If You Hit The Ice In Antarcitca Would A Subteranean Base Be Crushed By The Impact

If a hole is made right through Earth so it reaches the other side, what will happen when one jumps into it?

Earth’s center of mass is pretty much at its core. It is therefore clear that the attractive force exerted by the Earth towards all bodies is directed towards its center.Why is this important? Say the particular hole looks like thisSay the center is at B (it’s not exactly B, but slightly below B). When the person is in the first leg of the journey, i.e. not yet reached the center, he is falling to the center, or basically towards the point of attraction. So, his speed naturally increases.Once he passes B, though, he is now falling away from the center, which is kind of equivalent to jumping up. The force he now experiences is against the direction of his motion, so he now decelerates. Once he completely stops, he falls back towards to the center and the entire cycle repeats.If you’ve noticed, this is basically an SHM (simple harmonic motion). He will keep oscillating about the center with a time period of about 43 minutes (if I’m not wrong).This, however, is assuming that you initially simply dropped into the hole or had low start speed. If you were actively launched into the hole at a high speed, it is possible you may not decelerate fast enough to stop within the hole. You may fly right out the other side. If the speed is high enough, you could even reach space.