If Someone Has An Abortion Is There Any Way

Why do people think abortion is wrong if someone was raped?

They don't consider the other persons feelings and are selfish. I do think it's wrong to tell someone who was raped they have to keep their baby. You weren't raped you don't know how it felt. So why don't you stay out of their business?

When someone has an abortion is there a soul that goes somewhere?

When someone has an abortion in the first trimester does the fetus have a soul? I heard psychic Sylvia Browne say that the fetus would not get their soul until the time of birth coming into the world alive. So if you abort the fetus is there not a soul????I am trying to find out as I had an abortion years ago but the horror of what I did just hit me yesterday for some reason. I went on the internet to look at pictures of aborted fetuses and I now hate myself and can't believe I did that. The guilt is killing me. I am trying to find my way back to christ as I have been away from him for a long time and was fascinated with psychic stuff and paranormal stuff. Please pray that I find my way back to him and yes I know that I am horrible for what I did to that baby so you don't have to tell me, I know.

Abortion Analogy?

Arguements against abortion state that it is wrong for the mother to end the pregnancy because there is a living person that needs her support in order to live. What if woke up in the morning after a night of partying and saw that someone against your will connected you to themself for around the clock kidney dialysis? In this situation you are connected around the clock and if you become unnconected the other person will die. Also you will have to be connected for nine months, and being connected for this period of time will almost certainly kill you at the end. Do you have the right in this situation to end the connection? And if you do does that right translate into a women's right to end her pregnancy in cases of rape or danger to herself?

How to tell if someone had a abortion?

Remember, however, that an 'abortion' is a medical procedure (Dilation and curettage) that can be done for several reasons, not solely to kill a living fetus. The same procedure is used to clear a deceased fetus, uterine scarring, or endometriosis (excessive build-up of uterine lining). Consider these possibilities before jumping to conclusions.

I had a D & C in January after a pregnancy loss at 10 weeks. I had very few symptoms afterward, except my cervix was tender for a day or so, and I was groggy from the anesthesia for a few days (this was my first operation). I had little bleeding.

The only thing my husband saw as different were the medical bills, they just kept coming! Those should be confidential, but if she's on your insurance, you'll at least see an increase in bills.

How to know if a woman did abortion before?

Exammine her body?

If you are a trained professional then yes, you can usually tell if a women has had a baby upon exammination, it's pretty easy, but a lay person generally would not be able to tell for sure. Except of she has a c-section scar! That would make it obvious.

As for an abortion, that's pretty difficult. A full internal exammination by a doctor might reveal something, but maybe not. Again, a lay person would have no clue.

What's the big deal? Here's how to find out: just ask her.

How can I find out if my wife had an abortion?

Ask her.It is something I would want to know for several reasons.Firstly, being 100% Pro-Life, I think we would be very much at odds with each other, and it would never work out, as I regularly call women that have had an abortion what they are; murderers. Abortion does not make her unpregnant, but the mother of a child she murdered.Second, even if she were Pro-Life and had an abortion when she was young, due to a rape or something, not a valid excuse, and I accepted her anyway, abortion leaves behind physical and emotional trauma. She may not be able to conceive again, which is important as I would like children of my own. As many as 20% of women have difficulty conceiving after abortion. I'm not sure that I would be properly equipped to deal with the emotional trauma from both the rape or guilt of the abortion, but I would be willing to be as supportive and understanding as I am able, something she would need to understand and respect.Third, as it is something that would be asked of anyone I would seriously date, it is something that if she lied to me, and I ever found out, I would leave her immediately and obtain an annulment. There is no excuse for lying, especially about something that serious.Fourth, I would want to be sure that she has completed the necessary counseling, reconciliation and penance, such that if we were to marry, that we may have the opportunity to be rejoined in Heaven. As a practical Catholic, I would expect my soulmate to share my faith or similar.

Can a doctor tell if you had an abortion in the past if you don't tell it to him?

Can a doctor tell if you had an abortion in the past if you don't tell them about it?Not necessarily.If you had an abortion late in pregnancy to the point your cervix changed, your uterus became a little larger, or you have stretch marks and you claim you’ve never had a child, then the physician will probably pick this up.It also depends on the physician who is asking—if it’s an ob/gyn, it’s more likely s/he will pick up the body changes described above. If it’s a doctor who doesn’t have you disrobe or do a pelvic exam on you, they probably won’t ever be able to tell if you don’t disclose this information (either by talking with them about it or releasing medical records to them that contained this information—assuming they read it).There is absolutely nothing to be ashamed about having an abortion, in the context of disclosing to your physician. This is merely information which will help you get the best medical care as possible. I echo another answer which stated: if you think this physician is treating you poorly (including showing distaste for you) because of an abortion, get a better trained one. We’re out there.

Can a doctor find out that you have had an abortion in the past?

That depends. The opening to the cervix in someone who has never had children or an abortion tends to be round and scar free. This changes after childbirth and sometimes after an abortion. If the abortion is done in the early stages of pregnancy by the use of medication, the changes to the cervix are minimal and difficult to detect. If the abortion is done surgically, the doctor may see signs that the cervix has dilated in the past. There also may be some scarring if the person performing the procedure wasn’t skilled. And honestly, scarring may occur even if the surgeon is skilled.That said, it is difficult to provide the best care for a patient when they aren’t willing to share the health issues and procedures they have experienced in the past. Unless admitting to the abortion places you at risk (and it may in countries where abortion is illegal or women do not have the right to confidential conversations with their health care provider), I encourage you to be candid with your doctor about your past gynecological procedures.