Im Terrified Of Being Alone What Can I Do

I'm terrified of being raped?!?!?!?

There are lots of web sites where you can go to and get information on how to better protect yourself and educate yourself against rape. I suggest you learn some form of self defense such as karate or judo etc. This can be very empowering. Check out this link:

I'm extremely terrified of being raped?

Time alone will bring your fear down, however, something so traumatic as being raped will live with you forever. So hearing and thinking about it, naturally you are going to be scared of it. Personally every woman should, its very real and it happens all the time. All I can really say is watch your surroundings, make sure you know who you are with. Make sure your parents know who you are with. Keep a cell phone on you at all times. Now you don't have to go all paranoid, all this is just common sense, but also use your self defense. You may not prevent it from happening but studies have shown, once a woman is fighting back and causing damage and pain, they usually give up and run away. So you have a major advantage. More women should have self defense classes.

I can't take people anymore but I'm terrified of being alone and the pressure to maintain a healthy level of social interaction is contributing to my growing suicidal thoughts. How do introverts handle living in such a socially driven society?

It can be tough to handle the conflicting emotions of wanting time to yourself but not wanting to condemn yourself to prolonged isolation. What helps me when I'm feeling drained by the thought of talking to other people but don't want to stay home is to go somewhere--anywhere--that will have people and a place to sit. This is usually a coffee shop or a restaurant. Last Friday I went to a free outdoor concert by myself. I call it being alone around people. I think that the key is not only to accept that you need some time alone to recharge, but to enjoy it. When I'm sitting on my own, I let myself zone out and daydream. That's something that I have to actively stop myself from doing when I'm interacting with other people, so when I get the chance, I relish it. When I've had my fill of wanderings in my own world, I feel ready to be part of the real world again. Maybe you can read, or do some journal-writing. Hope this helps--try to take the pressure off yourself.

I am terrified of being single in my 30s, has anyone else been through this?

Being single in your 30’s is not much different that being single in your 20’s. Theoretically.The weight of the fear of being single in your 30’s is mostly due to the pressure society places on us to be in a certain bracket by a certain age.You don’t need that kind of pressure in your life. I understand that you are shy, and that you feel this is a hindrance.My recommendation would be to develop yourself. Focus on yourself and what you want from life (outside of relationships). Don’t be with someone because you are afraid of being alone. Rather be alone than to be with the wrong person. Or worse, rather it would be better to be alone than making someone you don’t really love fall in love with you.So, the best recourse, in my opinion, is to go out there and fill up your days with some activities which you like (doesn’t matter what that is: gaming, fishing, archery, running etc.)There are many fish in the sea. The trick is continually go fishing until you find the fish which you are searching for. But in order to do this you need to know what you want from a relationship and what your personal dealbreakers are. These differ from person to person, so only you can judge your tastes. But do yourself a favor and be realistic. Not every guy in the world is going to land Jessica Alba, no matter how hard they wish for her.Know yourself. Love yourself.Once you love yourself truly, you will realize that you have so much more to give than you allow yourself credit for.And when that happens, the magic starts.Love is not the fairytale you’ve been sold in the movies. It is beautiful and ugly and joyous and horrid. Sometimes all that at once.But if you love yourself, and you are willing to give love, irrespective of what you will receive, you will connect with someone who resonates on your frequency.Ultimately we all want one thing: to connect. But in order to have someone open up to you, you need to open up as well. The search for love can make you vulnerable, but it is a place where you will find someone who is also vulnerable and looking for what you are searching for.You only get what you give, buddy.Give greatness and greatness will invite you everywhere.

Someone tried to break into my house now im scared to be alone what to do ?

someone tried to break into my house earlier today and the alarm scared them away now im scared they will come back so now i dont want to be alone @ the house wat to do to get over this?

Are you scared to be alone?

the 1st...sometimes thou

Is it normal to be scared to be alone for the rest of my life?

Yes, it’s normal to be scared to be alone the rest of your life.It’s actually really normal just to be scared…although most of us don’t enjoy experiencing fear.Although I don’t know you, I’m sure if we met I’d find many great qualities about you. I can say that with confidence, because if you were the kind of person I couldn’t find good qualities in you wouldn’t be asking this question!Please know it’s often true that others see the good in us more easily than we do. If you’re having trouble seeing the good in yourself, please take a deep breath and know it’s in there - and that your mission now is to bring it forward so that you can see it!As you come to see your own good you’ll come to stop worrying about ending up alone through life. And it’s ok to show not only the good, but also (when your with people you feel comfortable with) show the bad sometimes, and sometimes even the ugly. Every one of us has not-nice aspects - this comes with being human. Showing all of who we are makes us - and the people around us - freer to do so as well.If you’re uncertain of what’s good about you, start taking little risks to explore and find out. Know that none of us start out great. We've got to build ourselves over time.If you assess yourself and you're not where you need to be, begin taking the steps you need grow - no matter how tiny, tiny, tiny, the step - taking steps each day adds up to greatness over time.To help ease you on your quest for confidence, I have life-gifts for you. I hope you find them encouraging!The first gift is for your future happiness: What is 'failure-immunity'? - the lovely step beyond courage where you no longer fear to 'try'.The second is for the inspiration today: What does it feel like to blindly pursue your deepest dreams despite what other people say about you? Know that there were only 3 answers to this question when I added mine - and they ALL start with the word 'Liberating'.This gift is for heart and laughter to overcome life's pain: Harold and Maude (1971)And my story below is for courage - because I've known deep fear and despair and learned I could move past it!Courage!Kim

I'm scared to stay home-alone?

haha, i'm 24 with two kids and still here noises in the walls or my head and get super scared at night! Do some research on ways to cope and find your own way to calm yourself. Mine is music and night lights (tv or games keep me awake) and i surround my body with my pillows. HAHA...yeah, i just opened up big time ....but hey, you're not alone and not abnormal, especially when the house ur in you're used to people being there with you.

Are you afraid of being alone?

I am alone. Ultimately, we all are.If you can be okay with yourself and being on your own, it's not all bad. I also have this view that when you're scared of something, it can be very freeing to face that fear.If I meet a compatible partner at some stage, I'm fine with that too. Scared, yes, but I'll cross that bridge when I get there. Also, a partner alone will not fulfil me or make my problems magically go away.Until such a day, then, I shall celebrate my alone time and enjoy it. Equally, I do and will at times feel sad and lonely. That's okay. Irrespective of our relationship status, we all deal with a myriad of emotions.No one is exempt from feeling happy, lonely, sad, grumpy, angry, jealous, envious and so forth, no matter your circumstances and relationship status.