Im 18 Years Old And Weigh 128 Pound

I am 18 years old and weight 116 pounds, is this a ok weight for my age?

yeah, that is like perfect! even 10 more pounds wont make you look overweight; i think for you, 110-130 pounds is ok. ♥

I'm 18 years old 5"6 and i weigh 200 pounds. I want to lose 50 so I look good for my boyfriend.?

Lifestyle change, not diet. a diet is what you eat day to day not something for a short period of time to lose weight. Cut out sugary products, those with lots of sodium, cokes unless diet, and fried foods. once a week you can have a day where you drink a coke and eat some fried food if you want but keep it in moderation adn dont over eat. Stick to 1500 calories.

For exercise, 5 days a week for 30 mins of cardio. Cardio is walking, running, jogging, biking, skipping, aerobics, tae-bo, turbo jam, etc. anything that gets your heart rate up for extended time. If you want you can even start off at 3 days 30 mins each, then the 2nd week go to 5 days 30 mins. Eventually, try to do 40-60 mins 5 times per week.

You can have 2 rest days in the week, they dont have tobe back to back. u can exercise 2 days, rest a day, then do 2 more and rest another day and keep it up, or youc an do what i do and rest on the weekends and work out week days.

Keep this up and you will lose weight in no time!

I'm 20 years old and an 5'2". I weigh 170 pounds. I needed to lose about 50 lb as soon as possible. HELP!!!

Ok so im 20 years old 5'2"and weigh 170 lB at the moment. 2 years ago i weighed 128. I ve gained so much weight and now it is so difficult for me to lose the weight and i need tips . i dont look big but now i can tell i have a belly and i have never had love handles.. The weight goes to my butt and thighs. Im not worry about those places if not my belly and as i stated the handles.How do i get rid of that???????? HELP!!!!!!!!!! thanks

Is it safe to be 5'5 and weigh 99.6 pounds at 18 years old?

That question can’t be answered just with the information that you have provided. One would need to know some other details. You are technically underweight, but being a bit underweight by itself is not particularly dangerous (at your age anyway). The questions your doctor would be asking is - are you 99 lbs because you have been dieting and trying to lose weight? Have you weighed more and lost weight for unknown reasons? Has your weight been declining steadily or has there been a sudden decrease, or have you grown in height but not put on any weight? What is your appetite like, has there been any sudden change? Then your healthcare provider would want to explore your diet, including your overall caloric intake, and your protein and micro-nutrient intake, along with your activity level. Last he or she would look at your body image, any anxieties about body weight, what your look like, and any other mental health symptoms such as symptoms of depression or anxiety. They would also look at any medications you are taking, including recreational drug use and tobacco use.If your weight has been stable, and you eat a relatively healthy diet with enough protein, don’t have any symptoms of malabsorption issues, and you don’t have any problems with body image causing you to try to lose weight, or try to at least keep your weight where it is, and you are not taking any medications or using recreational drugs that would lead to weight loss than it is likely you are just skinny and aren’t in any immediate danger. However, if you are not eating enough, for whatever reason, then long term being under 100 lbs at 5′5″ will have deleterious effects on your health.

Im 18 year old male. I weigh only about 110 pounds. Many peopls suggest that I need to put on more weight.?

Young men your age tend to be slim usually. They fill out more when they get around 24 or 25. I wouldn't worry about what other people say.

Probably the healthiest way to gain weight (if you want to) is using one of the weight-gain shakes. Dairy products and carbohydrates are good weight-putter-on-ers too.

In general, the foods that put on weight are not the healthiest; so if you want to add weight you have to be willing to go the unhealthy-food route as far as I can see.

I am 18 years old, 5'3" and I weigh 150 pounds. Am I overweight?

The bmi chart is not always true. It takes only into account whatever the averages are for your age and height and this is where they cone up with what you should weigh. I have been working out for years. I'm 24 and I weigh 230 pounds at 6' tall. The chart considers me obese which is untrue. My body fat percentage is only 6%. your doctor says your just right so go by that. Also your doctor never said you were at risk for anything right? So your healthy. And judge yourself on the way you look rather than some stupid magic number.

I'm 18 years old and weigh 190 pounds. I weighed 160 when I was 16. How do I cut the thirty pounds extra pounds I've gained?

May be you can start by detoxing to remove all toxins from your body. Exercise and eat clean and you will lose weight very fast. Read these articles they can be very helpful 12 Importance of Detoxing your Body and What You Need to Know About Losing Weight

I’m 18 years old, 5'1", and weigh 120 pounds. If I eat 600 calories a day for a month, how much weight will I lose?

You know what kind of people do well on a very low calorie diet?Very fat people.This isn’t any kind of slur. It is just that our body can only pull so many calories a day from one pound of fat and people with more fat can therefore access more calories per day from their fat storage.That isn’t you.From the question I expect that not only are you not really fat you are also likely female. As such you need to be aware that while starving won’t actually put your body in “starvation mode” it is likely to cause your periods to stop. And that is bad from a long term health perspective.Body Fat Energy Availability or HormonesIf you just wanted to do the math you could take a shot at calculating your daily calorie usage and subtract 600 from that to see what your calculated deficit would be per day then multiply by the number of days and divide by 3500.It would give you an estimate of what could theoretically be done.Still a very bad idea.Since you almost certainly don’t have enough fat for you body to pull that many calories from your fat storage your body will need to break down other tissues to keep you alive. Tissues you need like your reproductive system and muscle.

If I’m an 18-year-old girl that weighs about 90 pounds, can’t put on weight, and eats and exercises regularly, is it probable that I haven’t finished going through puberty yet?

If you have a slight frame and a high metabolism (or possibly overactive thyroid) your could have trouble gaining weight! One of my aunts said that she had trouble keeping weight on and she is about 5′2″ tall and quite slim. Last time that I saw her in person she had gained a bit of weight — maybe to 105 lbs. and she shared that her BMR (basal metabolic rate) was 125 (I think that it goes by percent) and 100 would likely be normal, so hers would be higher than normal.One of my friends at university was like that — she was slim and couldn’t seem to gain weight.Also my current cleaning lady is shorter than 5 feet tall and has a very slim and fine boned body — so likely she is under 100 pounds too!

I'm a 19 year old male and I weigh 155 pounds. Is this normal?

Depends on your height and muscle vs. body fat percentage. Generally, for men, a very rough starting part would be 106 pounds for 5′ tall, and 6″ for each inch after that, with 10% plus or minus. So 5′8″ would be 106 + (6 x 8) = 154#, with the range being 138 - 169#, depending on your general build. So there is a wide range of heights for which 155# is fine. But please don’t take this as law.At 19, young men may still be growing, and their weight may not have caught up to their height.Eat several portions of fruits/veggies daily, snack a couple times but choose healthy snacks - i.e. no sugary beverages and junk food, about 25% of your diet can be protein sources, and 25% high-fiber carbs such as high-fiber cereal, brown rice, high-fiber bread and grains. Milk, yogurt, nuts, cheese, legumes, peanut butter - there are lots of options.Get enough exercise that your muscles are defined and you’re not “skinny” looking even at a good weight - you’ll feel great.