If With Cold/ice We Reduce Head And Upper Neck Vasodilation/nerve Irritation. Then What Is The

Why is it when we hiccup our heart stops for a second?

Your heart is trying to get back on rythum. Your heart follows a certain pattern and when you hiccup your diaphram thumps your chest and heart to help it regulate back to normal. It will not stop until your heart is back on track. Regulate your breathing to help your heart get the oxygen it needs to regulate itself.

There are six salivary glands: a pair under the tongue (glandula sublingualis), left and right under the jaw (glandula submandibularis) and left and right under the ears (glandula parotis). When starting to eat or sometimes even thinking about eating (e.g. thinking of biting a lemon) these glands produce saliva to make digesting food easier. Some people feel the glands at that point produce saliva.  You apparently feel the glandula parotis do its work.Sometimes though little stones block the duct of the gland causing inflammation, swelling and pain, but inflammation can occur of its own. When there is pain and/or swelling go to a doctor.

Cramp of the chest muscles. Buy Moov spray or Volini or apply Tiger balm when will happen, it will go away faster. Try to lift weight during pain, you’ll feel more pain.Pain is where the slips of Pectoralis or Pectoralis minor joined the sternum.Average duration of pain is max 20 minutes. Pain increases in deep breath. You can control the respiration to adjust. You can point the affected muscle, if you press with finger, it will be painful.If you take painkiller with muscle relaxant in such extreme pain, within 20 minutes it will go away. You can also try ice or heat. Ice can work for some, heat can work for some.Happens more among the elderly peoples, overweight, athletes, young adults, infants have more such odd condition.Lack of stretching before exercise, no exercise for long time and then sudden exercise, exercise in the heat, muscle fatigue, vitamin mineral deficiencies, mental stress etc create such.Take iron, folic acid, vitamin B complex to ensure no deficiency.Excluded —Tietze syndrome is a rare disease. There will be pathological changes on histology. There are subtypes of Tietze syndrome. Usually patients have some disease of the arthritis group including the sero negatives.Pain of pleural origin will have other kind of history. Patients will become sicker without treatment, pain will continue.Angina is rare in this age group. Pain of angina has characteristic description & history. Pain is far higher.Another group presents the pain described as “ Broken heart ”. That happens after death or separation from kith-n-kin. It is stabbing deep pain for a while.There is no reason to visit a doctor or get scared, yet you may -Visit an experienced General Physician when no emotional stress is present to get rid of fearVisiting a compassionate Psychiatrist is suggested in presence of emotional stressIf other sickness develops or pain becomes permanent or not controlled with simple sprayNormal human to animal has a sense of severity. When such happens, you can understand that you will not die. You wait when it will go away.

There are several natural or non-medicine remedies people try to relieve a migraine. Some may work for mild and/or short migraines. Here are a few I've heard of and some I've tried:Napping in a quiet dark room. Sound and light are common migraine triggers, so resting in bed is something many people do when they feel a migraine coming on. Movement can increase migraine pain quite a bit so being still does help.Sleep mask or a cloth over the eyes: helps block light.  Drinking water. Dehydration can cause headaches, including migraines. If you're not nauseated, drinking liquids is a good idea. Gatorade. This also helps with dehydration in general and replaces electrolytes if you've been vomiting.Pickle juice. I am not sure about this one, but I've heard it many times. Ice. Ice packs on the head or neck. I use this one. Migraines hurt and my reaction to that pain is to tense my head, neck & shoulder muscles which causes more pain.  Massage: same reason as the ice packs. This helps a lot.Walking: also helps with the tension. If I can catch a migraine in the beginning stages and I don't have an aura of vertigo a walk can sometimes stop the migraine before it gets too bad.

Acne occurs both in the teen age and in the adult age. So to keep acne in control healthy diet is very much important .below points plays a major role in our skin and over all health,mind conditions are improved .1-Excesise every day2-Eat vegetables more in quantity3-Limit the consumption of red meat4-Drink plenty of water5-Say no to oily and junk foods and alcoholIf at all you are already suffering from acne the best treatments are1-Apply tea tree oil on the acne leave it over night within 2–3 days the acne will be dried out2-You can use the whitening and brightening serum from the lotus in the same way as tea tree oil ,apply on the spots leave it overnight this has ingredients like amla ,berry and lychee -Lot of vitamin c so this also dries out the acne in 2–3 days3-apart from these you can use alovera gel ,red sandal and kasthoori turmeric on the face leave it for half an hour and wash it,the soothing effect of these will reduce the acne but it takes lot of time unlike above treatments4-Follow the proper skin care regimen— Wash the face only twice be gentle on the skin -don’t over scrub— Choose the cream which is suitable for your skin type—Use alcohol free toner after washing face then apply serum or moisturiser—eventhough your skin is oily don’t skip the moisturiser—apply the sunscreen