In A Metaphysical Sense

What is ascension in the metaphysical sense?

There is a ton of technical detail in this interview with Ashayana Deane:http://projectcamelotproductions...

In what sense are humans metaphysical beings?

The simplest answer to the metaphysical nature of humans is given in the writings of Plato (ca. 350 BC).There is a realm of important facts that exists beyond the five senses. These facts are not Physical — they are Metaphysical. Yet they are facts as certain as the facts of the sun and sea and mountains.Here is the sense in which we are metaphysical beings — our civilization is based on the following facts that we cannot perceive with our five senses: (1) Ethics; (2) Justice; (3) Virtue; (4) Moderation; (5) Courage; (6) Wisdom; (7) Aesthetics; (8) the Right; (9) the Good; (10) the Beautiful.There are more, but these few will give a firm idea about the scope. None of these elements can be verified by Natural Science — and yet they EXIST.Furthermore, their existence is so important to human society that we not only live by them, but we will also die for them. Most of us would rather die than live without them.This philosophy is called, Idealism. It is in this profound sense that we are metaphysical beings.

What does metaphysical mean?

The origin of metaphysic is such : Aristotle wrote a book called Physic and there was a bunch of notes next to this book relating to stuff in relation to physic (or beyond if you like to) (Meta=next to, in greek).

Later editor published these notes under the title Metaphysic (not published by Aristotle himself).

So now on, Metaphysical relates to stuff around the physic and not directly or concretly physical observation but abstraction like there is always an opposite to a state, everything could be interpretated in mathematical form, etc.

What does metaphysical mean?

I first heard it in a quote in the movie A Beautiful Mind, and I'm wondering what the word means. What is the metaphysical world?

Also, I'm writing a paper on character development, so would it make sense to say "character development is the physical and metaphysical changes a character undergoes..."?

What does metaphysics mean?

Metaphysics is a recognised branch of philosophy. Where in reality it is a kind of compromise between science, philosophy and spiritualism, a kind of thought that when runs through the mind gives the mind subtle glimpses of a hitherto undiscovered and unexposed, or the ways of seeing the world it has not so far been seen, and thus suggesting to the mind possibilities beyond the possible. It is a way of thinking, which is more like contemplative meditation, to induce a state of mind leaning more towards quantum surrealism than towards factual explanation of the physical world, and yet making some reasonable sense.

The crucible for the metaphysical thought if is the mind, then the stuff under scrutiny at any rate is all physical. The peculiar oblique way of questioning physical state and reality of anything is what turns a thought into metaphysical. The task for the mind is that if the mind is completely housed or encapsulated within the physical world, then how the mind could find out objectively about what is the reality of the physical world. It is like trying to melt copper in a flask that itself is mad of copper.