If You Were Born 1000 Ad How Old Would You Be Now

How old would you be if you were born in 1987?

23 going on 24

If you were born 1000 AD how old would you be now?

You would be dead. Age is for living people.

How we get BC (Before Christ) and AD (Anno Domino).How many years are there in BC time?

First of all AD is not After Death, it's Anno DominiAnno Domini means "year of the lord" in Latin AD is AFTER Jesus was bornBC is BEFORE Jesus was bornSo 550 BC means 550 years before Jesus was bornAnd 2000 AD almost means 2000 years after Jesus was born, but AD started at 1 not 0So, 2 AD is actually 1 Year after Jesus was born And 2000 AD is actually 1999 Years after Jesus was born.But we don't really know WHEN Jesus was born!Some historians put the actual birth of Jesus 4 years earlier (4 BC), but it WAS thought to be exactly at 1 AD.A monk named Dionysius Exiguus calculated his own present year to be 525 ADAnd if you continue counting years from then you get our current year numberSo, AD is now just a "Year Number" (every New Year we add 1), and it only roughly equals how many years ago that Jesus Christ was bornExtras"2000 AD" or "AD 2000"Should "AD" be written before or after the number?It WAS common to write it before (the standard was to put "AD" before the year and "BC" after), but now many people put "AD" after the year number. So you decide!What is CE and BCE?They are recent terms that mean the same as AD and BC:CE means "Common Era" and is the same as ADExample: 2012 CE is 2012 ADBCE means "Before Common Era" and is the same as BCExample: 500 BCE is 500 BCSource:Anno Domini AD and BC Dionysius Exiguus' Easter table

Which date is older im confused 3000bc or 2000bc?!?

Our calendars are based on eras, BC (commonly known as Before Christ or Before Christian Era) and AD (Anno Domini which means In the year of the lord in latin) or the year Jesus was born. Our calendars were based around the birth of jesus so everything before his birth is the year followed by BC and everything after his birth is followed by AD. The years in BC start high and decrease to year 1BC and then immediately go to year 1AD. There is no year 0. So the year 3000BC would be older than the year 2000BC.

Here is a timeline for you:

3000BC - 2000BC - 1000BC - 1BC - 1AD - 1000AD - 2000AD -2010AD (The year we are in now)