If You Had The Power Of Invisibility What Would Be The First Thing You

What is the first thing you will do if you have the power of invisibility?

Personal invisibility is tricky. In order to see, the lenses in our eyes have to bend light, and therefore would be visible.The ancient Greeks though about that. Gyges was a shepherd, working in the fields, when he came upon a giant, buried in the earth. The giant had a nice ring, and like any other right-minded shepherd, Gyges took the ring . (This sounds a bit like Tolkien’s One Ring). He soon discovered that his ring made him invisible. Being an ambitious sort, he goes to the current king, seduces the queen, kills the king, and makes himself the new king.The story comes from Plato’s Republic, where Plato is trying to find out what a good man would do with great power. The guy he’s talking to says that any man would do much the same. In Plato’s account, Gyges comes to a bad end (as in Tolkien).That would make a good Superhero TV show: “The Invisible Man”. The problem there, of course, is that we wouldn’t be able to see the hero do his thing,

What is the first thing you would do if you were invisible for two weeks?

As a teenager I often had a day dream of being invisible and entering the girls shower at school. Then I had a night time dream that I was invisible. Evidently my subconscious has a mean streak. In my dream, shortly after sneaking into the girls shower I became visible and also very naked. In my dream I spent the rest of the school day going from one class room to the next completely naked. Worse, was that each class I went to, the teacher would call upon me to answer a question, the demand that I stand up. After that my desire to become invisible seemed to have gained a lot less popularity within my daydreaming activity. I think it was around that time that I became obsessed with aircraft and joined the Air Force. Didn’t really have too much time for daydreaming after that. Still I must enjoy day dreaming because in my old age I have taken up writing. Perhaps I’ll write a short story on a teenage boy who has become invisible.

If you are invisible, what is the first thing you will do?

First of all ,I must admit that such a divine power may tempt me to misuse it for immoral activities. But setting aside such things,if I get the blessings of the Almighty, which alone can give me such a power I will try to use it for the benefit of the society in-which I live.I will see that all the Dushmans of this country will see the end of their atrocities in this world including those in the category doing injustice to the people of this country, do exploitation of the poor and weaker sections of the society, weaker sex of the human race and those exploiting the rich natural resources of this country by using their political and official power in the ruling setup and injustice to their posts indulging in looting the exchequer through corruption. First, I will give them a chance to correct themselves and release all their accumulated wealth through illegal means within a time period and if they don’t correct, I will finish their life.But for petty offences, I will only do amputation of some of their organs like hands and legs and taking away their life will be only the last resort. Even I will not spare my own blood relatives under such mission.

Does erik dege's invisibility thing really work?

FALSE: he is a question!

Why is invisibility impossible?

I don't think invisibility is fact nature shows that it's quite possible, for instance an octopus can blend in with its surrounding at the blink of an eye.

Also, there is such a thing as an invisibility cape (I think)...

As for the other things, it depends on how you look at it:

The stretchy thing, I don't see is really any reasonable way (i.e. where it's still the person stretching). I don't see what simple law of physics you're going to say that this violates though...I suppose you could say, that it's possible that she could stretch a little bit, but since she has such small volume, as she stretches very far the width of the strand would have to become tiny since, assuming uniform density and conservation of mass, the width of the strand would have to go to zero as the length went to infinity.

Super strength could easily be achieved through robotics, as with the jumping far distances...although you could argue that jumping large distances requires more g-forces than the body can withstand and thus the jump would kill the person.

So the two that I see as definitely impossible is, stretching and jumping long distances.

If you could have one super power, the power to fly or invisibility, which would you choose and what would be the first thing you do?

Invisibility would probably be more of a liability than a super power. We will assume you can turn it on and off at will - though suddenly being naked on the side of a busy street would be awkward. You don’t want to cross a street with traffic if you are invisible! Then, too, if the weather was bad or the sidewalk especially hot, you wouldn’t be wearing clothes or shoes. If you tried to steal something, it would be obvious from the swag floating by where you were. Likewise you couldn’t carry any weapons or tools or a phone or camera. If you try to sneak into the girl’s showers, the outline of your feet would be visible on the wet floor and if you got wet, your outline would be visible. And if one of the girls brained you with a dumbbell, she could always say she didn’t see you. You could still be heard breathing (“There’s breathing in my barn.”) - especially if you were running from dogs which could smell you even if they couldn’t see you. Rain, dirt, fog - all would at least partially outline you. Not sure about how long it would take for food you had eaten to become invisible if it didn’t do so immediately. It wouldn’t take long for people to figure out there was an invisible man about and the mobs would form to go after you.

Would you rather have the ability to become invisible, or to stop time?

Stop time.

Ok, it's true that invisibility would be awesome, especially if you have voyeuristic tendencies.

The main problem is that you could still be heard, still be affected by other influences (random people smacking you, doors hitting you, dogs who could still smell you, etc) and you would have to be ever vigilant as you wandered around so as to avoid random accidental detection.

The ability to stop time would actually give you all of the benefits of invisibility along with a whole slew of others.

If you could stop time, you could then go wherever you wanted, see whatever you wanted, and try just about anything like you were invisibile, because those around you would be frozen in time.

You could also travel in a manner that would appear to be teleportation, as you could move from point a while everyone was frozen to point b and then unfreeze time, causing people to see you disappear and to reappear elsewhere.

You could effectively learn all of the worlds big secrets by stopping time, reading them at your leisure, and then restarting time.

This would allow you to make as much money as you wanted and in a variety of ways. You could even decide to do it in a simple gambling fashion and hit vegas. You would know what the dealer had, what the other players had, etc, and then you could bet all of your money on big hands. You could affect the wheel in roulette so that the ball landed directly on your number, etc.

You could travel the entire world in what might only be days.

Yeah, that would be awesome.

Love as always,


If you had the power to go invisible, would you behave as the same person as now?

I would consider myself extremely blessed, if I get the power of being Invisible.And So? I will grant access to the Evil Version of me.There are some deeds that I've always wanted to perform​.I would like to do Pranks with humans in public places, tapping them on shoulders and there's no one around, making weird sounds when they see no one's around, hitting some people I hate and they see no one's around.I would Steal some of my favorite stuff, Of course the food items Pizza, Burger, Biryani, Soda etc, iPhones and some gadgets.I would Watch movie in theaters free of cost, as many times I want.Traveling to far away places, without having to worry about the tickets and the money needed (to some extent).And trying to benefit the society by removing some elements using my planned way, it may be a little cruel and unethical, but it will be treated as an Antihero way.PS : Sorry, I can't disclose the plans as they are still in development phase and are confidential.