If You Had To Pick Between An Alien And A Human Which Would You Pick

If you could pick 5 items that would best describe humanity to aliens, what would they be?

A pair of slave manacles. A visual artwork whose composition uses the Golden Mean [1].The human genome (I don't actually know if this is a 'thing' you can hand to someone. If not, let's say a print out or animation of the sequence).A claymore anti-personnel landmine [2].Finally: a human skull inscribed with the words "Momento Mori".** for the anatomy, and to reflect a significant part of universal human thinking (including religion) but also just in case they are cocky aliens. [1][2]

How do I contact the aliens to come pick me up?

to get the aliens, you sit on a couch, with your head down, take your thumb, and stick it up your ***! you just hold it there until you see lots of green lights, they will come in when they want you to remove it, and they will suck on your thumb to see if you are accepted. good luck.

Why did you have to pick between humans and aliens in District 9 on Blue Ray?

well im watching it right now and i pressed aliens and the movie played,,, i think it was the main menu,, by clicking humans the menu would be humans and by clicking aliens the menu would be on aliens

If you had to pick one food item to represent humanity to an alien species what would it be?

It would be a hamburger - a piece of meat hiding within the cover and impression of other ingredients, associating them with it as if it was more than a piece of fatty meat.It’s a thing we all might do - hide our vulnerable egos behind external additions of pride and attraction, but we may associate them as components of our egos nonetheless, as they are, allegedly, more “organs” of our bodies, like the skin, which is external to us but a part of our body.From military leaders to Instagram personalities, we all hide ourselves behind filters, cosmetics and other additions that make us bigger than what we actually are. We appear to have a bigger self-worth, as a way to deny the possibility that we are not that important and significant like we think we are.We therefore hide behind our achievements, behind our possessions, behind our friends and followers, and behind other things that are not necessarily who we are.We all do this for compensating for a hidden, subconscious fear that we are nothing more but a grain of sand in a massive desert. We thus make others see us as fortresses of sand, while we hide our true grain selves in the depths of these hypocritical buildings of self-empowerment.When the body is exposed to the cold of the Great Void, whilst any grandiose, warm and, yet, synthetic, piece cloth is taken away from us - what is then the point of living when we are exposed to the infinity of emptiness, threatening to make us scream in terror when faced with the likely absurdity of existence?This what makes humility so great and so sincere - those who are modest, despite of their achievements and their social positions, are aware than many of us of mankind’s actual significance - as a sentient race of local conquerors of a mere small world, one of many worlds, in a huge galaxy, in and even a much larger universe, whose immense growth minimizes even the most famous and known humans in our relatively-short history of cultural and technological growth.We are all hamburgers. Who will want to eat just the meat when a greater sense satisfaction and satiation, fake as it may be, can be provided?

What media would you choose to represent humanity to aliens?

Depends if I want to show a cohesive group of people that work well together I might show one social media. On the other if I want to show that we are very intellectual people I would show a different social media and if I wanted to show them the truth I would show a different social media.I think that personally I would show a social media that represents the younger population and thus I would choose to represent humanity by showing the aliens Instagram.

What song do you think should represent humanity?

When NASA scientists sent out that probe that contained a record of humanity, with the hopes that intelligent aliens would come across it, they also put in some somewhat crappy music to represent us.

What songs would you put on to represent us (humanity) to an alien race?

I believe im an alien...?

I was born on pepeloviabaniste, but astronauts brought me to earth do tests on me. They injected me with some stuff to make me look and think like a human. Then they put me in a the baby hospital where parents can adopt babies or pick their original babies. So that's why I have these parents. They thought I was cute, nice, and a regular human baby, but I'm not.

I'm not lying when I say I know I'm an alien. Btw, I'm a 13 year old girl.

What happens when you select the alien on the District 9 dvd?

nothing it is just a different menu like on the X-men 3 DVD you choose your side but it makes no difference to the movie

If you had to choose one city to represent human accomplishments to aliens, which would it be?

I think we should show ET who we really are. There are many cities of steel and glass skyscrapers. There are many that show glories of our past. I thought of Paris, London, Washington,DC, New York, Rome. Instead of these, I would choose Hiroshima. I think it demonstrates the best and worst in us, our fears and triumphs, our desperation, our rehabilitation. Note: I say this in agreement with the bombing, and in the conviction that it was necessary at the time. And also in the hope that such devastation, and that of Nagasaki, is never necessary again.