If You Drink Water You Drank When You Were Sick Will You Get Sick Again

If you drink water you drank when you were sick will you get sick again?

Probably not.
1) colds (contagious illnesses) need to incubate. Their bacteria die very quickly outside of a human body. I'm not an expert, but I don't think a cold can survive more than a day or so outside of a host.
2) If you've already had this illness, your body's armed against it for a bit. I've heard you can't catch the same cold twice, but even if that's untrue, you can't catch the same cold twice within a week or so.

Why do I feel sick when I drink water?

What you felt were some quick changes in your body's water balance in a short span of a few hours. Yes, you're right that the 3 hours of outside band rehearsal caused you to become dehydrated and get dizzy, just like soldiers standing outside in parade on a hot day, and falling over. When you then drank water, you probably took too much too soon, and that upset your body. Next time drink smaller amounts of water over a stretched out time to give your body time to return to normal hydration. By the way, urine should always be clear when you have no infection. If you take in a lot of fluids, urine color becomes a very light yellow or colorless. When you get dehydrated from sweating or lack of sufficient water, the urine gets concentrated and results in a dark yellow to amber color.
Glad your dizziness is gone. Hope you're feeling better. Maybe you can take along some bottled water or a water-drinking break at any future band practices?

I get sick when i drink water?

1st take a pregnancy test.

2nd Go to local health Unit and ask for a FREE water test kit, then go home follow instructions and return it to the Health Unit and pay the cost of a stamp to get your results.

3rd Go to doctor.

4th. Forget water, become and alcoholic... Either way you'll blow chunks, alcohol is a more fun way to do it.

When does drinking water make you sick?

Here is a different take on how drinking water can make you sick and when not to drink water.When Shouldn’t You Drink Water?There are certain situations when you should not drink water. Water can dilute your stomach acid which is necessary for proper digestion and assimilation of nutrients. Stop drinking water at least a half hour before eating and wait at least an hour after eating to drink water again.How Much Water is Too Much?Yes, you can drink too much water. It is rare, but excess water can lead to hyponatremia. Hyponatremia happens (3) when there isn’t enough sodium in the blood. This occurs when there is either too much water or too little sodium. And sodium is an essential electrolyte for cell hydration, nerves, and blood pressure.Hyponatremia generally is most common among those with small frames and extreme athletes. Symptoms of Hyponatremia Include:weaknessfatigue or low energya headachenauseavomitingmuscle cramps or spasmsconfusionirritabilityThe best way to avoid drinking to much water is to drink water consistently throughout the day. Drinking large quantities of at any one time should be avoided.Read more in How Much Water Should I Drink a Day in Ounces?

Would you get sick if you drink from the same bottle of water that you drank from when you were sick?

When you catch a bacteria or virus, your body fights off the bacteria or virus and has antibodies built against it, that way when you come in contact with that bacteria or virus you will not get sick again. That is how vaccination works they give you a dead virus or bacteria so your body becomes immune to it, that way when you come in contact with the real virus you body will reject it and not become sick. That is the reason why there isn't a vaccination for the cold virus, there are millions of them and you get expose to many throughout your lifetime. HIV mutates and change so a vaccination cannot work that either. The only problem is some people do get sick from the vaccination. That is why most people who get chicken pox don't get it again, but it also depends on how bad the person had it the first time.

Will i get sick if i drink toilet water?

Well, it depends on three factors.
1.) Your health.
2.) How often you clean your toilet.
3.) The kinds of chemicals that are in your toilet bowl cleaner.

If you're a psycho that eats acai, you clean your toilet bowl 5 times a week, and your toilet bowl cleaner is organic, then no.
If you healthy, you clean your toilet bowl about once a month, and you use a regular toilet cleaner, then probably not.
If you do this on a regular basis, you're a sickling, and you have a ghetto toilet that's not cleaned very often, then probably.
If you cleaned your toilet bowl today and the water is still blue, then yes.
If you are a enema-drinking retard, then for God's sake don't drink out of the toilet.

Can you get sick off of drinking too much water?

You can die from drinking too much water. If you drink too much water too quickly fasteer than your kidneys can excrete it then your body becomes water looged and your brain swells. Also drinking too much water causes you to lose too much of your body salts and puts the electrocytes in tour cells out of baance which can make you severely ill and even die. given you a couple of links,2933,3270...

In what ways can you get sick from drinking tap water and what are the symptoms?

We are quite spoiled in Sweden, with very good tap water. We even call tap water drinking water. We seldom question the quality of tap water. There are few other countries in the world I'd use tap water the same way (the nordic countries and Switzerland).One day the inevitable happened: Cryptosporidium. I was living in Östersund, working as a youth worker. It is normal for diseases to spread in that environment, colds as well as winter vomiting virus. At this time there had been a winter vomiting virus (according to what we believed) spreading and a funny thing was that people got sick more than once.I had had my sick leave for a few days, got back, were at our yearly company party and my stomach started rumbling again. I left early, went home and then my mother called me and told me not to drink the water. They had identified an outbreak of Cryptosporidium in Östersund's drinking w..., I mean tap water.A majority of the population got sick. So, we had to start boiling water, or get water from elsewhere.My symptoms of Cryptosporidium were puking, diarrhea and a stomach pains in a low pitch sort of rumbling way.Outbursts of Cryptosporidium occur rarely. But tap water often contain other bacteria. If you are not used to the bacterial flora of a specific place, there is probably a considerable risk of getting ill drinking tap water, even though the natives don't get ill.If your tap water comes from your own well, you should test it. The procedure is quite costly, but it is useful not know if you need to do something about it.The best tap water I have drunk, was when I lived in the mountains. I could move back there, just for the quality of the water and the air.

Can you get really sick from drinking JUST salt water?

Well if ever that were to happen, boil the water for a good amount of time to kill bacteria. And let it cool, simple. The salt content of the water wouldn't be my intial fright, it's the microorganisms living inside of it that can potentially harm you.

Can you get sick from drinking the same water bottle?

Is it possible to get sick from drinking a water bottle that you drank from when you were sick before? In case you didn't understand, let's say you drank from a water bottle 2 weeks ago when you were sick. Then today, you are thirsty and need a drink, so you drink from the same water bottle, while forgetting that you drank it when you were sick before. So, again, is it possible to get the same cold/sickness that you had that first time by drinking from the same water bottle?