Im Skinny Need Help Gaining Weight

15 year-old boy and skinny! Need Help Gaining Weight!?

You are an "Ectomorph" just so you know. Anyways, you will need to EAT insane amounts. Never EVER be hungry during the day. It's okay to cheat and get calories from fast food and whatnot as long as you are getting proper nutrition else where. Eat more nuts/peanuts like almonds and cashews. They are not very filling and have a TON of healthy calories. Drink a lot of milk too. Don't take any medicine, pills, or anything like that. You CAN gain weight, trust me and be patient. :).

I was at 115 lbs at your age (5'6) so I know what's like. If you haven't started lifting weights, start now. You need to do compound exercises that require multiple muscle groups such as bench press and squats (you will grow faster if you do compound movements). Don't do isolation exercises like bicep curls. You need to minimize the exercise you do, actually, to reduce your calories burned per day. The more calories you have over maintenance, the more weight you will gain, (just don't overdo it). Lower your cardio and get atleast 8 hours of sleep a day, (your body does most of it's growing during sleep).

btw: squat for BIG legs! :P goodluck, hope this will help.

I feel to skinny, and I can't gain weight. Help?

I know I have a very high metabolism. I just want to know how I can keep up with it. Because it's not easy. And I just want stop being told to go eat a cheeseburger or go kill myself because I'm so skinny. I want be thick anyway. Not because of what people say. But because I would be comfortable and look good thick. I just need ways to gain weight. Like, are there drinks or certain foods I can get??

Help a skinny 13 year old gain weight?

Hm, well I agree with eating before bed or before taking a nap. The body will store more fat when you sleep after eating.
don't push yourself to eat, and don't over eat.
If you're 13 and you only 78 pounds, then your body might be healthy at that weight. I know it sounds crazy, but your body will stay at a height and weight that it feels healthiest at.
My boyfriend's sister is a twig and she's had two kids (one recently), and didn't keep any of the pregnancy fat. Her body won't lose or gain any real weight because she's healthy.
If you're really concerned, talk to your doctor. If anyone is going to know how to help your body or tell you what's going on with your weight, they'll know what to do.

I’m very skinny. Will going to a gym help me in gaining weight?

Being skinny is not a problem at all. From skinny to muscular is relatively easy process than fat to muscular. Initially you will find it hard to lift heavy but do not worry about it. With little consistency, you can gain strength.Eat little extra clean carbs for those extra calories. Increase amount of protein in your diet. Just remember, protein is very essential and you every single meal should have some amount of protein in it. If you are a non-vegetarian, then life will be very easy for you as you can get complete protein from meat and eggs. If you are pure vegetarian, then you will have to depend little on protein supplement like whey or something.Once you start going to gym, you diet intake will automatically increase and you wont find it hard to reach your calorie count. Target muscle mass and not fat. Dont overdo on cardio as you wont need it much. Weight training will suffice.Best of luck.NOTE: Someone suggested going to McDonald :) Do not fall for such bull**** Eating junk for the sake of weight gain isnt a good advice. Being healthy is the best option.

I’m a skinny girl. Will going to the gym help me gain weight?

Yes! You'll surely see a different you in 6 months time. But, never in the world think of leaving the squat rack for any reason even after you have put on some weight.Follow a decent diet. Calculate your carbs(50–55% of your total calories), proteins( atleast 1 gram of your bodyweight in pounds), vitamins and minerals. Do not skip meals. Have three large meals and 2–3 small meals.Sleep for 7–8 hours. They'll repair your cells for the next day's workout.Drink plenty of water. Eat whole foods all the time and processed foods once in a blue moon.After joining the gym, concentrate onUpper body/lower body splitsCompound workouts (Squats, deadlifts, and other barbell workouts)Limit your cardio. Do dynamic warm-ups before your workout and static stretches after you finish your workouts.Talk to your gym instructor and make them vary the intensity for every week or atleast every month.Don't lose hope. SQUATS and DEADLIFTS will pack you with quality muscles…Get Big soon!

I'm too skinny. How can I gain weight?

If you want to put on weight, you should work out, to insure that you
put on muscle and not fat. Healthy weight gain, just like healthy
weight loss, takes time and requires a conscious effort to apply good
Recommended Ways to Gain Weight
Have meals with the right balance of proteins, carbohydrates, and the
right kinds of fat (such as unsaturated and monounsaturated fats,
olive oil, canola oil, pistachios, almonds and walnuts). Heinemann
suggests the following ratio: 60%-70% carbohydrates, 10%-15% protein,
and a small amount of fat.
Eat foods higher in calories, vitamins, and minerals, as opposed
to higher in fat or sugar. Pack more nutritious calories in each
serving. For example, you may add grated cooked eggs to mashed
potatoes, ground chicken to soups and gravies, cheese in casseroles,
eggs, and soups, and nonfat dried milk in soups, shakes, milk, and
mashed potatoes.
If you get too full too fast, try having more high-calorie foods or
slices of foods as opposed to consuming the whole thing (raisins
versus grapes, granola and Grape Nuts versus corn flakes, mango slices
versus the whole mango).
Limit drinking beverages to a half-hour before and after a
Drink mixed juices (apple/berry, peach/orange/banana as opposed to one
juice beverages) for a higher calorie intake. With moderation, you may
add in good fat sources to meals such as nuts, avocado, olives, and
fatty fish (salmon and mackerel).
Snack in between meals. Nuts, dried fruits, and yogurt
are good options, but it's also important to find nutritious foods
that you will enjoy. Have a nutritious snack before bedtime, such as a
peanut butter sandwich.

I'm a skinny guy. I tried gaining weight but couldn't. I heard that beer can help gain weight, so I started drinking beer. Does drinking beer actually help in gaining weight?

Beer will help you gain the wrong weight (visceral fat). You need to increase the weight of your muscles and bones instead. This can only be done through sustained high impact activities. These activities cause micro fractures in bones and micro tears in muscle fibers which the body replaces with stronger/heavier structures to prevent such micro damages in future.Remember that your body is continuously breaking down bone and muscle cells that are not being used in order to reduce weight to conserve energy as these are high maintenance cells that require a lot of energy even when not in use. Obviously this is not applicable to the energy rich fat cells.You can join a gym/fight club or play high impact sports like basketball or football regularly along with a high calorie protein rich diet to gain weight in a healthy manner.References:Muscle Atrophy due to fasting, disuse, and denervation - Page on physiology.orgDisuse Osteoporosis"Body-size dependence of resting energy expenditure can be attributed to nonenergetic homogeneity of fat-free mass" - Page on physiology.orgMaintaining Strength in Space: Bone, Muscle, and Metabolic StudiesAlcohol Drinking Patterns Differentially Affect Central Adiposity as Measured by Abdominal Height in Women and MenExercise for Your Bone Health

How can I gain weight if I'm ultra skinny?

First of all, I have been there! I was 6′1″ and 120pounds. I did the math, I had a lower BMI than you have. I was skinnier than you. I am now almost 170 lbs.A lot of people will try to tell you the crap that works for regular dudes but they don't get what it's like. You need to eat 4000 calories every day. And you need to count your calories every day. That is the most important part!People will say not to do it dirty and to eat healthy because for them all the fat they would put on would be hard to get rid of. Fuck that. Eat whatever you have to to hit that 4000 calories every day. The only thing I will say to avoid is sugar. Try for very little sugar and don't drink any sugar. You want all your calories from solid food or milk. Lots of fat, protein, and good carbs like wheat. Eat every 2–3 hours and right before bed and right when you wake up.At the same time you are doing this you should be going to the gym at least 3 times per week. This is important so you can start to build muscle. Do not stop going to the gym. It can take years to get the body you want. I had no muscle at all but now I have some very decent muscle development.You may put on a little fat during this process but if you were like me I just wanted to gain ANY weight. I was tired of being the skinny guy and I bet you are too. Also if you're like me dropping the extra fat off when you are ready too will be no problem at all.I would say good luck but really you don't need it. All you need is determination to do it. Every day. Anyone will gain weight if they eat enough, anyone. I didn't use to believe that but once I started counting my calories I realized that I wasn't eating as many as I thought I was and I bet you will be the same.PS seriously eliminate the sugar out of your diet as much as you can. Sugar lowers testosterone which helps you grow. Exercise also increases testosterone.PSS I might get some crap for not telling you to eat really healthy but your not gonna hot 4000 calories a day eating chicken and rice. And when you are as skinny as us the most important thing is to hit your calorie goal every day.