is not necessary, please think twice before you buy anything.  For instance, XX brand jeans 50% off, now only $19.99. You may think that is a good deal, you can save half of the price and that is a good chance. However, do you really need that pair of jeans? The pants you have now are enough, don't you? Do you have one pair has the similar color or cut already? Rethink these questions before buying anything can avoid you from unreasonable purchase.Please don't misunderstand my opinion. I didn't mean we couldn't buy anything or we should live like a homeless. If you think twice and you still need something, then go and buy it even it has no deal. Make 100% usage of that or you are wasting of money. For instance, you think XX brand handbag is useful to you, you can buy it at high price without any discounts and use it as often as possible. Don't put it in your closet and think that is too much for me.