If You Enjoy Writing Or Good At Writing I Need Help

I need help writing a Thank you letter.?

My parents took my husband, my son and me with them on a vacation in a cabin in Tennessee. They paid for everything including all the admissions and food etc. Im not good at writing thank you letter, so if you could please give me some phrases to add to my thank you card.


How can I learn to enjoy writing?

There's really not enough information here to answer this question. What I would like to know is how you do enjoy spending your time. The idea is that the writing has to fit in with things that you find valuable, and it must do so naturally. You like being influential, presumably. You like being a thought leader. Well, how to you gain your influence? How do you express your thoughts? Is there something here to link to writing?You say you feel impatient and bored and like you are wasting time when you write. This could be another problem, entirely. Do you meditate? Do physical exercise? You may want to learn to cope with these feelings and you may find that once you have done so, your negative feelings about writing go away.Writing is a practice. It is like any other practice. You have to practice. Therefore you have to set aside time dedicated to it, where you have decided in your mind that this is what you will focus on. If you can't focus, you need to practice focusing, and meditation will help you do that, as will many other physical activities, like yoga, Tai Chi, martial arts, dance, and so on. There's a few ideas, but I'm really just taking shots in the dark. Without knowing a lot more about you (and probably charging you for a few hours of consulting), I can't really give you any targeted, effective advice.

If you enjoy writing, what author influenced you the most?

Virginia Woolf, I think.
I read an essay by her in which she wrote about a crack in a wall (I think that was it)...from that one simple insignificant thing, she created something of meaning. My mom always told me that everyone and everything has a story, and Woolf proved her right in that essay.

What if I'm good at writing songs, but suck at singing?

I like to write songs, and from what my family and most honest friends say I'm good. I suck at singing unless I'm locked in my room. (My sis over heard me once and when I sang it face 2 face she said I suck when I'm around someone.) So, should I start a band, go solo, or stick to stories and other hobbies and give up music?

Writing is so hard?

particularly making up characters and interesting plot lines which is essentially the basis of all stories. when i was younger i used to want to be a writer or a novel editor so badly but now i am not so sure! writing just doesn't come easily to me as i feel like it should. i read somewhere that you just have to hoof it and not wait for something to inspire you but i just have a very hard time making up characters and interesting stories. like it's so much easier to write fanfiction because the characters are already fully developed and formed for you. any tips on how to make characters seem real? also any tips on how to make up an interesting story? thanks for reading hope you can help.

Is creative writing a talent?

I've been wondering this for a while now...

Last year and this year at my parents evening my English teacher has said to my parents 'If she doesn't become a writer she'll become a politician' also she has read some of my ( I would say stories but I don't like calling them stories) creative writing pieces and says I'm very talented at writing, but is writing really a talent when there are these people who can compose lyrics and songs, amazing singers, really good artists things like that. The more I think about it, the more I start to feel like writing isn't a talent, which is making me think I have no talent because writing is something I'm really passionate about.

So what do you think, is writing a talent. If so is it a good talent?
Thanks x