If Someone Has Left Me On

If someone has left me on "seen" on Facebook, how long should I wait till I message them again (or not at all)?

I don't know.... this guy kind of expressed interest in me and stuff and he said he thought about asking me to our 8th grade prom (when we were talking about who he wanted to ask)..

But I also sent him some dress ideas for our prom and asked him if they would fit me, and he even chose some for me. We had this whole convo haha. But that was a while ago and just yesterday, I messaged him saying "I just found my dress for prom, although I don't think you really care xD but I'll keep you curious, so you have to go to prom to see me in it ;P"

Yeah, I know... My message was a tragic attempt at being flirty but I was feeling just a bit spontaneous. :)

He saw it yesterday at about 10 p.m and I know he went on today, because he commented on some posts....

I don't even know what to do. Should I write something again? Just not write anything? What would you have done?


What does it mean if someone says "you left me for dead"?

you abandoned them or didn't help them

My boyfriend has left me for someone else? baby involved..?

im 18, my (ex) boyfriend is 19
i got pregnant on birth control last october, but we decided to keep it seeing as he said he would stick by me. Well, 4 months down the line, we have an argument & he finishes with me, then ever since its been on and off.
He says he hates me, and treats me like im nothing all the time, yet when we see each other for appointments etc we always end up getting back together because all his feelings come back then we last a couple of weeks until we're back off again..
This time, we split up about a week ago and hes been talking to this 15 year old who he now likes after a week of speaking to her. This hasnt happened before so i don't really know what to do..
Hes still telling me over the phone he hates me and wants to be with this new girl, but wont know for sure how he feels about me until he see's me again which will be wednesday for an appointment & its just going to happen all over again :( its like i get my hopes up, then when it crashes i have to bring myself up all over again because im in love with him, so i just let him walk all over me.
Ive been debating whether to put him on the birth certificate because he really isnt that bothered about his son but says if i dont put him on it, he wants nothing to do with him which leaves me by myself, but if i do then hes going to have to be around that girl (if they get together), his friends who threatened to stab me & all of them smoking weed which, he's only just started doing.
I really need some advice, because my head is all over the place right now.
Im thinking of just leaving them too it, deleting everything to do with him to help me move on from him and then leaves him to make the effort if hes really bothered, because right now im trying so hard to get him involved in everything and trying to get him to grow up when i know i cant & im just getting hurt now..
Im due in 12 weeks and im just scared to death about how everything is going to turn out :(

How can I tell if someone has left me hypnotised on purpose so other people can benefit from it to gain control of my mind?

I’m afraid this happens all the time on a daily basis. It’s called advertising. Depending on how you feel, or your preferences, or your belief system and many, many other factors you are susceptible to the advertising machine.If, on the other hand, an individual hypnotised you once to gain something or for other people to gain something without your permission then it would probably wear off fairly rapidly, especially if it was against your desires, wishes or ethos.If you do feel that you have been hypnotised without your knowledge then you could go to a hypnotherapist who specialises in Themis are for help.

Im confused? my husband left me for someone else,he continues to call and want to see me behind her back y?

This man has some very big issues and is an emotional abuser and is messing around with your feelings.
I would not allow him to discuss anything with me unless it was about our child and that would be the end of it.
No matter what you think you may feel for him you know it isn't good and you cannot change what you feel until you change the way you are thinking about things.
He is a narcissist and only cares about himself and makes up lies to get attention so others will feel sorry for him.
If you want to expose the real him to everybody I would tape record the next visit from him and get him talking only to send everyone a copy of what you are dealing with.

How can I know if someone has blocked me on Hike?

I only added the question and i have found out a answering... Note the current free sms balance left in ur hike account... then just send a free offline msg to the account that u are doubtful of getting blocked by...  hike will display that msg has been sent... but if u r blocked the msg hasnt actually been sent... so just go again and check ur free sms counts left... if u r blocked the number of offline msgs left will remain same...  and thus u can be sure that u have been blocked.Hope this helps...Thank you!

How do you check if someone you have blocked has tried to call you on an iPhone 5?

The only way your going to find out is if they’ve left you a voicemail. Hop into to your voicemails, scroll to the very bottom and select blocked messages and you’ll see if the blocked person has left you a voicemail. That’s it, if you’ve blocked them there is a reason right ? Blocked means blocked … but I can say I have blocked someone and I’ll check there and I’ll see the 50 blocked spam voicemails (scam numbers) and then a message or 2 from the person (ex-friend / girlfriend I blocked) or 10 if they are crazy and don’t get that I’ve blocked them….this is article should shed some light

If someone won't remove their car from your property, what can you do with it?

You can have it towed at his expense. Call a company and ask them to tow it off of your property. They will do it at his expense. And they will charge a daily storage fee until he decides to pay to recover it.

***EDIT*** I was slightly off. For private property, not a business you have to notify the police first and they will take care of it. I was thinking of the time I was a manager of a business.