Im Going To Cry Someone Help Me

Im going to cry D: PLEASE help me! 10 Points.?

Plantae : Pine Trees :: (Equivalence Kingdom: Specimen)
a. animalia : Humans

Eubacteria :Prokaryotes
c.Protista :Eukaryotes

Which of the following is not a characteristic used to group eubacteria
(domain Bacteria was known as Eubacteria, different Kingdom classification system)

Eubacteria are responsible for the recycling of

The major groups of archaebacteria include
d. all of the above

I'm so bored I'm crying. Help me. Please.?

There is nothing, literally nothing, for me to do. And if there is, I can't do it because I don't have money, I've already done it today, or I don't have it to do in the first place. I'm seriously crying I'm so bored.

Can someone please help me write a poem for my ex?

Why would you ask yahoo answers first off?!? You want this to come from your heart. Not what some random person think you should say to your ex boyfriend to do what? Make him come running back to you. He broke up with you so clearly you just need to get over him. Writting depressing poetry probably wont help. Maybe you could write angry poetry about how you are made he broke up with you... But lovey dovey poetry will not get either of you anywhere.
My suggestions:
fix your grammer (*'re, *i...I, *u... you,)
Then you could say. . .
I cant think of anything. Your poem kinda sucks (I dont want to be mean) but it really does not feel like it comes from you. You know? Its very bland
Question: Whats the difference between Gothic and Emo???
you could try and add:

What happened to our love
Its killing me inside
you don't understand
the pain I feel
I need your love
to be with you
for you to hold me
against your chest
im leaving now
giving up on you
don't come back
because I'm already gone

. . . I have no idea

you kinda sound Like Bella Swan from Twiling in New Moon when Edward left. Just get your stuff together and move on. Dont crawl into a deep whole of depressing sadness that will really not get you anywhere.

Best of luck :)

I'm going to cry. I seriusly need help!!! im soo stressed out!!!?

i will personaly give the 10 points out today with someone with a clear explination on how they solved, a clear answer and a clear showing of how they solved the problem and also what their ploblem/equations were before they solved. the question reads: SYDNEY HARBOR BRIDGE IN AUSTRALIA IS 1149 METERS LONG. BECAUSE OFF CHANGES IN TEMPERATURE, THE BRIDGE CAN EXPAND OR CONTRACT BY AS MUCH AS 420 MILIMETERS. WRITE AND SOLVE AN ABSOLUTE-VALUE EQUATION TO FIND THE MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM LENGTHS OF THE BRIDGE. i seriusly need help! i want to cry so bad. my mom is so mad at me right now i think she is going to ground me.

Why do I feel like crying when people talk to me?

I have an answer to this question that may sound a bit strange, but it really worked for me. I used to have this problem a while ago. It never resonated to me when parents told me that I was nervous or sensitive until one day I took some training. I don't even remember what it was about, some life balance or life calling, but I did talk to the trainer about this tears thing. And he said something completely unpredictable “ that if you feel often like crying it is because you have too much love locked inside of you that you never expressed, try to let it out in a safe, comfortable way, through letting your tears out while being alone, through laughing alone, through saying kind things you think but don't say and see what will happen.”It did help me. I realized that I did have many locked emotions and I learned ways to let them out and tears problem went completely away. I don't know if it is your case or not, but it could be worth considering.Good luck!

Omg I'm about to cry! I really need some help with my homework! can someone please help me?

1. The solution to the mystery is beautifully simple. Holmes makes the assumption that there was no purpose to copying the encyclopedia and as such that somebody must want the protagonist out of the pawn shop for several hours. This turns out to be true, he then realizes the motive was to build a tunnel.
2. The end was satisfying the 'bad guy' was caught red handed which meant that Holmes was once again the hero. The fact that good triumphs over evil makes it an extremely satisfying ending.

3. The elements of a mystery are:
a) a person with a problem with no apparent solution
b) a criminal which is connected but we don't know how
c) a few red herrings to confuse the reader. For example, the emphasis on red hair.
d) the triumph of the good elements in society over the bad ones

4. Clues which indicate Spaulding as the probable criminal include the fact that he has dirt on his pants from digging and going through the tunnel. Holmes knew Spaulding would rob the bank that evening, Saturday, because he would thus have an extra day before the robbery would be discovered and he could make his escape. These clues obviously suggested Spaulding as the probable criminal.