Im Watching My Sisters Dog And He Has Had Mucas In His Stool I Have Noticed This Several Times. Is

Do American people really throw up in the toilet as shown in the movies when they feel sick? Isn’t that kind of gross? Why not use the kitchen sink?

We put our face above the toilet seat and puke into the bowl. We do not put our faces into the bowl!Puking into the bathroom or kitchen sink runs the risk of clogging the sink, especially for a bathroom sink.Puking standing up runs the risk of missing or only partially hitting the bowl, and having to clean up the mess from the floor. It’s hard to be accurate when you are heaving your guts up.Who has time to run to the kitchen sink when you are going to hurl any second?I don’t know anyone who has ever puked into a toilet bowl that still had . . . other stuff . . . in it. The other stuff gets flushed so the only thing sitting in the bowl is water.If we are sick in bed and think we may not make it to the bathroom, we keep a large bowl near us so we can spew into it. This is common practice when younger kids are sick, as they can’t always tell when they are going to vomit until the last second.You can always vomit outside too!

Why does my vagina smell?

Vaginal odor is a common scenario amongst women of all ages and it can be caused by a number of reasons.In most cases .vaginal odor varies in relation to your menstrual cycle but it also happens due to unprotected sex.One thing you should remember is the vagina has its own natural smell that shouldn't be altered with because you might get infections if you try to tamper with it.Common causes of abnormal vaginal odor include:1.HygieneThe way you take care of your vagina matters, if you do not shower well or clean well your vagina,If you do not shower after exercises, you are on a high chance of getting the infection or having a smelling vagina.2.ClothingThe type of clothing we put on contributes to how our vagina can smell, the more you put on tight clothes, your vagina is more likely to smell since it won't be receiving enough moisture.It's always best you dress up something that won't make your vagina smell.3.Menstrual productsA number of women tend to use a number of menstrual products that are even dangerous to your own vagina Its best to use products with no chemicals or perfumes.4.DietSugary foods trigger the growth of yeast infections since they provide a convenient environment for the growth of yeast that causes your vagina to sting and smell bad.There is also some evidence that foods like onions, coffee etc contribute to the altering the smell of your vagina by changing the smell of the body sweat and fluids.Read about the best foods that will make your vagina happy here5. You had unprotected sex.This is the major cause of vaginal odor among women When you have unprotected sex, you have a high chance of getting BV and many other infections hence causing the abad vaginal smell.You will notice that your vagina smells a little different after you have had live sex and this is due to the mixture of fluids for another person and this smell clears up into 2–5days.READ more detailed information about vaginal odor here.

How long does it take for a puppy to get rid of worms?

I gave him a deworming treatment (for round worms) around 2 pm yesterday. It is now 330 am the next morning (13.5 hours laer) and there is white things in his poop. I was told the worm would be pooped out all together. I am thinking that maybe it is coming out in pieces? I also was feeding him rice to help with the diarhea that he has been experiencing. However, he had that 2 days ago. I thought at first it was the rice coming out in whole pieces? but then this last time he went out to go to the bathroom the pieces were bigger, possible 2 or 3 rices grains together in a ball shape. Is that the worm? Has my puppy been dewormed now? By the way, puppy is only 7 weeks old. We have had hi for 2 weeks and he constantly has diarhea. It has only gotten worse. I called different vets to see what to do and they cannot do anything without seeing him, which costs a lot of money that I do not have. If he is not better or improving by monday I will take him to the vet. (I wish the vet had payment options) anyways, this last 'diarhea' was less watery and had more substance to it. He is currently going to the bathroom every hour on the hour. I am up with him until 5 am, at which point my boyfriend will take over watching him. Is he feeling under the weather due to the deworming medication? The reason we thought he had worms is because his stomache was kind of bulging when we got him. however, now he is getting skinnier. He is eating and everything. I really have no idea what I am doing. I have been looking all over the internet trying to get help and find the right answers and I just want straight forward answers.

Please do not tell me to give the dog to a better home and other mean things like that. It is rude and I am trying the best I can. Which is why I am up this late taking shifts with my boyfriend to take care of him. I posted a question before and everyone was completely rude and mean to me.

Like I said, if there is no improvement I will take him to the vet on Monday morning. I tried from the time I got off work 930 pm until 1 am trying to find a 24 hour medical emergency vet that would take payment plans or help out in any way. & there is nothing sadly. If you have any information on a vet with payment options in San Diego, CA please let me know...

sorry this is so long but I really need a good answer. I am worried about Max. Thank You!!!