Impossible Quiz Cheat/answer

What is the answer to number 45 on the Impossible Quiz?

If I got the context right, this is a statement in Wingdings and you should work backwards to determine the right answer “translating it” with a table like this one for instance:If you do the math, the statement reads “POTATOES FLY.” so the correct answer gotta be the top right one which reads “WRONG”. (Although in some cases the last answer -bottom right box- which reads “ROFL”, could be equally correct - depending how high you are…)

What are some cheats to The Impossible Quiz?

Here you go. But do try them yourself once. When you get stuck, you can use this. It is worth a try

What is the answer to number 45 on the impossible quiz?


What Is The Answer To Question 91 On The Impossible Quiz? I Know To Rip The Paper, But How?

Put the mouse just below the third hole on the left, and it will tear the paper. Continue tearing it across until it falls off. (Don't read the letter, it's a waste of time!)

What is the answer of question 54 the impossible quiz? How do you solve it?

Its a wordplay, dont fall into the trap . Its “Shanghai?” no, about 20cm off the ground (word play)Credits : Answers to the Impossible Quiz

What's the answer to question 42 of The Impossible Quiz?

Question 42 from the Impossible Quiz says "What is the answer to life, the universe, and everything?". This may make little sense if you aren't familiar with the reference.  There are two things going on here, the most important one is knowing how to determine the way to continue the game with the right answer.  Below the question is a wall of 48 copies of the number 42.  In the sequence there is a hing in parenthesis, saying "It's 42". You cannot skip this question during the game.  It is the third one you are not permitted to skip.  The hint means that the right answer is the 42nd 42 in the list.  Count out the 42's 42 times and you will be at the second 42 in the last row.  Just click it to continue.The reference this applies to is found in Douglas Adams' book "The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy". In the book a group of hyper-intelligent pan-dimensional beings insist on knowing the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything from a supercomputer, named Deep Thought, which was specifically created for this purpose. 71/2 million years pass before Deep Thought is able to compute and check the answer.  If you haven't caught on by now, the answer is, of course, 42. Deep Thought points out that the answer provided will appear meaningless because the one's who receive the answer never actually knew what the Question was to begin with.Since then whenever there is a questions to which someone doesn't know the answer, those familiar with the book will give the answer "42".  because it is the answer to the ultimate questions of life, the universe, and everything.  In otherwords,  42 can be used to answer any question at any time past present or future.  I actually used this during my dissertaion defense when asked a question that had little to do with my actual dissertation. My mentor and one other member of my committe got it and started cracking up.  Since the four other members didn't get it, things could have gotten a bit difficult for me except I was saved by the Dean, also in attendance, who also got it and doubled over with laughter.  After sobering back up he said that had to be the single funnies thing he's ever heard in a dissertation defense and he'd loan the other 4 his copy of Hitchhiker's Guide after the meeting was over.  It dispelled any lingering tension and the show went on, I passed and was awarded a Ph.D. though not one in Life, The Universe and Everything.

What's the answer to number 81 on the impossible quiz?


On the Impossible Quiz, what is the answer to question 15? Why?

“Neigh Whinny” is supposed to be horse sound. So you write “Horse”. As in literally.Source : Answers to the Impossible Quiz