If You Believe In An Afterlife Then There Is One

Do you believe in an afterlife like this?

Hello, I fantasize about what happens after death and it always seemed pretty plausible to me.
So basically death is like sleeping. And what happens when you slept? You wake up! You will be reborn..

Another thing that adds to this theory is that we don't know what was before this life. The earth or even the universe exist for a very long time. Why would you be born just now into this century?

And before you were born you were dead right? So you were dead and then suddenly alive. So when you die again you will be alive again.

Now the only question is where will you be in the next life and as what creature and why? Do you think that you will be born on earth again as a human?

Or will you be born on an alien planet with other creatures as a different being? And what for? My own theory is that we will be reborn as a different animal or human again doesn't matter to learn from our mistakes of the past lives.

All you couldn't achieve will be achieved or learned in the next life. And that would explain why things don't work out all the time and why problems exist and life is unfair. Or maybe you'll get a better or worse life depending on the unfairness you had to dace in the previous life. Of course I can't prove this.

What are your theories about what happens after death? As I said I really don't believe that it will be the end forever.

What Do You Believe About the Afterlife?

I believe that in the after life, a person who has been a good person, and always tried to be good, will be rewarded,
but i also believe that when u go to heaven you spend the time there when in ur life on earth was the best time.

Do Deists believe in an afterlife?

There is no single answer that encompasses all deists. Some do believe in an afterlife while some do not. This is the best point to quote Thomas Paine:"I believe in only one God; and I have hope for happiness in an afterlife."Paine was not saying that he believed in an afterlife or that he knew specifics about the afterlife. What he’s saying is ***IF*** there is an afterlife, he hopes that it will be a happy one. That is the most that anyone could wish for.Scientifically, I believe that something happens after death. The first law of thermodynamics says that energy can’t be destroyed, only converted into other forms. Our bodies are full of energy. Electrical, mechanical, chemical, thermal, etc.We already know that we are essentially made of stardust. Scientists now hypothesize that the universe is permeated with invisible, dark energy. It’s not too far fetched to imagine that our bodily energy (life force, soul, spirit) reunites with that dark energy and then…reincarnation? Travel the cosmos? Move to another planet? Nothing? No one knows!

Are people that believe in an afterlife stupid?

No, but I *do* think it's not at all wise to underestimate the faculties and abilities of other people based on what they believe.

Why do so many people want to believe in an afterlife?

According to some scholars, the reason why we developed a belief in an afterlife in the first place is because we can remember the dead, dream about the dead, and therefore we still experience those who have died. Early humans had a pretty simple view of reality, if it appeared it was real, and so they developed explanations of why we could still experience the dead.The earliest humans dealt with death by believing that life the universe and everything was one big giant circle. They prayed to the animals they killed so that they would return in the next generation. They thought of generations as re-generations, reappearances. In the grand ring of time all would be united again.Then, as time went on and the realities of human being changed, mythology began to develop around the memories of the dead. And a shadowy, cold, and dream-like (possibly nightmarish) after-life was posited. Achilles did not like being dead even though the glory he had attained in life had earned him a sort of immortality.Only with the development of the idea of places such as Hades do mystery cults arise that promise salvation and eternal life to initiates; those who remain uninitiated, who do not know the secrets, still go to a shadowy world. Christianity arose as one, or more, of these mystery cults. Eventually colliding with Platonism, which granted all souls the immortal, eternal status of object of thought; The eternal forms and all that.Armed with Neo-platonism, Christianity added the mysterium tremendum. The relation of each and every individual to a God who is within us, but to whom we have limited access. The relationship is absolutely asymmetrical and it holds us out towards death, being held by death, and facing, in a way never yet imagined on earth, death.This idea of being held out unto death is a major influence upon what, in the west, we currently think of in terms of the experience of the afterlife.Of course, this is one position among many, it is hotly contested, and as it appears here it is a mere just-so story. If you don’t like this for scholarly or religious reasons, meh, I still hope you learned something, have a nice day.

Do you believe in the afterlife? If so, what do you think it will be like?

Let me tell you about 2 of my deceased friends and draw your own conclusions. Both were what I would describe as hard core atheists. I am not saying this in a disrespectful way. I think that is how they would like to be described.The first was a friend who was trying import-export type businesses in the 70s until he passed away in 1982. He had been successful in real estate and as a high end department store positions much earlier in life. Anyway, he made fun of religion and anything “spiritual” frequently, but once he asked if I had ever had an out of body experience. I told him no and I was not even familiar with the expression at the time. He told me one time he was asleep near his pool at home and all of a sudden he was looking down on himself. It freaked him out and he told me he wished he had been drunk at the time, but unfortunately that was not the case.The other close friend was a co-worker. We were good friends and he had a great sense of humor. He would frequently make fun of religion, Christianity etc. I could go on describing, but I guess I will just get to the point. We had not been co-workers for about 12 years. He had been decessed as about 5 years and we had not really kept in touch. But, one night I fell asleep in a new building where I worked. I was off the clock, incidentally. He appeared in a dream exactly as the furniture was and exactly as everything was. He said “hi guy” That was how he talked. I said, “ but Jim you're dead.” He said “I know that. “The last event convinced me there is something beyond this. I have no tunnels or lights. I hope I see them later.After all of that I do believe.

If Jehovah's Witness's don't believe in heaven or an afterlife, then why do they...?

I am one of Jehovah' Witnesses and it always helps to understand our beliefs if the facts come from a Witness. Here are the facts:
Jehovah's Witnesses believe that the entire Bible is the inspired word of God.They hold to the Bible as a standard for all their beliefs.
They worship Jehovah as the only true God(Psalms 83:18 Exodus 6:3
They believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God, the first of all God's creations, that he sacrificed his life for imperfect humans so that we have the chance to receive everlasting life, something that our first parents Adam & Eve lost.
They believe that God's Kingdom is the only hope for mankind; that it is a real government; that it will soon destroy the present wicked system of things, including all human governments,and that it will produce a new system in which righteousness will prevail.
They believe that God's original purpose for the earth will be fulfilled; that the earth will be completely populated by worshipers of the true God and that these will be able to enjoy eternal life in human perfection; that even the dead will be brought back to life with an opportunity to also share in those blessings.
They believe that the dead are conscious of absolutely nothing; that they are experiencing neither pain nor pleasure, that they exist in God's memory,so hope for their future lies in a resurrection from the dead.
They believe that we are now living in what the Bible calls the last days of this wicked system of things; that some living today will also see the destruction of the present wicked world; that lovers of righteousness will survive into a paradise earth.
They believe that only a "little flock" of followers are selected from mankind to rule in Jehovah's heavenly government as kings and priests with Jesus as King.
They remain separate from the world just as Jesus commanded them to do.They remain neutral when it comes to politics or warfare against their fellowman.They strive to apply Bible counsel in every aspect of life.
I hope this information helps.