Im 13 And Obese And Wondering About A Waterfast

Im 5'4 and 150 pounds, am i fat?

Eat less overall.

Eat more whole fruit and veggies, chicken and fish, and whole grains; start eating light yogurt.

Eat less red meat, processed foods, and sugar.

Don't waste your money on "100-Calorie Packs" of anything; they're a ripoff. They're more expensive than the non-conveniently-prepackaged versions, and they don't give you as much, either. And besides, those 100 calories are probably just pure carbs and empty of other nutrients.

Drink more water, and less soda/juice. If you like, you can drink unsweetened tea (but if you like it sweet, use a sugar substitute like Splenda).

20-45 minutes is an awfully wide range of time. Make an effort to at least walk (you don't have to jog) for at least 30 minutes; whether you do so on the treadmill or outside doesn't matter, so long as you do it.

You'll probably be able to drop the 10 pounds in about 2 months if you do this. Talk to your parents about buying more healthy snacks and less junk food.

Im 13 and want to lose weight, what sports/exercising can i do?

Ok before u say **** like oh your only 13 your still growing blah blah blah. Read this, i quit football when i was about 8 and never played sport since, i NEVER exercise because i never know what to do.
Im making a change literally TOMORROW. Im sick of being a fat slob that does nothing and im sick of being bullied for being fat.
Im 6'3, and weigh 76kg
I have dreams of being a model but if i dont make a strict change its never gonna happen.
I have good looks but my fat is off-putting.
Im joining basketball this week but i want to join more sports i want to take this really serious.
I also want to surf and swim but im scared because of my body i cant hide it in a swim suit.
Also i want to join hiphop but im scared of getting judged by other girls.

Anyways what exercises can i do in my home/neighbourhood?
And can i have tips for a 13 year old joining a gym?
Oh one more question, this is a bit embarrassing. I absolutely hate veggies they make me feel sick and i gag when i try and eat them, is there any possible way that i can like the taste or atleast not mind the taste?

Im 13, 94 pounds, 5'2 and I want to lose weight?

Ok so I feel VERY fat. The doctors say I'm a little under weight but Idc. So I started today a water diet. That when Im hungry I'll drink water and maybe an apple. And If I don't lose weight then I'm going to make myself throw up. So I want to weigh about 80 pounds. Should I lose more? Thanks (: