Im Nervous About My Freshman Year Of Highschool

I'm SUPER nervous for high school- (Freshman Year)- Any tips?

I've already posted this, but I am SUPER nervous. I need to know about everything! Fashion, social-skills, studying habits, easy memorization, how to pass, EVERYTHING!!! I'm SO nervous. I start school in a few weeks, and I don't even know the school. Please give me all the advice you can. And thank you for your advice, it will all be so helpful.

I'm Nervous For My Freshman Year In High School! Help?!?

Oh girl, don't be nervous! Its just like middle school, except it's a bigger. I loved my first high school experience! Yes, I was nervous because I was afraid of getting lost, and stuff like that. If you get lost or you don't know where you're class is, ask a teacher! My freshmen year was great for me! I met so many other people from other middle schools, and I made so much better & new friends. I met ALOT of girls who I got along better with than girls in middle school. I met more BETTER boys too lol. Don't do you're makeup like you're going to a dance party, and don't overdress. Its just school. The first 2 weeks of my freshmen year, I just dressed plain and simple because you shouldn't be focusing on you're looks the first few weeks when you get into high school. Focus on where you're classes are, and learn you're way around the school. Once I new my way around the school, I started dressing in my own style. Just some advice, don't crush on the 10th, & 11th graders. They just like to mess around with fresh meat. There nothing but trouble! They just want to see how easy you are since your a freshmen. Don't try to fit it, be who you are. You are going to be surprised of how many people you are going to make friends with. Also, don't focus on the boys too much. You're barley starting high school, and trust me you're going to meet ALOT of boys...your not going to know who to choose. AND, you're going to meet mean girls and boys who are jerks. So, stay away from those kind of people. Good luck girl! You're going to be just fine. Make you're high school years worth wild! I'm already going to be a junior this August, and it feels like my freshmen year was just yesterday.

Is highschool scary on the 1st day of freshman year?

Hello, freshman here.I remember walking into the gates trembling while holding my schedule. To the right was the student center and to the left were a flight of stairs with students, presumably older ones, who all looked like they knew what they were doing. I had not had a proper tour of the school, as I had done my registration later than others, so I looked like a lost puppy as you can imagine. Thankfully I saw one of the vice principals were outside of the student center answering questions, so I timidly waited in line to talk to him. I handed him my schedule and croaked out, “Hi, I have no idea what I’m doing and I’m terrified.” He smiled and told me there was nothing to be worried about and happily gave me directions to my classroom.My next thought was how I was going to make friends. Luckily in my third period I was sat next to a girl who was wearing a shirt covered cats. Obviously I complimented her shirt! One thing led to another, and now I am part of a circle of kindhearted friends with the same goals as me.Was high school scary on the first day of school? Yes. Does it get better? Yes.Just relax and you should be fine. We all go through the same process. You’ll grow more comfortable with yourself and your surroundings over time.

Nervous about my sophomore year [HIGH SCHOOL] ?

OMG I HAVE THE EXACT SAME SITUATION. I'm gonna be a sophomore too! I no EXACTLYY how u feel legit. I was worrying about that too cause i have many classes so far where i no absolutely nobody. Well the advice i have to give is first be open minded with people. some people that u might think u would normally be friends with give a chance. i made friends with people last yr that i nvr evn liked before or thought of talking to. second thing is make friends with some of the older kids cause they dont rlly know u and wont have an already formed opinion of u going in. and most of them are really nice!! and lastly just be nice and friendly. if u come across as easy to talk to people will talk to you :) dont stress too much everyone is in the same boat trust me!!!

goood luck and have fun this yr!

I'm so nervous,Starting my Freshman year?

Ok listen to me very carefully
i remember when i was starting my freshman year in high school too be honest i was scared shi*less and i couldnt stop thinking of all the negative things that could happen to me i had no clue what to expect all i could do was wait ...then the first day came and it was sooooo easy !!!!!! :D i was scared for nothing ! one thing that really made me worry that day was O CRAP WHO AM I GOING TO SIT WITH AT LUNCH ! :( but while i was standing in the lunch line i decided to just turn around and make friends with people standing behind me and i sat with a group of people that day :) im just trying to tell you that so many teens are feeling the exact same way that you are and the only thing you can do it put your brave face on put your best foot forward and walk out your front door with all the confidence you can have and you will have an amazing time in high school just be friendly,nice, and social :) and just wear something cute that day something bright that will make you stand out so you can make friends
say a little prayer before you walk out your door it will bring peace into your heart that everything will be ok :) and i will pray for you even if i dont know you
make this year a good one :)
(im a junior in high school time fly's)

As a freshman in high school, I'm worried about my 3.4 GPA considering I'm competing against others with weighted 4.1's. Are GPA's a crucial factor for college and should I continue to just focus on my extracurriculars?

Of course grades matter. Yours should be no problem for admissions to strong second tier colleges. They would be a problem for a top tier school unless you have a great story to tell about overcoming obstacles or accomplishing some significant community service. Extracurricular activities matter too, But for a top tier school they should involve leadership or an in depth commitment and development of a skill (music, for instance). SAT scores are being reduced in importance but they matter at a top tier school for people whose grades and other accomplishment are not competitive with the top HS graduates across the country and other countries. Top schools do not measure you against the students at your school, they measure you against the most accomplished students at all schools. Graduates of strong second tier colleges, if they have applied themselves and developed good internships, do just fine after college.

I'm starting my freshman year in high school tomorrow...any tips? starting my freshman year tomorrow and I'm really nervous because we didn't get a chance to tour the school, so i have no idea where anything is!!! So, do have any tips on what should i bring to school and stuff like that. Thanks :)