If Someone Tells You That An Animal Smells

How to tell someone they smell like cat pee?

Because its not a friend, I'd say yes, mind your own business. You're not in a place to give constructive criticism, and if you do so, it'll probably only make her angry, not change her behavior. If you're truly concerned, I'd mention it to one of her friends, if you know any. Though its possible they've already brought it up and she still doesn't care.

As to the child, sometimes people treat their children differently than themselves. Though she may go around dirty and stinking, she may do her best to make sure the child doesn't. If there was an issue with the child's hygiene, the school would likely be on it.

Can animals smell illness?

Yes, I know someone who had a dog that would just sit and bark at her stomach...turned out that she had stomach cancer. Even small things...I had a massive tooth infection and my cat would insist on curling up on my shoulder with his head against my cheek. As soon as I got it taken care of, he stopped. Some times animals just act a little goofy but if you feel as though you should get a check up, go for it. People should have them from time to time anyways right? Good luck!

How do you politely tell someone that their house smells like cat urine?

Force a smile on your face and say " Wow ...Though your house smells like cat's urine its little better than Mr.Smith's house which smells like Cat's fart "

If someone's house smells, should you tell them?

I can't avoid going there. Sometimes I have to 'eek' sleep over, and the beds smell like pee. even after being there for 3 hours, i'll have to wash everything I brought. I don't think I should be the person to say it. I've talked with some family, and they say they know, it's horrid, and they don't know what to do.
With friends like that, I just don't go over.
My moms house used to smell like catbox, so I flat out told her. She said thanks, cleaned it up, and it's better.
But with people I don't know, I can't just say 'your house smells like pee, and it's hard to breathe'

What causes your cat to smell like a dead animal?

Although I am not a vet, I strongly suspect that your cat smells bad because it has an infection somewhere. It may be in the gums and/or teeth and even up into the sinuses; if so, the cat's breath can be horrible (plus he will drop weight because it hurts tt much to eat). Discharge from the eyes or ears can also smell putrid. There also may be an abnormal growth or tumor deeper down in the digestive tract, or respiratory tract or elsewhere, which (cancer-like) is causing organ decay, which stinks. Or there may be a bite wound that has abscessed and filled with pus that you can't see but which reeks. There may be a foreign body like a thorn which over time has become embedded in the flesh and is essentially decomposing. There may be a rotting growth inside the cat's rear end which gives off a toxic discharge every time the cat urinates or defecates. There may be some parasite borrowed way deep through the skin. (Think of the poor animals with cruelly embedded collars and the many layers the decomp goes through and how bad the infection smells.) In any event the body is full of hiding places for abnormalities, and your vet can detect the source with the proper labs. Please don't go the internet-home-remedy route on this. Treat your cat as a possibly suffering and dying person and get him to the vet. Be prepared to tell the vet how long the cat has smelled this way; it could make a difference, to example, if it is dietary. You may have been given a blessing by virtue of the fact that your cat stinks…Maybe it is still early enough to do something about it. In any event, your vet can tell you whether your cat is in pain, and whatever the cause, you would need to handle that. Good luck.

How do you TACTFULLY tell someone that their house smells terrible?

Say, "Damn it's not the smell it's the burning of my eyes, Jesus Christ what died in here"? That should do it Oh crap wait this is etiquette hang on...

How about, "I say old boy, it is a bit musty in here, is it not?'

How do animals smell fear in humans?

I think a lot of it depends on our body language more than actual smells. If an animal is questioning what to make of you, try and stay calm. Keep your hands relaxed, at your sides. Make no gestures toward the animal, and do not look the animal in the eyes. These actions can be interpreted as a threat. If you are going to move move only away from the animal. But do it slowly and as calmly as possible. No jerking movements. If the animal is already taking an aggressive stance, back away calmly while facing the animal . again do not stare the animal in the eyes while doing this. Most of the time if an animal is going to attack, it will be immediate. If you have the time to wonder if the animal smells your fear or not, the odds are the animal is not dedicated to an attack. Most animals see and hear humans coming long before the person is aware of the animals presence. So if you come to an encounter the odds are you can walk away unharmed if you take the correct actions. Not to mention there are very few animals who's first reaction to seeing a human isn't to feel fear themselves. So most of the time animals are so scared when they see the unmistaken bipedal stance of a human approching, the last thing they care about is weather or not WE are scared of them.

Can vultures tell if someone is dying?

It is a myth that vultures will circle dying animals waiting to feed. These birds are powerful fliers and will soar on thermals while they look for food, but when they locate a carcass, they will approach it quickly to begin feeding before other predators find it.While they eat mostly dead animals, they are capable of attacking and will often prey on extremely sick, wounded or infirm prey, especially if food has been scarce and there are no carcasses nearby  Vultures are carnivorous and eat carrion almost exclusively. They prefer fresh meat but are able to consume carcasses that may have rotted so much as to be dangerous for other animals. This gives vultures a unique and important ecological niche because they help prevent the spread of diseases from old rotting corpses. Vultures have excellent senses of sight and smell to help them locate food, and they can find a dead animal from a mile or more away. Because of this, vultures often have large territories and will spend a lot of time soaring to locate their next meal.

Can somebody tell me why my cat loves the smell of bengay and sometimes wants to lick it?????

If you've ever taken a whiff of catnip yourself, you'll notice it's a minty smell. Take that and imagine the smell 20x more noticable and you have yourself a tube of Bengay.