Im A Huge Fan Of Darby Crash And Was Wondering Where His Belongings Are

What musical bands have done genuine self-harm on stage?

MayhemWell, the most notorious band in history.Mayhem’s vocalist, Pelle Ohlin, aka “Dead”, was obsessed with death and stuffs like that. He buried his stage uniform before their gigs to get that “smell of the grave”, and then wore corpse paints. He literally wanted to look like a corpse.The thing is, Dead would often cut himself during gigs.Dead committed suicide in 1992. He suffered from an illness called Cotard Delusion, primarily because he was clinically dead after an accident as a child. And the rest is history.But after Dead, it was Maniac (Sven Erik Kristiansen).Well, the name suggests everything. Maniac was a maniac on stage, and he is known for his erratic behavior. Maniac would often cut himself on stage, landing him on the ICU several times.Just check this out.

Why Marilyn Manson is so Misunderstood. Artist or Bad Influence?

Ok i am a huge fan of Marilyn Manson, and I think he is clearly misunderstood. Here is why:

Marilyn Manson is not a musician; he is an artist. To him and many people like myself, the point of art is too make you ask questions. When you have someone like Marilyn Manson, who is pretty much what the exact opposite of what everybody thinks is "right" then he kind of makes you ask questions, and see the world differently. He is not trying to make anyone change whatsoever, but just make people question. Some people take his music too seriously, however, and do bad things so that is why parents and other people think that he is a bad influence. I think that he is truly a genus, artistic and smart person.

What do you think of Marilyn Manson?

Is the PC a good platform for playing video games?

I grew up on consoles, and for a while, I was certain that consoles were absolutely, 100% better than PCs for gaming.  I simply didn't understand why anybody would choose a keyboard and mouse over a controller, and why someone would use a computer for anything other than surfing the internet, etc.  I spent a good 5 years playing primarily on an Xbox 360, loving the hell out of Halo, Dark Souls, and games like them.  Finally, however, I caved in, and bought a gaming PC.  I can see why PCs are so widely used, and how people can prefer PC over console gaming.  PCs have more versatility, more potential power, fewer limits, and higher quality hardware.  PC gaming allows you to choose the kind of experience you want to have, to change the game with mods, if you'd like, to change the controller you use, etc.  You can have more power in the game, to make it more beautiful, to run at higher fidelities, and not be limited to the structure and hardware that corporate execs decided is reasonable to sell en masse.  PC gaming is cheaper, in the long run, as games are less likely to be overpriced, you're more able to find small indie games, or even large free ones such as League of Legends or Team Fortress 2, and there are sales literally all the time.  Overall, I recommend PC as the platform of choice, over Playstation or Xbox.Note:  I can't effectively argue that PC gaming is superior to Nintendo gaming, unless you have a method to emulate the Wii U and similar games.  Nintendo tends to sell an experience, which is almost impossible to replicate without using their hardware.  Xbox and Playstation, on the other hand, are much more similar to both each other and to PC gaming, but their benefits are generally too few for me to recommend them over PC.  However, PC gaming vs Nintendo is a much harder distinction, and I believe that comes entirely to personal preference.

Do we only reincarnate into the future of this reality, or can we reincarnate into the past?

I love this question. I give a lot of thought to ideas like this because I write novels about souls who remember all their past lives conspiring throughout history to prevent the rest of us from knowing the truth about ourselves and our world.This question points out the fact that the universe is a very big place which includes the dimension of time as well as the dimension of space. Until we know how we got here in the first place, who’s to say when or where we will show up next?“Not only is the universe stranger than we imagine, it is stranger than we CAN imagine.” — Sir Arther EddingtonIf it is true that we are pieces of an infinite being so vast that it is (or ‘we are’) beyond our conception, and that we are evolving toward higher levels of awareness through multiple incarnations in this world, it makes sense that we would utilize the full dimensionality of the universe to facilitate that growth. In other words, a given soul might experience many lifetimes in which to optimize itself here, in this grade level of the Big School, and graduate to a planet a million light years from here, where everyone has wings, or telepathic abilities, or whatever awesomeness may be in store, but the lessons become more advanced.Likewise, what if you have figured out just about everything this world has to teach you over the course of eons, but the only “lesson” you have left to learn is how to be less uptight, how to be free, how to have a good time. Maybe you will be hit by a bus tomorrow, and come back to earth one last time to be the thing you always wanted to be, but lacked the personality to try. You could be born in 1960 and become a huge f-ing rock star in the 1970s. Sounds fun, and plausible to me. Why not?My fiction moves forward in linear time and I have not explored this idea of moving backwards, yet. But it is perfectly consistent with the notion of reincarnation as far as I can see. In other words, it would hold together logically as a story, so I see no reason to think it wouldn’t hold together in reality either. It makes sense to me.