If You Could Change The Laws Regarding Education What Would They Be

Can law bring desired change in society?

Although law as an agent of social change is widely accepted in modern times, it is important to note that law ‘alone’ cannot bring change in society. It needs to be supplemented by other actions.Social change has two aspects - structural (relating to institutions) and cultural (relating to behavior of people).Laws and structural changeLaws are the most direct and effective method to change the structure of society in modern times. For example, the Right to Education 2009, provided for free education to all children. This removed the barriers to education and provided opportunities for social mobility to underprivileged. In the long run, it will make economic hierarchy more fluid, where lower class can expect to reach the upper class by the means of education. This is a structural change.Another example is the abolition of untouchability by Constitution of India, 1950. Though its cultural remnants can still be found in Indian society, but the institution of untouchability does not exist any more. This is also a structural change.Laws and cultural changeIn cultural sphere, laws have limited scope of bringing change. Because culture is not a coded prescription, rather it is shared by all. This means we cannot impose on people, the ways to behave, especially if they are in majority.In my opinion laws in cultural sphere are reflective of society. If society changes, laws will change too. If we bring progressive laws without its acceptance by people, it will not bring the desired change. Take for example the case of Dowry Prohibition Act of 1961. It prohibits dowry in all forms, however it is not accepted by the society, and as a result the law failed, and the practice of dowry continues till date.Laws can at most define the direction of desired change, but the change has to be brought through action i.e. educating citizens and creating awareness.ConclusionLaws are neither necessary nor sufficient for desired social change. A society changes in a meaningful way when ‘change’ takes place in both structure and culture of society. Thus, laws have limited scope in bringing radical changes in society.

How does education affect social change?

education helps a person to form a more open opinion to any change that is proposed or has already occurred. this does not mean that educated people are more apt to accept social change. it merely means that educated people are more likely to know and understand the rationale for social change.


If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?

It's very difficult for me to regret my own mistakes because I have learned from them but there is one in particular regret that no matter what anybody tries to tell me to make things better, I simply can't come to terms with.When I was 5 years old I was sexually abused my cousin. It went on for a while until he moved to another state. Years went by and I never said a word to anybody about it until I was 17 years old.Fast forward I graduated high school and joined the military right away. I rarely visited home but one of the days I did, my sister told me to not mention anything to anybody but that when I was on deployment my younger brother had came forward with some terrible news.My sister said that my brother told my mom that my cousin had sexually abused him. Yes, the same cousin who abused me.I asked her when it had happened and he said it was right before my cousin left to live at another state. At that moment, my heart broke. If only I had said something to someone about the sexual abuse that was being done to me my brother wouldn't have suffered.My brother suffered a lot but we didn't know what was wrong. He never said a word to anybody about anything. Now we know why and if I would have said something, he wouldn't have been abused.I've learned to accept that it wasn't my fault but it's still something that when I think about it, it breaks me down.

What is the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act?

This is the act which authorizes special education in the United States. It used to be called th Education for all Handicapped Children Act when originally passed in 1975.

But IDEA (passed in 1990 ) places a greater emphasis on special education and related services being designed to meet the unique learning needs of eligible children with disabilities, preschool through age 21. All children, regardless of severity of disability are entitled to a Free Appropriate Public Education.

There is supposed to now be an emphasis on students with disabilities being prepared for further education, employment and independent living outside of public education. Special education itself is not supposed to be the end stage of a person's life. There is supposed to be consideration on what will happen after they leave the public school system.

I think I would improve the transition planning and ensure parents realized how laws would change when a child graduated.

When I graduated from a very upscale high school, I knew I was going to college. But my parents were really unprepared for their legal rights to terminate. And the conflict increased when I was out working. Again, they did not understand that there was no longer anything for them to sign off on. They were torn between wanting me to be successful, and not wanting to 'give up' the tons of legal control which special education bestows upon parents.