If You Dont Like Your Job And Your 23 And Dont Have A Family

So scared I'll never have a family!?

I'm 23...haven't met my someone special yet.
So scared I'll never get married and have children.
How old were you when you got married and had children? Should I be worried?

I am 23 years old and I don't have a job. What should I do?

Let's face it, without a degree or certification of some sort, you are nothing more than a high school graduate. You may feel that you have a superior intellect, but you provide a potential employer with no evidence whatsoever.I would suggest that you join the military and grow up. First, you will be a veteran which looks very good on a resume. Employers like to know that a prospective employee knows how to get up and to work on time. Then you will also can get the government to pay for your tuition in college. That won't cover all the expenses, but it will cover a good bit.Being an entrepreneur may sound good, but you will find it is a whole lot less fun when you realize that if you don't get a gig, you will go hungry and possibly get kicked out of your residence. This goes double if you have a family.I would go job hunting and get a job even if it is doing something you aren't interested in.  A job is not meant to entertain you, but provide you with an income while you provide services that the business needs. You will add to your resume and make yourself more valuable for the next job opportunity.Good luck

How can I politely tell my coworkers that I don't want to hear about their family drama?

I am 23 years old and have been at my job for a year. Most of my coworkers are more than double my age and have spouses and children.

I often find myself in a situation where my coworkers start ranting to me about their family drama. I don't want to sound rude, but I honestly don't care to hear about their family drama. I like my coworkers and enjoy getting along with them, so I certainly don't want to be rude, but how can I politely let them know that I don't want to hear about all the crap going on in their personal lives?

Screaming out for help?

Well, making friends for some people is hard because they are most likely;
- Rude without knowing it
- High tempered
- Have boring interests
- Are never down to do anything

Now I don't wanna sound like an a*shole, but you don't just "have no friends", because people do try to interact with you, whether you know it or not. They just decide not to be your friend because you fall in one of those 4 categories.

So what I am trying to say is, realize how you are reacting, find interests, and start liking activities a lot of people like. Get into music, what ever. Anything that can help you become more social. It may be hard know because you are old and have no developed any of these traits, but you live life once. And what do you have to lose? Nothing, you already have 0 friends.

So to make friends, here is a simple list;
- Be kind and funny. But don't try to crack a joke all the time.
- Start having interests such as in sports or pop culture.
- Go out to places such as bars or clubs where people are trying to meet new people.

You don't have a job. Well who you going to blame for this? Me? Your boyfriend? The managers? No, you blame yourself because jobs ain't easy to find in this economy. I know people who looked for jobs for several months, applied at over 20 places, and finally found a job. They didn't quit, of course they wanted to, but they didn't, and neither can you.

Well as of right now, it seems he's the only person you have. So don't point out the bad things you hate of him. Think of the good things in him. What he has in his personality other then getting bad at small things. Also maybe bring it up with him, just ask him why he always gets mad, and just ask him to be more supportive.

But I suggest you keep him, and don't dump him. At least for now.

My parents don't let me live my life and I am 23 years old. What should I do?

As others have said, you put yourself in this very undesirable situation because by being financially dependent on your parents at an age when a young adult should be providing for himself, you have aided and abetted your parents in making you their hostage, and keeping you as such. You've never had a job before? Well, there's a first time for everything and you are long overdue on this important step. Get out there to look for a job that will earn you enough income to be self-supporting. If you are unwilling or unable to do this, or if you'd rather make excuses for why you can't than to try, you will probable be stuck where you are, completely dependent on people who see you as a child in dire need of their constant supervision and suffocating rules.The choice is yours.

I am 23, currently working at a good software firm, living miles from my family. I don't like my work and I don't like anything. Life is monotonous and I have no motivation. What should I do?

The answer to this question has been posted many times on Quora.It is a tried and tested answer, so nothing I am saying here is either original or wise.You are bored, unmotivated, lost interest in life. Happens to many people.How can you find an interest in life?EasyGo somewhere where people struggle everyday to survive. There is no shortage of them.Go somewhere that people have been given days or weeks to live.There is no shortage of them.Go somewhere that people live in constant fear of enemies, not knowing if they or their family and friends will be alive tomorrow.Go somewhere that people will think you are special because you have money, education, and all the things they know they will never have.Go somewhere where peoples only hope in life is based on praying to the Gods.Go somewhere your youth, skills, education, understanding, and motivation, can change the world to being a better place.And when you havelooked into the eyes of those you helpedYou will see what you have been looking fora reflectionof yourself