Im 14 Years Old And I Want To Lose Fat Alot Fast Because I Want To Make My School Soccer Team

Im a 14 year old girl 5'7 and weigh 155 lbs am i fat? if so what is the fastest weigh 2 lose weight in 2 weeks

if you workout alot and are very athletic than it might be muscle but also you want a heathy diet when you want a snack grab and apple or carrot your not fat and dont let anyone put you down also excercise regularly i do cross country im not a stick but i keep my diet healthy so just eat right and stay active

Im 14 years old, i weigh about 158 pounds, im 5 "4 im a girl. Am i fat, if so whats an easy way 2 lose weight?

If you don't want your family to know, then stay away from your classic exercise of running, weights, machines etc and start doing fun stuff like roller blading, cycling, swimming or team sports with friends.

Eat healthy snacks and drink lots of water.

By the way, there is no shame in your family knowing that you want to be healthier. You could encourage them to join you in getting healthier and fitter for 2009.

Edited to say that the healthy weight range for someone your height is 112 lbs to 146. The previous person who said they are 105 could put unrealistic expectations on you as that really is too low to be healthy.

I'm 10 years old, but 130 pounds. Am I overweight or fat?

I would not do drastic changes without consulting a doctor.That said, if you are overweight, it means your current diet is not optimal for your body. There are a few changes you can do that are very safe and easy. You don't provide much detail in your post, so I can only make assumptions.First, what do you normally drink? I know at your age I drank lots of sodas. One single can of soda has more sugar than an adult male should consume in an entire day. All the extra sugar just gets stored as fat. Consider drinking water instead. Not juice, not diet soda, just plain water.I also had candy and desert every chance I got. Consider skipping the desert or having some fruit instead.Many kids avoid vegetables. I know kids that have never had a salad until they were 20. Ideally one should eat vegetables in every single meal.Those are weight loss 101 tips. Those are low risk things you can do. No doctor will advice against those things. What you don't want to do is stop eating and starve yourself to lose weight. Not only it's not effective, but it is flat out dangerous. This is really where you want professional help.You are about to go through puberty, this makes it very easy for you to slim down, but you do need to improve your habits.Losing weight and keeping it off is hard work. It will mean permanent changes to your lifestyle. Changing any habit is hard work. You might read the advice above and think it would be to hard to do. The good news is that you get used to it. If you were to start today, a month from now it would be second nature to you.

What are some ways I can lose weight fast, unhealthy ways?

Quick diets may help for a week or so, but they do not last since the weight would be put on after.
My suggestion is to go fully raw vegan. It is the most healthy option that will nit starve you, but itwill naturally take your weight off and you can feel full or satisfied.
My advice is to watch some videos on youtube about this lifestyle by Fully raw Kristina or by Freelee the Banana Girl.
Hope this helps, and I promise you will benefit!