In 1999 Was The Winter Solstice On The 22

Despite the Solstice being on 23rd December, why are the coldest days experienced usually in January?

Despite the Solstice being on 23rd December, why are the coldest days experienced usually in January? And in comment Technically, the peak of winter should have been somewhat near the winter solstice. But this doesnt happen. Why? Same with summer solstice. Most warm days in the northern hemisphere are observed during July and August, not around 22nd June. Why?The seasonal delay in both heat during summer and cold during winter id primarily because the Earth holds heat and it takes time for this to leak from the ground to the atmosphere. See the paragraph just above the “Test your Knowledge” section of this article. Seasonal Delay. Water proximity also plays a part, as the rest of the article explains.

Is June 21st a Gemini-Cancer cusp or just a Cancer?

You are a Gemini-Cancer cusp. Location and time of birth may affect chart results, so you may want to check your chart. You are typically born into Cancer starting at June 21st or June 22nd, depending on leap year variations and your individualized information.Given that Gemini birth date ranges from May 21 - June 20 and Cancer ranges from June 21 - July 22, you will typically fall in the Gemini-Cancer cusp if you are born somewhere between June 17 - June 23. I am also a Gemini-Cancer cusp (born on June 20).What does this mean for personality? You’ll acquire a mix of traits associated with both an Air (Gemini) and Water (Cancer) sign. These traits may include:StrengthsIntellectual, curious, learners“Magnetic” and charming conversationalists. Good communicatorsFun to be around, “life of the party,” flirtatious and well-likedHighly devoted/committed to the ones they love. Known to be trusted and romantic individualsEmotionally sensitive and well-spoken. EmpatheticPatient and often forgivingInspired easily to make productive decisions. Are ambitious and inspiring to othersWeaknessesVery private about their own feelings, find it difficult to open up to others (will avoid talking about own problems)Can be moody and often depressiveCan be often jealous or possessiveMay not respond well to others who are not sensitive to their own emotional needs.Highly self-destructive and end to self-isolate. Often shun people when upset and can easily fall into depressionCan be selfish and emotionally demandingWill spiral if they are not achieving their goals or are not oriented towards their ambitionsMore reading if you’re interested:Gemini-Cancer CuspGemini - Cancer Cusp: 6/17 - 6/23

Where is the Sun directly overhead on December 21, the winter solstice?

This would be along the Tropic of Capricorn, 23.5 degrees south of the Equator. This line runs roughly through the middle of Australia and southern South America and Africa.

The time around December 21 or 22 is a very important day for our planet and its relationship with the sun. December 21 is one of two solstices, days when the rays of the sun directly strike one of the two tropical latitude lines. In 2007 at precisely 1:08 a.m. Eastern Standard Time on Saturday, December 22 (06:08 UTC) winter begins in the Northern Hemisphere and summer begins in the Southern Hemisphere.
The earth spins around its axis, an imaginary line going right through the planet between the north and south poles. The axis is tilted somewhat off the plane of the earth's revolution around the sun. The tilt of the axis is 23.5 degrees; thanks to this tilt, we enjoy the four seasons. For several months of the year, one half of the earth receives more direct rays of the sun than the other half.

The earth's axis always points to the same point in the universe. When the axis points away from the sun from December to March (because of the relative location of the earth to the sun), the southern hemisphere enjoys the direct rays of the sun during their summer months. Alternatively, when the axis tilts towards the sun, as it does between June and September, it is summer in the northern hemisphere but winter in the southern hemisphere.

December 21 is called the winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and simultaneously the summer solstice in the Southern Hemisphere.

What will happen on December 22, 2012?

Well, you are starting off with flawed data.
#1. The Mayan calendar doesn't end. It's time. Time doesn't end.
#2 The so-called calendar "end date" everyone's talking about is December **21** not 22 or 23. Those using those dates are using the wrong correlation.
So to answer your question as asked, NOTHING IS HAPPENING ON DECEMBER 22, 2012, because it's all happening on December 21, 2012.

This is what's happening on 12-21-2012: The Mayan Long Count calendar is rolling over from 12 Baktuns to 13 Baktuns (similar to our calendar going from 1999 to 2000 except a Baktun is 400 years long). Also on that morning, which is the winter solstice, there will be an astronomical alignment between the sun and the dark spot on the Milky Way at dawn.

The Maya believed that the dark area of the Milky Way was the birth canal of the universe, so when the sun came up through that dark area, it was being reborn (so you had that part of it correct). But our old world wasn't going to die at that moment. It's already dead and has been for years.

Read "Maya Cosmogenesis 2012" by John Major Jenkins for a lot more on this subject. Read my 2012 article on my Jaguar Nights blog for other information on that day.

And no, don't run up your credit cards, because it's not going to be like that.

Why do we have different season on earth?

The answer to your question is found in one fact: the earth's axis is inclined. If you imagine the earth's revolution about the sun as occuring on a huge flat disk, with the sun at the center of the disk and the earth at the rim, the axis is not perpendicular to the disk, but inclined from the perpendicular. The northern end of the axis, which sticks out of the earth at the north pole, always points to the same place in the sky as the earth goes about the sun. (Of course, the southern end of the axis always points to its own place in the sky, also.)

You can see from this that some of the time the northern end of the axis is tilted away from the sun (at the times that the southern end is tilted toward the sun) and some of the time the northern end of the axis is tilted toward the sun (when the southern end is tilted away). The northern end is most tilted away, and the southern end most tilted toward, on December 21. The northern end is most tilted toward the sun, and the southern end most tilted away, on June 21. That is why winter begins in the northern hemisphere and summer begins in the southern hemisphere on December 21. Summer begins in the northern hemisphere and winter begins in the southern hemisphere on June 21.

At other times the axis is internediary between most tilted toward and most tilted away.