Im So Scared Im Going To A Boarding School 9th Grade What Things Do I Have To Know Help Me

I'm going to a Public school for the first time... Help?

You should transfer to the best possible school in your area. It is very easy to be influenced into the bad crowds if that's what you're expecting to be surrounded by. (I'm assuming it isn't a good school by the way you described it)

It's good you're excited! It may be harder since everyone already knows each other and it's the last year of middle school (where I live, 8th gr. is the last yr before high school) But people always seem to have fascinations with the new kids and want to be their friends more!

- Focus on school and do well :) Corney but how you do now will determine which classes you are placed in when high school comes around. Plus, I always enjoyed the school year more when I got good grades! Makes me feel good & accomplished & overall happier. You will feel stressed and overwhelmed if you get behind...if you're someone who cares about school.
- Be nice to everyone! Smile! Give others compliments and just appear to be an approachable, easy-to-talk-to person. Say hi and introduce yourself to people in your classes.
- Join something. A sport, cheer, a club, ASB, etc! In my middle school, only 8th graders could be cheerleaders so in 6th & 7th grade, I joined an afterschool program and that is where I met all my friends that I have carried on until high school. Cheer in 8th grade also kept me busy, made school more excited, and I met TONS of people through my cheer squad.
- Please ignore drama and gossip. It may be tempting, but you'll be a lot happier if you stay away from it. Don't say bad things about people especially since you're new.
- If someone hates or bullies you, kill them with kindness. Show you're much classier and more mature than them. Fighting/causing drama is no fun and you'll regret most of it as you get older.
- Be nice to your teachers, don't smart-mouth them even if you really want to.
- Dress nicely & keep your hair tidy. Wear a light body mist or perfume.

I'm getting really sad about graduating high school. Help?

I'm a high school senior. It just hit me a week or so ago that its almost over. First term flew by and I'm sure second term will go even faster. In August I was like "only one more year to go. Its gonna take forever." But now its so close and now i dont want it to end. I'm not going to be one of those people who says high school was the best experience of their life because honestly it wasn't. I had really bad depression and OCD up until last year and I was always really self concious. I dont know why I had no reason to be depressed or self concious. I have a ton of friends and everybody thinks I'm pretty. I finally got over that and was happy and excited about college. Now I'm scared to death. I'm going to a really good school and its only 45 minutes away and I'm going to study what I love. But all throughout high school I didn't get along with my parents as well as I should have. It wasn't like I wanted to go get drunk and stay out all night. I've only drank once and I dont do drugs or have sex so it wasn't about that. It was about little stupid stuff. Now I wish I had spent more time with them and appreciated every thing they do. They werent home much because they work alot but I wish I had taken advantage of the times they were home. I know everybody in my class and Im friends with most of them. But of the 500 people in my class, like 100 applied to the school I'm going to and only 2 others got in. So ill no practically nobody and it scares the hell out of me. Im also sad I wont be home for dinner and be able to hug my parents goodnight and before I leave for school every morning like I always do. Its all that stuff thats making me sad. I spend 9th through 11th grade dreaming about graduation and being on my own and now I want all that time back. I dont want to be away from my family and all my friends and the place Ive lived my whole life. Im so sad and really depressed about it. Any advice?

Boarding School: What's it like? How'd the first days go?

Okay, so, come September I'm going to a boarding school (that's literally like, 30min away from my house in the next state over, but I'm still boarding there nonetheless), and I guess now that I'm really thinking about it and the fact is really setting in (I didn't think I was actually going to be able to BOARD, but it turns out I'm going to), I'm getting pretty nervous. I've never been to a boarding school, or private school for that matter, I'm just kind of nervous, even though it was my choice all around (my mother cried for 3 days when we found out I was accepted. It was clearly not her choice xD ). Despite the close proximity to home, I'm still moving out nonetheless, and I guess I just have a few questions to ease my nerves. Please, if you can, your input on any of the following is greatly appreciated.

I'm going to boarding school for High School, by the way, Third Form/Freshman/9th grade.

♦ How did moving in work—did u just go there with moving boxes, did your parents help you, how did you dress? (Lot of stress on this question, I really don't know why I'm so stressed about the moving in part, xD I guess I just don't want to show up with a U-haul and boxes while everyone else has their Prada suitcases, **laughing out loud**)
♦Did you find it hard adjusting? What was it like at first with your roomate/s?
♦If you went from a public school, did you find the curriculum significantly harder than your public school?
♦Did you ever not like it? And if you did like it was there a period of time you hated it? What were your reasons?
♦Did you lose touch with your friends from back at your hometown and from your old school? (Most of my friends are going to the same high school, I'm kind of the out-lier of the group...)

I'll probably think of more as I go along, but I think that's good for now, **laughing out loud**. If you can answer any of these I'll be very grateful.

Thanks! ♥

I'm Moving to an American high school and im English!!! :S American people 14-19 please :-)?

Dont worry, you will not get made fun of, i promise.

Yes, kids in schools here usually do seperate into their own little groups of friends...but most people are friendly. Ive gone to schools in several different parts of the country, and they have all been pretty welcoming to new students from other places. Smaller schools and schools in more rural areas will probably be fascinated by you and everyone will want to be your friend. Bigger schools and schools in the bigger citys will be nice to you also, but probably wont care about where you are from since theres such a large diversity of kids from other countrys that go to them already, youll be just another new kid. Like the person above me said, foreign exchange students make friends SUPER fast, and usually become pretty popular. People will probably like your accent and will ask you a bunch of questions about where you are from and how things are over there. Just remember, people in America are very loud and nosey and have very different humor than people where your from, but are welcoming to newcomers...especially people from around europe. Youll make friends fast. :) .. if you have any more questions just message me.:)

When is YOUR first day of school?

First day for me-August 11th =(

BQ1-What grade are you going to be in?-8th =)
BQ2-What time do you USUALLY wake up?-7:00 am =(
BQ3-What time does your school start?-8:15 am =(
BQ4-What's your favorite thing about school?-Buying school supplies and making new crushes! =)
BQ5-What time does your school let out?-3:10 pm =)
BQ6-Are you excited?-YES!! =D
BQ7-Have you bought your school supplies and clothes yet?-Some =)
BQ8-What's your favorite subject?-Band....Of course! =)
BQ9-What time do you get home from school-About 3:33 XD
BQ10-Do you know your schedule yet?-Nope =(
BQ11-Do you have a top or bottom locker?-Top! =)
BQ12-Do you buy your lunch?-Yep =)
BQ13-Are you nervous?-Sorta =/

Sorry for all the questions... XD I'mm soo bored and psyched about school!