If You Listen To Some People Obama Has Just Been Horrible As Prez But All Economic Indicators R

Has the economy improved under Obama?

Please no slanderous comments, please keep in mind, the economy was bad before Obama it will stay bad after Obama because its just that messed up right now, Obama said himself that it will take more than one term to fix so don't be angry if he hasn't fixed it within his first unfinished term (2 1/2 years), the economic crisis was not all Bush's fault, so don't say its Bush's fault, The way the economy is right now its not the easiest thing to fix, not just any person could it so don't complain that Obama can't fix it within a term (in fact it may be one of the hardest jobs in the world), the economy was in free fall when Obama was elected, meaning he basically inherited all the troubles that people are blaming him for, its not just Republicans fault, Its not just Democrats fault, its been years of both sides making mistakes (I personally think we'd be way better of if they agreed to work together to fix the economy), I just want a simple answer. (I know my grammar sucked in this sentence/ paragraph...)

What American Dream does "Barack Obama Know" as Michelle Obama said?

Nothing that would mean anything to an ultra-fascist automaton, liar, and mincing coward like you.

To some of us, the "American Dream" is about becoming educated (including getting loans, which we know Obama did and PAID OFF!), advancing, raising a solid family, owning property, and enjoying some of the better and more unique things about the United States.

That would be as opposed to Romney, who was born into wealth, never had to create ANYTHING on his own, never started a new enterprise, and was a ghoul capitalist of the lowest speculative order, making jobs evaporate to enrich a flim-flam "vulture capitalist" investment group.

Obama graduated summa c. laude from Harvard Law. You don't apparently even know what that means.

The family banked about $20-30 million off his documented book sales, almost all of it documented in the tax records already released. I'm sure to a pansy and worm like you, that's chicken feed. Romney released one full year of tax records and a summary of a second, and has some secret he doesn't want ANYONE to know...but he has many times that, perhaps much of it ill-gotten.

You are a "welfare bum" are you? Maybe the urine-soaked wino who sleeps behind the liquor store downtown? No, you couldn't be. He makes a lot more sense than a sleazy ignoramus and liar like you.

Why spineless worms like you spout your malicious and singularly evil right wing, neo-Nazi filth and other insanity in forums like this one is not of much interest to me. I know most of you are unfulfilled, socially and physically impotent slime, like your inspiration, Limbaugh the junkie, but why morons think anyone actually takes them seriously eludes me.

Skank like YOU belong in prison or asylums.

Your twisted, evil version of the "American Dream" is probably some kind of nightmare involving the ultra-rich getting much richer, and their urine trickling down on far better people who work much harder. But since you lack the wit, courage, or clarity to explain your depravity, we don't really even know that.

And you present no evidence or even logic for your screwball, crackpot version of neo-fascist dementia.

Read something, dolt.

Who is responsible for our national debt? Bush, Obama, or Congress?

Hint: 9/11 and GWB started it, ruining Clinton's surplus economy, Obama
is trying to fix GWB's mess, even though as a Moderate he is following many
of GWB's policies

"Public debt is the cumulative result of budget deficits; that is, government spending exceeding revenues.

2001 vs. 2009

Causes of change in Federal spending as % GDP 2001–2009 from CBO Data

According to the CBO, the U.S. last had a surplus during fiscal year (FY) 2001. From FY2001 to FY2009, at the height of the Global Financial Crisis, spending increased by 6.5% of GDP (from 18.2% of GDP to 24.7%) while taxes declined by 4.7% of GDP (from 19.5% of GDP to 14.8%). Spending increases (expressed as % of GDP) were in the following areas: Medicare & Medicaid (1.7%), defense (1.6%), income security such as unemployment benefits and food stamps (1.4%), social security (0.6%) and all other categories (1.2%). Revenue reductions were individual income taxes (−3.3%), payroll taxes (−0.5%), corporate income taxes (−0.5%) and other (−0.4%).

The 2009 spending level is the highest relative to GDP in 40 years, while the tax receipts are the lowest relative to GDP in 40 years. The next highest spending year was 1985 (22.8%) while the next lowest tax year was 2004 (16.1%)".

How do I explain to Republicans without getting frustrated that President Obama handed over a thriving and improving economy compared to what he inherited?

You don't.You can’t.Frustrating you is the point.Math is not en’vogue with the current GOP. They don't like data and statistics unless they reinforce a preset narrative. To do that, increasingly, the numbers have to be fudged or cherry picked at odd intervals.All of the smart Republicans I know, know full damn well that the economy is in much better shape today than in the winter of 08. That is not the point, even for the practical and knowledgeable. It should be doing BETTER and that didn't happen because a Democrat got elected.If you hate the New England Patriots, you hate them even more when they play flawlessly. That is Obama’s failure, he was too good at his job.To many in the GOP the great sin of Obama is his centrism. His pragmatism and his selfish lack of scandalous behavior.They would be much, much happier if he'd actually gone full socialist. At least then they would have something to hang on him. But he didn't.The American economy is always in a state of flux, it evolves even as it waxes and wanes. Today's economy is different than the economy in the summer of 2001 and radically different than the economy of 1988. What many Republicans long for is the safety of 1988 and its older, predictable and understandable mechanisms.The problem is you can't go back in time, the world is different and we have to adapt or we will be crushed. That's what happens when Capitalism takes over Everything.Stop argueing with them. It's a waste of energy. Get your data, lay it out and walk away. Let them either digest it or spit it out. Stop feeding the spitters. They won't ever learn because they don't want to.In fairness, there are plenty of liberals who suffer from the same malady just not in the realm of economics generally.

In what ways are the majority of Americans better off now compared to before Trump?

Preface: I am not a Trump humper, not a democrat nor republican, nor did I vote for Trump so I have no dog in this race. How this man survives that cesspool swamp in DC is nothing short of the hand of God intervention.Foreign govts. have greater respect for the US because they cannot punk Trump as they did Obuma, who apologized for American exceptionalism as though it is somehow a bad thing.Taxes are lowerIllegal immigration has diminished but clearly needs to be eradicated but the swamp congress continues to inhibit that endeavor, but at least we feel a bit safer since Trump took office.The economy is much better. Don't take my word for it, simply compare annual economic indicators for each year 2009–2018.There has been a significant expansion and repatriation of business in the USAUnlike obuma, Trump has been barraged daily with leftist pushback and undermining and a resistant swamp that cannot be drained short of a revolution. So considering the context o the time and place, as much as he may not be liked, he fights on for the people who want to save their country from becoming a socialist PC fascist world state.Conclusion: Trump may not be a great president but as a non party citizen, I do feel much safer and more confident in the American mission under his leadership. I don't care that he is not the polished, articulate type as obuma. That is all window dressing. What I care about is American citizens being ignored while illegals are invited in freely and given carte blanch to dictate what we should do or not do and impose Spanish rather than learn English in our institutions, and drain our economy of $billions. We are tired of PC fascism and a dictatorship of multiculturalism and abject denunciation of capitalism and white people, and the perverted use of the race card and the victim card 24/7. It is really quite simple but people make it complicated or a bad thing when it is really an affront to the American way of life and what the Framers created long ago. This is why the phrase “make America great again” became a marching orders mandate. Even a 5th grader can understand this concept. Yet millions refuse to accept the reality and instead only choose to bite the hand that feeds them. Shameful state of affairs and it was not started by patriot Americans but rather by domestic enemies of the state who would exchange liberty for security, but in the end, will have neither.