If You Sign A Contract And Swear In To Delayed Entry Program For One Military Branch Can You Cancel

Changing Military Branches while in Delayed Entry?

I am currently in the Delayed Entry Program for the Marine Corp.

I have already gone to MEPS, and signed the DEP contract not the official one.

I was reading lately that to become a chaplains, I would have to do this in the Navy.

Is it possible to switch from the Marine Corp delayed entry to the Navy delayed entry?

I assume I would probably have to go to MEPs again.

Thanks, and God Bless

Can I switch branches of service if I m already in a Delayed Entry Program?

I already went to MEPs in Pearl Harbor for the Marine Corps (did my first swear in and everything). However, I m starting to reconsider if I made the right decision or not. I ve wanted to be a Marine since the age of six, but my interests have changed since then. I m really fascinated with ships and Aircraft; I want to know if I can switch to the Navy. If it s possible, what do I have to do to switch, do I have to do everything again at MEPs? If I do have to do everything again, why can t the recruiter just pull up everything I did with the Marines and change the contract to Navy? "The Marines aren t meant for everyone." The only reason why I did stuff with the Marines were because the recruiter came up to me first and starting planning all the MEPs stuff off the bat. I just went with it because plenty of my friends pushed me (they we re physically there when approached), but I feel like I ended up making a huge mistake. I ve been part of Marine DEP for about a month and have a bootcamp date for September without even picking an MOS yet. I feel like the Navy is for me, especially since I was raised in the desert and love being near water. Again, can I switch and will there be any penalties? I gave the Marines about a month to see if it was what I really want to do, but I don t picture myself in it anymore. Sorry to the guys who have been working in MEPs, recruiting, and to the Marines out there but I want to build my legacy my own way. Thanks for the input to the responders.

Can I still switch to another branch if I'm already DEP for the Marines?

I enlisted to join Marines and I don't go to boot camp until Aug. I want to switch because I feel like I chose Marines for the wrong reasons. I'd rather join the Air Force or Navy. I haven't told my recruiter yet but I don't want to. He doesn't seem to give me enough information when I ask certain questions. I asked him why he had on fatigue clothing as opposed to his recruiter outfit one day, he wouldn't answer it. My friends have been telling me that I'm just a quota to him and most likely he could care less about anything else. Is that true? I don't want to join if he cant answer simple questions because it makes me feel as though he is hiding things. And if i get that impression, why should I join? Well, I'm really looking into switching so an any answer will be greatly appreciated.

Can You Get Out of an Army Contract If you haven't gone to Bootcamp Yet?

Yes, you can "get out of it".

Your Delayed Entry Program (DEP) contract is simply a "place-holder", which locks in your MOS that you picked out. It holds that training spot, and when you go to ship to training, you will swear in again, and get an Active Duty contract.

The DEP contract is technically part of the Army Reserves (if you look at the contract, it says Army Reserves for 8 years on the front page).

You can terminate that contract at any point before you ship to Active Duty.

Your recruiter will not be at all happy about that, and they will try and talk to you about why you want to change your mind etc. You may also have to talk to his/her boss, so that they can show that they tried to "save" you - just part of the job.

There is no penalty for not shipping to training - just make sure you don't swear in the second time (ship).

It may take them a while to send you a discharge letter, and they technically have until the day of your scheduled departure for training to push you out of the system.

You can always rejoin later if you like - no harm, no foul.

Just remember that your recruiter and his/her chain of command may pressure you to stay in. That's their job, and your recruiter will be penalized for "losing" you. It is seen as a leadership failure on the part of the recruiter, but don't let that bother you.

Please consider your decision not to go. Don't base your decision on emotions or being scared - seriously weight the options available to you if you don't go, and if you do.

I did over 20 years in the Army, and don't regret one minute, including time in combat. It was the best thing I've ever done.

Just consider it carefully, and base your decision on facts, not emotions or fear.

Good luck, and remember that you will be pressured to ship, but that there is NO penalty for not staying in the DEP or not showing up to ship. You'll simply be discharged from the DEP, and can rejoin any branch later on if you like.

Is it too late to change military branches after you completed the MEPS and the ASVAB?

It’s never too late to make a change prior to departing for basic training.You have the option to switch branches up until your final swearing prior to your departure to basic training.Your first enlistment is simply an oath of intent, your date of departure, your job selection, be aware that your enlistment bonus or any other guarantee that you have can be changed by yourself or your chosen branch prior to your date of departure.Everything is simply a promise until your final enlistment oath on ship day.Some branches of service, and the Army & Navy, want you to go to the Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) to take your ASVAB & physical to ensure you’re qualified for your position. While you’re there you’ll be told what opportunities you qualify for, and asked to enlist into the Delayed Entry Program (DEP).My advice is to take that info go home & sleep on it - offers & opportunities don’t simply vanish.Enlisting into the military is not something to take lightly - it is the largest commitment, outside of having a child, you’ll ever make. It can accelerate your life in many positive ways, so make the most of it from the start by making a well thought decision.

What are the penalties for getting a tattoo in the Marines dep program?

I joined the dep (delayed entry program) with 3 tattoos (1 unfinished). I got the last one finished shortly after swearing in and my recruiters updated my paperwork and moved on. Would it be that simple if I got a new tattoo?
I know I signed something saying I won t get any but I am curious of the actual consequences of getting them in dep (obviously nothing offensive or in a prohibited spot).

Can i back out of Marine corps contract?

All you need to do is tell your recruiter and write a letter to the head of your recruiting office stating that you no long intend on shipping to boot camp and that you wish to be released from the Delayed Entry Program.

You then need to wait for your DEP discharge papers to come through which can take as long as several months as no one is really concerned with getting your paperwork processed in a timely fashion.