Impact Of Urbanization On Saarc Countries

Which is better: India or Pakistan?

This is my perspective as an American of Indian descent having lived in India and having followed foreign relations of both countries with Pakistan. India and Pakistan have bifurcated substantially in governance and nation building. Who is better depends on the paths chosen. The answer will become very evident.Following are a few quick bullet points that will allow you to get a pulse on India and Pakistan.India is a haven for IT or Information Technology companies.Pakistan is also a haven for IT but for International Terrorists. Example: Osama Bin Laden.India uses technology to launch satellites to advance its E-commerce, improve agriculture by predicting weather patterns and more. It has successfully sent an Orbiter to Mars.Pakistan first plagiarized then proliferated nuclear technology to North Korea.India is a democracy. Any Indian child can aspire to become the Prime Minister or the President of India.Pakistan is a military-theocracy-democracy. Pakistani constitution forbids a Pakistan-born Hindu, Christian, Sikh, or Ahmadi Muslim (not considered Muslim in Pakistan) or any other non-Muslim person to become the Prime Minister or President of Pakistan.Indian Military is under civilian authority.Pakistan civilian government is under Military authority.India focuses primarily on its economy and the betterment of its people.Pakistan has its prime focus on Kashmir, Islam, and nuclear weapons.Indians overseas are proud of their identity and roots.Pakistani Americans pass themselves as Indians sometimes.India helped and housed 10 million refugees that poured from East Pakistan in 1971.Pakistan Military killed millions of its own citizens in 1971 before Bangladesh was born.India is a responsible nation and has good relations and trade agreements with other countries. The US and China are India’s largest trading partners.Pakistan is isolated internationally. It doesn’t have much choice but to accept China’s high-handed, one-way trade agreements.Pakistan lags both India and Bangladesh (all three were part of one British India) in the Human Development Index.Who is better? You be the judge.As an Indian, Pakistan was never my yard-stick.

What is the scope for research in civil engineering?

There is immense scope of research in the field of civil engineering, the question is which field do you like to work in.i mean if you talk about concrete there is and has been a constant development in the field and concrete technology has risen to new horizons in these years, weather its durability , strength or any other factor this field has done very well. Now it is the FRC which is considered as the future. if you observe most of this research depends upon the demand of market forces. you wont be finding too such research by institutes on canals coz there is less demand .India is growing country and requires so much of infrastructure that research on Indo centric problems is very important 1) Town planning for urbanization development of satellite towns, smart cities and its impact on citizens. for example some researchers suggest to have one capital and around 10 sub capitals in the newly formed state of telangana in India. This is a good idea to avert many problems of urbanization like concentration of population, crime facilities, opportunities, rising prices of land 2) Transportation have immense scope our climatic condition are different and we have less money so we cant go for concrete roads as in the case of western countries so how can you develop roads which are suitable for India along with the economic consideration. the study of bitumen and water to increase the longitivity of roads. 3) Earthquake resistant design and structures. 4) Environment and reducing burden on it.(huge potential) 5) Proper utilization of GPS ,GIS and RS are new fields which have taken lead in last one decade, India can help to strengthen the SAARC countries. So there is a whole lot of places where scope is there, civil is not only about structure and their response to forces  i would say it is a way to life.My Prof used to say "what you learn in class is only 4% what you do in practice is 96 %"you can also read my answer to understand what kind of approach you should have while selecting a project/Research topic or you can just PM me  : Pal Ajay Singh's answer to I am a final-year civil engineering student. What is a good project on construction planning and transportation?

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