If The Devil Is Bad Why Is He An Angle

A riddle involving an angel and a devil.?

You are approaching a fork in the road. One road leads to heaven and the other leads to hell.
Two ominous figures stand at the intersection. One is the devil and the other is an angel. Because they are disguised you cannot tell them apart.
The angel will always tell the truth
The devil will always lie.
What ONE QUESTION should you ask one of the two individuals in order to assure yourself of continuing on the road to heaven?

Angel or Devil for Halloween?

So for halloween I can't decide what to be for halloween a devil or angel it has to be kinda cute and sexy cause going out with friends and a guy I like! WHich is better and websites would be great!

If Lucifer is evil, why is he called Lucifer (the light bringer or the light bearer)? Do Christians consider knowledge (light) to be evil?

Lucifer is the Prometheus of Christian mythology. In both cases you have some member of the heavenly realm bringing mankind the spark of understanding. Prometheus brought fire, which symbolizes knowledge; Lucifer led Eve to the tree of knowledge. The ‘light’ in ‘Light Bearer’ is the light of understanding, the essence that separates humans from animals and makes them closer to god or the gods.I do not know of any mythology in which this act — of giving humans understanding — made god(s) happy. It seems to be a cross-cultural universal that the act of giving humankind true understanding is an act of rebellion or treachery against god-kind. On an archetypal level that universality is (as Mr. Spock might say) fascinating…Neither Christians nor anyone else considers knowledge to be evil. The opposite is true: knowledge is divine, it is a property of the gods, and any problems that arise with it arise because that divine quality has been given to human beings, who have a difficult time wielding it correctly. It is on us to learn how to use that gift better.

How do you view death/the angel of death?

i was reading on wikipedia about the angel of death and it seems islam, judasm, and christanity all have very differnt views. chirstans saw him/her as a agent of the devil, jews saw him/her as a angery devine angel, and ther was not enough for me to get a view of um what do you think about death?

Why is Satan regarded as evil incarnate if he was once "good" enough to be an angel?

If I told you that you have a completely wrong understanding of what Satan is and isn't what would you say?Here's a little info for youWhat is Satan?  First off we need to understand what the biblical Satan is. Satan is a transliteration of a Hebrew word and is not an English word. What does the word Satan mean? Adversary or opponent  Satan in the Bible is used of God himself (compare 1st Chronicles 21 vs 1 and 2nd Samuel 24 vs 1 ) in one it says God stood up against Israel and in the other it's says Satan stood up against Israel , and both refer to the same incidents in king David's reign.  Is used of angels see numbers 22 vs 22 and vs 32 *[[Num 22:22]] KJ2000* And God's anger was kindled because he went: and the angel of the LORD stood in the way as an adversary (Satan)against him.  *[[Num 22:32]] KJ2000* And the angel of the LORD said unto him, Why have you struck your donkey these three times? behold, I went out to withstand (Satan) you, because your way is perverse before me:And is used of men for example Jesus calls Peter satan.Satan is a title not a name .Here's some links to help you out moreDevil linkshttp://www.bibletruthrestored.or...http://www.bibletruthrestored.or...http://www.bibletruthrestored.or...

If god and the devil had a fight, who would win?

In a boxing match: God by DQ
In a wrestling match (Hell in a Cell): God
In a movie: God
In a rap battle: The Devil

So, 3-1 to God.

If the devil repented, would God forgive him? Why or why not?

Of course... However you must understand the fundamental difference from when angels sin and when humans sin. Angels have seen God is as much majesty as is possible since before the universe. They also existed in more dimensions then we have which makes traveling through time as easy as we walk around a room. They have interacted with God without anyone running interference on their personal relationship with God is a way we can not completely understand. What I am, in essence, saying is. They had all the knowledge they ever needed to know the full weight of the consequences they would have before they make any and ALL decisions.  Knowing what they know, they believe that rebelling would work in their best interest and they do not wish to repent, for that would be tantamount as to saying I did not know what I was doing. Which they can't claim truthfully, they knew God and rejected Him. Humans on the other hand... Don'tKnowthe Depthsof TheirOwnIne/aptitude. Notice how I didn't say stupidity. Knowledge is easy to attain, however we can't even correctly process the data unless it hurts us in some way. That is one of the reason, I believe God allows us repentance. We as children, are unaware of the way the world (or should I say existence) works both at the macro and micro levels. We at one point could sense there is more to this life than what we are being told. However depending on ur environment, you either didn't like what you were told and shunned it, noticed it made sense and investigated it or misread the detail and blame whatever you can for the discrepancies. God knew, so is the pursuit of truth. Knowing all this, God forgives because there is something God wants you to attain. What THAT is, will literally take the rest of your life to answer.

What do you mean by "Known devil is better than unknown angel?"

Well to answer this question, let me quote an example- Suppose a child is afraid of something or he/she is having a phobia of something ,then he will try his best not to encounter his phobia ever.And hence he is very well aware of the things and the situations that may become the very reason of his phobia coming true.So he will try all the circumstances that he can. Kids generally trust their friends blindly and now suppose his friend tends to become the reason of his darkness whom he considered to be a true friend.HENCE IT IS SAID “KNOWN DEVIL IS BETTER THAN UNKNOWN ANGEL”

What does the phrase "better the devil I know than the angels I don't" mean?

It's a metaphor.Devils are creatures you don't want to cross roads (encounter) with, and angels the…well, angelic beings beloved by everyone.But if you are familiar with a devil and not so with the angel, you might want to think twice before you engage with the angel—not every angel is the same, and the known is always safer than the unknown.In some context, it can have the same meaning as “know thy enemy”, but only when you view what you face (devil/angel) as enemies.