Im 19 And Want To Be A Dad So Bad It Hurts

Is it bad that I want to kill my real father?

i think alot of people think about killing their dads…my dad is a trash that ive been wanting to kill for over a decade. he is a gambling addict since i was 13 and he has cause pain and grief for 15 years. when i 16 my parents bought me a used car for my birthday and i was so happy but within a year it was repoed cause my dad gambled away my family savings. when i turned 19 i moved out and was so happy and relived to rid of this fool but even after i moved out i couldnt show my face to people i know because he was going around borrowing money from family friends…and the funny part is he is going around saying that he was helping me pay for my tuition…..he doesnt even know what university and when my mom and i refuse to pay his dept he goes on anger rampage…he is a fukin joke and trash as a father. up to date he has borrowed and blown over 500 grand and god know how much of the family money he has blown….keeping up with his dept our family had to sell our business and file for bankrupsy cause we couldnt pay off the inventory cost of the business. i have thought about poisoning him or strangling him in his sleep…and even thought about taking my gun and blowing is empty brains all over the place. but i come to realization that i will go to jail if i kill him…i cant let him steal another 25 years of my life when he has already ruined 26 of it. then again i live in detroit so i guess i can find someone to do it

Im 19. my mom and dad divorced when i was 11. my mom got bad into drugs and i didnt understand?

why she was acting the way she was. my father soon got custdody and we moved to another state. i missed my mom terribly and i didnt understand what drugs were when i was 11, so i was very upset i didnt have her around. so when i turned 13 my dad saw that she was getting a little better, so he let me and my sister was then 7 go stay with her, guess what happened... my mom introduced me to weed. so i smoked weed for the first time with my mother. from then on i thought i was cool. that happened during the summer so i had to return to the state my dad lived. christmas time my dad let us go back to see her. when i came back to go back to school i ran away 2 weeks after arriving back home. i ran away to my moms house. NOW this is what happened. i fell in love with this boy ... (my first love) ...
i got into trouble and i had to move back with my dad 2 months before i turned 16. i had experimented with all kinds of drugs while i was there.
my mom was a crackhead ... full blown ...

I'm 19 years old, no dental insurance and bad cavity no clue what to do.?

Hi, I just turned 19 four months ago and have never had a job, but plan on getting one this summer to help pay for college books etc. That being said, I have two cavities on the upper part on each side of my jaw. One of them hurts alot when I try to go to sleep at night. Now I can only eat on one side of my mouth, but I don't want the cavity that doesn't hurt to get worse. I haven't been to the dentist in about 10 years and don't have dental insurance any more. Since I don't have a job I don't think I could get insurance. Even if I just got a job, i'd propably have to wait for insurance. I would like to get my tooth fixed as soon as possible so it doesn't get worse. I still live with my father and rarely ask him for any money because i'm 19 and would feel embarrased too, but am willing to ask for some money for my teeth. I would like to save as much money as possible to get the one painful tooth fixed, and pay my father back as soon as i get a job. Should I get a dental plan? What are my other options to save on money when going to the dentest.

Also I would like to know some good tooth pain medicine to help me sleep at at night, and does Dent's toothache gum (that old time red gum you fill a cavity with) work?

Thank you for taking time to read this. I know it's a lot, but is greatly appreciated. I really don't know what to do.

Im 19 and my parents wont let me leave?

They love you, They don't know if you're ready yet

Im 19 and my parents wont let me get a tattoo?

I am 19 years old and my parents are threatening to kick me out if i get this tattoo. It was going to say "warrior" in the tiniest font I could get it on on my wrist, its not big or trashy or anything.... i dont see the problem. Ive done the research about iy, and my futurejob will be okay with tattoos. I pay my bills, but i cant yet afford to live on my own. I am going to school so its hard to get enough hours to be able to pay rent for an apartment at minimum wage, so moving out is not an option.

I basically need a way on how to persuade them to let me get this tattoo. Im kinda pissed that im 19 and i still need permission. Any ideas on how i can persuading them that its not that bad?

I'm 19 years old and I want to get circumcised?

You see, it isn't because the fact I'm uncircumcised makes me want to be circumcised.

I actually have phimosis which that prevents the foreskin going over my penis glands. I can't retract my foreskin because it's too tight and painful to even try. My dad never taught me how to clean my penis or pull it back to clean it so therefore I've only probably pulled my foreskin across my penis glands 3-5 times in my whole entire life...

It's really sad.

I'm scared to have sex with girls because of this. I mean, I get erections and they're fine but I can't get my foreskin down. It hurts a lot.

Yes, I know it is going to be extremely painful but what other choice do I have? It's ruining my sex life and everything else. It has affected me a lot of these past years in my life. While everyone out there gets to have sex or whatever, I can't because I have a condition.

I've tried to do it many times (pulling it back, that is) but I can't. I wish my dad would have gotten me circumcised. Just thinking about it makes me mad and life would be so much easier if I were...

How much does it cost? Anyone know?

Help!!! im a single dad with a 16 year old daughter who is having to go to the gyn for the first time?

Okay, well I'm not a mom, but I have been to the gynecologist many times so hopefully I can provide some positive feedback. First off, I am sorry about your situation. That must be really hard. Basically when you go in for your appointment, they usually have you wear a hospital gown or you remove your pants and underwear, and just put a medical sheet over your bottom half. Okay, sorry if this gets visual but there's no way to play it down. They'll use an object to open her up so that they can do the pap smear (testing for cervical cancer and stds usually). Then the doctor may also do an exam with his/her hand to make sure the uterus is healthy. I know this all sounds VERY uncomfortable, but I promise it is not that bad and it does not hurt. It's over in couple minutes, it's very quick.

Don't worry about being self conscious, doctors don't really pay attention to your body and they are just there to help you and get the job done.

I wish your daughter the best of luck, she will get through this! Btw I'm 19, so I'm just getting used to it, but every woman goes through it :)

My dad is cheating on my mom with a girl MY AGE!?

I'm 19 years old. My mom just found out through emails and phone bills, she knows who she is and everything. My mom is really upset and broken, they've been married for 20 years! She's been crying all day and it really hurts to see my mom be this way. She confronted my dad but he ignores her.

This girl knows my dad is married, so she already knows she's a homewrecking little whore. I wanna grab her by the hair, throw her on the floor, and stomp on her face. Is it okay that I wanna do this? What should I do?