If Violent Organizations Have A Distorted View Of Islam Then Who Decides Which Is The Correct

Why don't Americans pay equal attention to Christian terrorists at home as they do to Islamic terrorists abroad?

In fact, it is not just Islamic terror that is over-reported, it is all religiously-motivated violence. Most people do not even realize that the vast majority of terror attacks are politically motivated, not religious.Anything that could be called "Christian terrorism" is almost non-existent in the USA, and even more so in the world at large, as Sam Morningstar's answer  showsThe vast majority of terror attacks are not even religious. An FBI report shows that only a small percentage of terrorist attacks carried out on U.S. soil between 1980 and 2005 were perpetrated by Muslims, and Christians do not even register in these statistics.Princeton University’s Loon Watch compiled the following chart from the FBI’s data:If we listen to the news, we get the distinct impression that most terrorism has some  religious motivation, when that is far from true. When we consider the skewed view that the media has given us of religiously-motivated violence, we can see why much of the world has come to despise organized religion. But much of this hate is based on a lie, since the vast majority of terrorism is non-religious in nature in the EU as well.Humans world-wide have somehow been getting a very distorted view of people of faith. The fact is that religiously-motivated violence is nowhere near the problem we've been led to believe.I do not have any sympathy for the Islamic State and the horrible and indefensible acts they have been committing. But how about we start getting a more accurate picture of people of faith worldwide and start realizing that religion overall is not the horrible monster that people are being led to believe.

Why does ISIS distort the image of Islam?

With due respect, the Islamic state does not distort the image of Islam.The Islamic state is very careful to quote the Koran and Hadiths as justification for all its deeds.Their recruitment method is to tell Muslims everywhere basically “Look, see, this is the verse quoted directly from the Koran. Why are your parents not following this? Why are you not following this? You are not being a good follower of the religion if you do not.”Their actions and words are justified by them using the Koran or the Hadiths (the list of sayings of the prophet Muhammad pbuh) or the Sirah (the life of the prophet Muhammad pbuh).The Koran, Hadiths and Sirah not distort the image of Islam

Why is terrorism so frequently associated with Islam?

It's just view of the world. Anyway-Just think of the first world war. Was it the fault of Muslims?What's about WWII? Obviously not Muslims.Who killed Native Americans?Who did use African peoples as slave & killed them, threw them in the Atlantic?Who are killing innocent children in the name of the war on terror?Who is damaging houses in Iraq, Libya, Palestine & killing people?Who is sending drones & killing mass people?Who used nuclear bombs in war?Just look which countries are violating international/Geneva law?When Muslim peoples are trying to protect themselves & defend themselves & their land, peoples are saying they are terrorist. But we must distinguish between resistance & terrorism. When Nelson Mandela took arms to resist apartheid, western countries specially US called him terrorist. But at the end of the day the world recognized him as a great leader.Now why are we tired of Muslims?Al-Queda & Taliban type of groups. Most of the Muslims don't like those groups. But those groups are spreading terrorism in the name of Islam.When a Muslim makes a mistake, media/people say it's a Muslim terrorist or a Muslim bad guy. But when another man (not Muslim) makes a mistake they are saying he is a bad guy.Many Muslims have been misled by others. They don't know their religion perfectly. They just follow some bunch of idiots & kill people & say God is great. & people are saying Muslim is bad.Sometimes many Muslims have no broad sense about the world. They have no upper view like their ancestors. We know there are many Muslims who contributed to civilize the world. But today there are so many ignorant Muslims.See this video-

Islam vs Christianity ?

Your question is actually really interesting...It would be better if i explained this in person but i will try my best to briefly answer your question.

Christianity is not wrong! It was never wrong, but scholars of the earlier time have altered the Bible so even though the Bible was the word of God It has been changed.

Also, I would like to tell you that Muslims believe in one God, and it is part of our faith to believe in all messengers including Moses, Abraham, Isaaq, Jacob, Joseph, Jesus himself and the Last Messenger of God. We do believe in his truthfulness, the only thing is, that in the Koran, as well as Bible it is mentioned that Jesus prayed to the one and Only God, so How can we deny that fact?

I also have a Christian friend and she has never been able to explain the Holy Trinity to me.

And please before you decide on which is better Islam or Christianity I would humbly request that you actually read the Koran instead of asking people, because no views are the same. Everyone shares a seperate opinion. Only you can be the judge of what is correct.

About the violent verses in the Holy book. Let me clarify one thing and remember this before reading ahead that: 'Islam did not spread with the power of the sword'. The reason those violent verses are there IS because it was most specifically for that time, because The Holy city 'Mecca' had to be purified of all the idol worshippers BUT it wasn't that the Muslims were just supposed to go and kill them, but the idol worshippers were given a choice. The Muslims were specifically told not to kill the people who wanted some time to think about the religion at least. God knows better what is best for us. And so, yes, those verses were specifically for that time; It is actually a long topic, and if you have more questions on it please as.

Thank you for your time:)

If religions preach no violence why is there violence in religions name?

Because people can use different things in the religious writings to justify fighting. Often the words are taken out of context and sometimes they aren't even in the religious writings, but a great orator can often create excitement and fervor over things that don't exist....look at Hitler, he blamed all of Germany's problems on one race and the people stood behind him.

A group that feels morally justified in using violence?

Ku Klux Klan (KKK), a white supremacy group. The group's beliefs consist of a distorted way of thinking that says the caucasian race is in some way "supreme" to all the others. Because of this "supremacy", they deem that the white should have more rights than the people of other races. As a result, they will feel morally justified to use the violence as a method of forcing this message further in the society, believing the realization of their ideas would benefit it. They believe that god has chosen them to do his work, and that by practicing violence on the ethnical minorities they scare them from forcing their own culture and beliefs on the white Christian ones. Insanity, isn't it?

- About KKK:
- KKK Violence in Georgia, 1871:
- KKK member's point of view on violence:

Also, there are many other social groups like that, like the religious fundamentalists (most influental being the Christian and the Muslim), the armed forces in wars, etc.