Image Of Scary Sword Still Scares Me 20 Years Later.

Spear-Sword? anyone ever heard of Something like this?

There are many variations of the sword as well as attempts to create hybrid weapons in the past, mostly to adjust to fighting against cavalry or for fighting on horseback by different cultures. I can name a few that comes to mind. Japan has the Naginata and the Nodachi. China has the Pudao and the Kwandao. Europe has the Scottish Claymore and the German Flamberge. From your description, you might be referring to either the Pudao or the Flamberge though. Here are pictures of them below:



Is it normal to be scared of turning 20?

I'm 20 and I still play video games and watch kiddy flicks. I work in a video game store. I love my job, and I love being immature.

Most of my friends are in university, or have moved to the city and are supervisors/managers where they work.

One best friend, 21 years old, works full time as a body piercer and is one of the most mature people I know in many ways, and she enjoys collecting Disney films and spends some of her spare time with colouring-in books. She was what you might consider "goth" in high school, though I think that's a stupid term. Point is, she hasn't completely lost that style of clothing and still has a lot of really cool little statues etc in her bedroom.

Another best friend, also 21, works in real estate and she loves vampire related stuff, and collects swords. She has been doing this since high school. She also loves Disney.

My boyfriend, again 21, is nearing completion of a civil engineer diploma at university. He has dreadlocks. He is also a supervisor at a bar in a sports stadium. He loves anime, metal music, and video games.

Most of my friends go and see kids films when they come out, eg Wall-E more recently. So many people on my Facebook post status updates about kids movies etc, and these are people that I went to school with, so all 20+.

Don't let your age stop you from enjoying whatever you think is fun. If your friends tease you about it, tell them (ironically) to grow up, because as an adult you have the right to have fun, as long as you've got your responsibilities out of the way.

What I'm trying to say is, if you've finished off your college/uni essay and/or you've been to work that day (if you were rostered on of course, lol) there should be nothing standing in the way of watching a kids movie, playing a video game, or just running around the backyard under the sprinkler.

Is mirai nikki scary/creepy ?

I really loved Sword Art Online and did some research for similar animes. Some guys then said that mirai nikki is really similar.So i searched for at at wikipedia. According to wiki the anime belongs to the horror-genre.
The problem now is that i really am bad with horror, but things like Highschool of the dead, which is supposed to be horror, isn't creepy for me, since the only 'scary' thing was all the blood.
So please warn me if there are some really creepy scenes (for example: a psycho-murderer).
Thanks for ya help ;-) .

Can i bring a sword to college.?

yeah bring as many as you want no problems.its your life if you want to spend it in jail thats your choice.
i'd leave it home if i were you.

Anyone watch the movie "Gladiator".... answer my questions!!!!?

1. She slapped him because she knew he something to do with his death, but kissed him because she knew he is now king and if she went against him he would have her son and her killed.
2. He got sacred because he knew that Lucilla was his mother.
3. He died in one of the wars, or so they leave you to believe
4. They weren't lovers, he had been working as a solider for the King for years, and the king looked to him as a son.
5. She like him but he didn't her, so she lied to Commodus to protect herself. She didn't want him to think she was on Maximus's side.
6. He was against Commodus and he was helping Maximus. ( plus I'm pretty sure Commodus didn't like him because he made him look like a fool)
7. He was always on Maximus side, he knew how he fought and knew he would win, he wanted Maximus to kill him. He knew at that moment Maximus would win and didn't want to give Commodus any help. Remember how it was said "the troops are fat and board" he knew if Commodus would win this would keep going and one day a war would break out and they lose due to the lack of training and support for the army from Commodus.