If Someone Was Born Without Emotions What Would That Person Do

Can a person be born without an emotion?

Mosft often, a person isn't born without emotion, they end up burning it out due to abuse or neglect,

However, there are cases in which people are not only born unable to feel emotion, but others are born feeling an excess of emotion, and still others are born with their emotions "crossed".

The worst of those with emotional disabilities are sociopaths, who not only fake most of their emotions, but lack a conscience as well.

Are there people out there who are born without emotion?

I know there are those born without immune systems, pain sensors, etc. But, does anyone know if someones out there who doesn't have an emotional system? Or, something close to that idea?

Can a person be born without empathy?

Yes. Research has indicated a sort of "emotional intelligence." This is a person's empathy ability, broadly speaking. Individuals vary on this...some people hare highly sensitive to other people's feelings and thoughts, and others are not. I'm sure the family you are thinking about has SOME degree of empathy, just not a lot.

Also, research has shown that the area of the brain in charge of empathy does not activate in the brains of psychopaths, when presented with a situation requiring empathy. So, yes, people CAN be born without empathy.

I was born without emotions or personality and I consciously "feel" as though I'm missing out on what feelings are like I cannot feel empathy life is so amazing but I don't have the emotional package that comes with life?

I am going to give you the answer that you need. Please do not even listen to anybody that says differently!!! The reason l know the answer is because l have felt the way you feel before. l felt dead inside and began to just not care. l turned to witchcraft, and l made a brass pentegram, and wore it.l read 2 books on witchcraft, and began to try practicing it. life only got worse, and l felt cold and lost. You see l had fallen away from God!!! l began to realize that, l felt dead inside because l had turned away from God, and His Spirit will not dwell in an unclean vessel. I realized that l needed to repent and cry out to God for forgiveness, and l did!!! l knew right away that The Holy Ghost was living in me again, and l felt alive!!! l now serve the Living God, and l walk with Him! That is LIFE IN THE FULLNESS OFGOD!!! You may not have been raised in a home, that taught you about Jesus Christ. l was taught about the gospel, but l strayed from the golden, rightious path. Son, YOU NEED JESUS IN YOUR LIFE!!! That is the cure for what’s wrong in your life. Please get yourself a Bible, preferably a New King James with large print,because it is easy to read. l challenge you to do this, and l am going to tell you how you are going to know it is true. You will feel alive and on fire for THE WORD OF GOD, then watch out, you will be attacked left and right by unbelievers,who are motivated by Satan himself and his demons.That is when you will know that, l am telling you the truth. You can rebuke the devil inTHE NAME OF JESUS, if you are firmly rooted in His Word. You can have eternal life, and joy in your heart!!! l have been through hell in this life, but l know l can push through mountains of trouble with Holy Ghost power. l am an old man, but l am alert and happy in the Lord. l still play my les paul guitar, and play for Jesus. l can still jam with power and speed,because l have a purpose in Life!!! l am SPEAKING THE TRUTH!!! Again l challenge you to give The Lord JESUS a chance. l truly care and l can empathise with you, because l have been there.MAY GOD BLESS YOU!!!

Could a person be born without the ability to fall in love?

Love is a feeling, an emotion, a concept created by Man.
Certainly, somebody born with a malformation in the brain may cause him/her to not feel emotions, thus the person would be incapable of love. A mentally challenged person may not understand or recognize the concept either. "Love" isn't something our instinct was programmed to do. Nature, and our instinct tends towards procreation and the continuation of the species. It wants us to procreate, then move on to procreate again, with someone else, to diversify the gene pool. Love is kind of against the human instinct, and that's why there is a rather big possibility certain people can't, or choose not to love. (Also maybe why there are so many divorces)

Maternal/parental attachment is not love. It's just instinctual affection. (if you mother didn't have it, she wouldn't give a sh*t about you, and you would've died after birth)

What would happen if a Human were born without consciousness, and is that even possible?

It is difficult to determine which creatures are self-aware. Domesticated animals, especially pets seem to have this property. They seek companionship with each other and with nurturing humans. When they observe the suffering of another, they seem to have an appropriate emotional reaction. They will care for the very young even of different species. However, some people will dismiss these behaviors, regarding them as merely instinctive.Many animals seem to recognize themselves in a mirror. Studies have observed that after a certain age children viewing themselves in a mirror will reach up and touch a mark placed on their forehead. It would seem that with sufficient neurological development self-awareness is possible. All creatures are capable of learning from their experiences, enabling them to anticipate predators, nourishment and mates, suggesting consciousness.What may distinguish humans from other animals is the creation of ego, a mental image of self. Without a conscious recognition of one’s identity and its place in creation, behavior will be solely directed by instinct and habit. However, such mindlessness is unlikely to be total in humans. What may be unknowable is whether consciousness can exist without biological mechanisms or may be a transcendent quality that came from and returns to a cosmic consciousness.