If Someone Took Sleeping Pills In A Bathtub Would They Drown

If someone was to take several sleeping pills, then get in a bath, what is the possibility of drowning?

Holy crap, man, that's a lot of sleeping pills! Just in case this isn't based out of curiosity, and rather a bad case of insomnia, I'd like to as you this - Have you considered maybe just using benydryl, or even better - melatonin (it's definitely worked for me, though you do build up a tolerance to it and have to sorta do some time on it, some time off)? I mean, it IS something your body produces naturally when it's time to go to bed. The amount of sleeping pills you're talking about would probably cause an overdose, in which drowning would be irrelevant.

As far as answering your question, I'd say that depends on the water level and how deep your bathtub is. Also your height. If you have your feet braced against the far end of the tub, and it's a standard bathtub, I doubt you'd run the risk of drowning. However, some of the newer jacuzzi tubs would be a higher risk, as they can hold more water and are larger - not to mention deeper.

Any more than 2 sleeping pills should be MORE than enough - you don't want to overdose, after all. On a second note, the pills tend to take a while to kick in, and once you start getting drowsy you should probably just get out of the tub, dry off, and snuggle into bed.

That's just my two cents, however.

Will I drown painlessly if I take sleeping pills in my bath?

No No no no no! OTC sleeping pills are not strong enough to knock you out. Bathtub not a good idea either, halfway drowned human likely to suffer stroke like symptoms from oxygen deprived brain damage.Worst thing about a half-assed suicide attempt is that you'll never get another chance. You may end up paralyzed or worse, locked up in psych center.When a people are really down & out they don't have the luxury of www forums or even a bathtub with privacy.If you have all the stuff to Post on Quora and a private bathtub & money to shop for OTC sleeping pills, you're not ready for suicide.Wait a few years more and if you're really serious search for the Hemlock Society. There are lots of Right to Die groups that can give you much better (painless & clean) ways to end your life. Overdose sucks unless you have proper medical advice.Dr Kervorkian, MD search his name on web.

If you take sleeping pills andget into a bathtub will you drown peacefully?

first things first. I DO NOT WANT NOR HAVE ANY REASON TO COMMIT SUICIDE. My brother told me he did this last night cuz he has terrible insomnia and thought the warm water cold help him get sleepy-er before going to bed. I got kinda curious and scared so yea.

My question is if you take sleeping pills and pass out in a bathtub will you drown? And would it cause any pain or would it be like surgery effect where you feel nothing?

Can One Drown in Tub After Taking Sleeping Pills?


Please reply only if you are offering pertinent information, as I am already well aware of suicide resources and have several caring people to talk with. Now, I am wondering about the feasibility of one drowning in a bathtub through falling into a deep sleep courtesy of sleeping pills, likely some solid number of sleeping pills of a moderate strength. I read that the body's fight-or-flight instinct is quite strong and that under normal circumstances one would probably wake up to cough up water, but if one were in a deep stupor might this instinct be overpowered? The idea, of course, would be to avoid the pain of suffocation by rendering oneself unconscious prior to the actual drowning.


Is it possible to drown after taking sleeping pills?

Absolutely.... People take sleeping pills in the tub and drown. Just like taking sleeping medication while driving.. You fall asleep. Says on the bottle "don't operate heavy machinery or drive while taking this"

Can you drown from falling asleep in your tub?

I had the flu and it seemed the only way i could get any rest was to fill up my tub about to my shoulders with warm water. My husband freaked when he saw me and said that i could drown that way. I was always of the impression that it was never a deep sleep and that you would still be aware if your head slipped below the water. is this true?

Will taking sleeping pills before drown yourself in a bathtub effective for suicide?

Disgregard the previous answer. That guy clearly didnt even read the question right. Answer is: Yes, taking sleeping pills and then drowning yourself is very effective. Its pain-free, quite easy and cheap.

If you fell asleep in the bath tub after taking sleeping pills, would you drown?

Unless u were heavily sedated u don't think so. the human body is amazing and just like how u swat mosquitos off ur face at night or move your husbands arm from your face I think you would react and prevent yourself from drowning.

What will happen if you took sleeping pills and...?

The warm water will help your blood flow increasing circulation however it takes a specific amount of time for the pills to break up and enter your system, normally no faster than 15 minutes.
If the pills are strong enough for you to fall into a deep sleep and you slide down there's a good chance you could drown. I've done it myself and am still here to answer your question but I wouldn't suggest it simply for your personal safety.