Im In Need Of A Car To Get Back And Foth To Work Wat Should I Do

Why do I rock back and forth? Ever since I could sit up, I've been rocking back and forth. I usually do it in the car when I'm riding as a passenger, but sometimes I do it without noticing. I don't know why I do this. I'm 17 years old.

One of the Psychological reasons for why someone would rock like you described is exactly that, to let out tension and many people do it and never think about it. That satisfying  rocking sensation stems from you being held as a child and your mother rocking you to sleep or for comfort if you injured yourself or what ever the reason is for your being comforted.  It is like when you see a cat or kitty purring on something soft and they use their paws to squish the softness in between their toes/fingers.  What they are doing is an act of self-reassurance and self-comforting in remembrance of when they were nursing from their mother and the motion of moving their paws as to draw-out more milk. Actually, as humans, we do a bunch of actions from our childhood that we are not aware of, to comfort ourselves during times of great stress, frustration or sadness. Who ever said anything about Autism clearly is mistaken and does not know the difference in behavior, even though the actions are similar, the origins are completely different in nature.What you do is only something you might want to control if you are doing it in front of persons that would normally not see you rocking.  Some might mis-interpret it like that one person did with the comment regarding Autism. Other than that, it is a harmless method of self-soothing that if effective, do it!Hope this helped. If you have more to ask me, feel free. Take care, till thenPeace...

How much do i need for a car auction?

DONT buy from an auction. The cars that are available to the public at auction are the ones all the dealers passed on. Dealers get to bid first. If the car doesn't sell, the dealer, or wholesaler, can put it in a public auction and hope for better results.

But if professionals have all taken a pass on them, why would you even consider buying it? These guys are very well trained pros who can spot troubled cars a mile away. And they avoid them at all costs.

Also, public auction houses have ringers in the crowd who bid up the price if they detect "heat" in it. If it's a car you really want, you'll end up paying a lot more for it b/c the ringers will raise evey bid you make until they reach a threshold. Then they'll let you "outbid" them.

So take a very good tip from the pros who buy at auctions every week, don't buy at a public auction! Find something online or in a local newspaper.

I have no money im 17 and I need a car to get back and forth from school. is there anywhere i can get a car?

depending on your family's income (and if they have no form of transportation) they may qualify to get a low interest loan to buy a car so that you can get to school. But that service may not be available in your city so call your local information and referral help line to see if those services are available. It's 211 from a home phone or go to to find a call center near you.

And this is so your FAMILY can get a car because they don't already have one. This isn't so you can have some wheels cause you don't want to ride the cheese wagon.

I desperately need a car but have no money for it and cant get a loan?

Welcome to the REAL WORLD!! In order to get something, you have to work for it.

Go out and get a job. You can buy an old beater on craigslist any time you want for $500. Then you need a cash reserve for insurance, gas and maintenance.

In the meantime, ride a bike, walk or carpool with a friend. If you choose the carpool option, you need to help pay for gas. Since your going away to college, find a place close to campus so you don't need to drive.

Why won't my mom buy me a car for my senior year?

I'll be getting my license this summer and I want a car for my senior year. I'm a good student and I'm mature. She said she also wants me to get a job senior year, so how am I supposed to get back and forth if I don't have a car? She also works Tuesdays and Thursdays, so I have to ride the bus then.

I am going to look pathetic without a car. Everyone else in my grade drives and it lets them be independent and do what they want. I don't want my mom to drive me to school and pick me up, especially since she wants me do so many things my senior year that require individual transportation.

We have enough money to buy a car because I'm an only child too, so what do I do about this?!

Can you buy a car with a suspended license?

There is no requirement that you have a valid driver's license to purchase or own a vehicle. You can not drive om the road without a legal license, but you can own vehicles.

You may need to list a driver with a valid license to get insurance, but you can title a vehicle in your name.

How can I buy a car with no credit, no job, no proff of income, nor a co-signer?

Take the bus.

Seriously, though. the worst thing you could do is get a car that you have to make payments on. You can get a pretty decent car for only about 1500 or so, if you do your homework. The car obviously won't be the latest and greatest, but it will get you back in forth in relative comfort. Given your lack of credit history, you are going to be paying a very high interest rate, if you can even qualify for a loan at all. Plus, if you are financing a vehicle, you will have to pay for full coverage insurance, which is another big expense.

Good luck in finding a car!

I’m stuck with no help, no car, no job, and I live in the suburbs with no public transportation. Without a car, I can’t get a job. Without a job I can’t get a car. What do I do?

I’ve been there and done that. My solution was a bicycle, and I rode it in all kinds of weather, including snow. I had an arrangement with a friend to pick me up on the infrequent days with heavy rain. I occasionally had to take a taxi.On warmer days, I would leave a change of clothes at work, and wash myself down in the bathroom after riding so that I would still smell pleasant.It’s awkward, and takes advance planning, but it’s doable.

What should I do when im offered a job that goes very late and my parents doesn't approve?

Ask your parents if they will consider getting you back and forth to work. Tell them it's only temporary because you will be getting your own car, the very first thing. If they are not willing to do that for you, and you can't find anyone else to do so either, you have no choice but to leave the job. Bless your heart, I hope something will come through for you.