Im Stuck With Being An Antisocial Kid And I Dont Know How To Change It

Im anti social. Is there a way i can be social?

either i've been depressed or it's teenage angst. but for a fact i haven't been happy for the past two years. I go to school and come right home so my social skills SUCK! im not funny at all so it's hard to talk to people. I would be fine with not being funny but im only 14!! meaning kids my age don't like boring people.the only people i hang out with my cousins which are 18,20,and 16. we have alot in common but most of the tim when we chill, im the quiet one. i used to NEVER be like this. I was outgoing and very talkitive. i've tried going back to how i used to be but it's not easy. im just an akward, quiet, person. I dont even know how to star a conversation! im usually the one that talks only if spoken to. so chow can i hellp myslef? some people in school asked me to chill with them cause they know i smoke weed but that the only reason why. i don't want a bad forst impression. any advice? ;/

How can I stop being antisocial?

It's been a problem for me since as long as I can remember. Whenever I am around the people at school or people at church or whereever, I feel uncomforterble around them and become quiet. When people try to talk to me, I get uncomfortable and keep my statements short. In school, I sit all alone in my own table because I either don't like most of the kids or I am too scared to meet the kids that i want to get to know. Before, it didn't really bother me but now it bothers me so much that i feel upset. I want to break out of my shell since I am going in to collage next year. Does any one have any suggestions?

Im stuck and dont know what to do?

James put down the pipe

You are going to be out on your own soon, You know that and I know that, Many many young witnesses commit suicide, My Nephew did, so yo are at choice dude, You can man up and take back your life from this cult or you can let it defeat you, YOUR choice,

How you feel now is not how you will feel tomorrow or next week or certainly when you turn 30

I lost all of my family to the Witnesses I am disinherited and have had no contact with my Witness family for 30 years now, guess what:

I am more successful in relationships than they are

I am way smarter than they are

I travel more than they do.

I make way more money than they do.

I make my own decisions and I don't let anyone dictate to me how I think feel or act.

Which life do you want, only you can choose.

what are you going to do if the witnesses are wrong about heaven and you commit suicide and God says NO NO NO you DON'T I put you there to complete a test and you do NOT get to OPT out and I am going to send you right back into the exact same situation and you are going to live it through,

That scenario is just as likely as the ones we were raised with...could be so....could be one really knows for sure.....could be that there IS a burning Hell who knows....could be that there is no God.

I tried suicide when I was going through what you are going through, I also tried drugs.

A bit of advice from someone who has been where you are and has learned to thrive:


e mail me if you need there are many of us out there and we can help

This is the first question I have read on here that gives me the information I need to answer it. I am an ENFP and I find it really explains a great deal in my life. Your type has nothing to do with being anti-social. I am assuming that you are like me a little bit and have a passion for understanding yourself. You are growing and changing. You may wish to make some changes like make friends and get a girlfriend or two or three or four... You may wish to get ahead in your job and be noticed for your achievements. If you have ambitions to succeed in even a single one of those things then you are not anti-social, because those are the kind of symptoms that indicate you are a healthy person. Where you are now and where you want to be is something that constitutes your reality. Myers-Briggs is a good step in knowing where you stand. Introversion just means that you are not alone in this world, you go out and try to live it you will find that to be true. I am an extravert and I actually have a difficult time building any kind of relationship, so you are lucky in my eyes. I recommend "The Art of Speedreading" by Tieger and Barron-Tieger. It is an interesting book that I found useful in getting a gage on the subject.Just look at it, you asked if you were anti-social on a social media forum. I hope you can laugh at that. What an introverted mistake... I feel like I was made to write you this.

How can I stop being anti-social?

well, u can't break a habit and change in one day right?
you will have to talk to people about anything.
just don't be too hard on yourself and don't talk about personal stuff.
also, don't be toooo nice so they don't think ur week.
if ur unsure about talking to people at work then u can try with other people around you. its alot easier when its with stragners cause if u ruin it somehow , it won't be that embarassing cause u dont know that person anyway.
however, don't try to be too social cause its not as awesome as it seems. lots of times it makes u want as if no one knew who u r .
hope i helped

I was stuck as well at the starting of this year and there were certain things I did to give my life a direction if not a total meaning. Hope this helps :)To change the feeling of being “stuck”, you have to change yourself. And here are few steps which might give you a start:Health: Make sure you take fruits and healthy stuff in your diet. This goes without saying, try to have home cooked healthy meals which are hygienic than outside food. Take up some kind of physical fitness training as per your preference. Personally, I started taking Yoga classes and that was a game changer for me. With all those people in the room, energy flows and you come out rather fresh than exhausted. Plus it also calms your mind. It’s a win-win.If you have any unhealthy habit like drinking or smoking, please quit it as soon as possible.Change of Scenery: Take a break! From your job, from your life, from people, from technology, from everything. Save for 3–4 months and take a LONG break, at least a month and go to some place quiet. The ultimate aim is to break that routine of yours!Go Old School:Take your favorite books with you or books you always wanted to read on your vacation! Talk to unknown people and make new friends. I’ve heard strangers sometimes have the answer to all our problems ;)This is something I want you to try since your question is generalized and I don’t know why you feel stuck. Write what you wanna do next on separate pieces of paper, fold them and mix them up. Now pick out a random piece and if whatever is written on it makes you happy, go for it else if it doesn’t excite you, what was it that you wanted this piece of paper to say, now go do it. Voila! Phoebe taught me this. :pCome out of your comfort-zone: As the title suggests, come out of your comfort zone. If you’re uncomfortable alone, go watch a movie alone or eat alone in a restaurant.Take up an agenda every month: Learn something new every month. Say, I tried driving the previous month and the month before that was reading month. This month is dancing month! So, pick something which interests you! Invest in yourself they say.The ultimate aim is to unwind so that you can see a clearer picture of your situation.

Being "anti-social" can be a multitude of things at the same time.As those who have answered this question previously has said, it is quite important for us to understand what being anti-social encompasses. Wikipedia puts it’s meaning in this eloquent way    "Many people label behaviour which is deemed contrary to prevailing norms for social conduct as anti-social behaviour." Being anti-social can be taken as opposing governmental policies to being a full blown anarchist. But at the same time, being anti-social as in being the one who goes against the mob of people ,the person who is the "square keg for the round hole" such people are needed by the society, especially when they refuse to behave according to the norms. Those who question the norms of the society believe that they are better off, not following those norms. They are, technically anti-social too.Being "anti-social" I think is not something we do consciously, most of the time. Being judgmental of those who are not as privileged than us, not throwing the trash in the dust-bins ,not paying your taxes and not taking action against child-labour;All of the above would pertain to being "anti-social" but at the same time, trying to increase widow-remarriages was considered anti-social once too.Like what it is with  every behaviour of a human being, it is important to understand why we are behaving a certain way, who we might be affecting by not being social and where being against widow-remarriages may lead us.So, to answer the question, it really just depends upon where you are going with your "anti-socialism" it can get horribly wrong or it might be the only thing that sets the society on the correct path again.

I'm stuck and I don't know what to do or how to feel. Help?

So I'm moving to Maryland in the begining of next year and I really dont want to go. I'm actually being forced to go. my boyfriend and I have been together for almost 2 years and he was my first REAL boyfriend and this is my longest relationship. We've been through so much this past year and me leaving him is very heartbreaking. I'm about to be 18 at the end of this month and everyone is telling me that I have the right to stay...and I understand that but I'm not the type to rebel (as much) and go against my parents words (about something like this). Maryland is a great place to live, don't get me wrong, but I'm not ready to leave, not right now. I had all my plans worked out for after I graduate in January but now I have to change them because I'm leaving. I just dont kno what to do or think. So any advice????

I am a very private person and do not long for social  recognition or company of any sort, and have not attended any social do for the last twenty years.I am antisocial because I have never been a people's person. But mostly, I treasure solitude.1. I hate ego and expectations people come with. There were times when those who knew my weakness exploited it or shared indiscriminately with others what I had shared with them. Why should i reveal myself to them or hand them my life experiences?2. People talk and talk. They don't know how to listen. I am fed up of people raving and ranting, speaking bilge and drivel while having nothing substantial to say. Silence is golden. 3. My relatives are an  insufferable bunch of materialistic hypocrites. For them, a person's status and wealth matters more. They pant after prestige and reputation. Not that I haven't accomplished much, I hate comparisons, jealousy and simmering competitiveness they come with.4. I am not even on facebook. Never was. Facebook is a fad and will fade away with time. Though, looking at FB dp made me realise that It makes for an interesting psychological study. 5. Books! Can anything beat books? And paper and pen?Born introverts can't help but write a lot and read all the more. I wish I get buried in a library.Do you need any more reasons? I don't like superficial social dos and have very few people I share my life with.