In America Why Are Extroverts Favored Over Introverts

In America why are extroverts favored over introverts?

Don't confuse normally balanced extroverts and unbearable mentally ill narcissists who have fake confidence and are contrived, not genuine extroverts: they are just imitating true extroverts, but their presence is abrasive and unbearable irritating because they feel fake. In fact, they are abusive and fake, they are repulsive and they should seek help.

Are extroverts happier than introverts?

I have always been an introvert, not only do I generally stay away from people, but I get most of my happiness from my mind. I am a very visual person, I would watch lots of sci fi and fantasy movies growing up, and wishing I could live in one of those far off places where everything just seemed more visually appealing. This might be a cause to some of the monotony I feel with everyday life, and when I hear of people saying that you need to be present to be happy, without any dreaming going in the mind, I dont think I can do it, because its just who I am and who I have always been. Your thoughts?

Why are introverts often encouraged to be more like extroverts but not the other way around?

Long answer shortIn today's world to lead a convenient life(which includes everything) one needs either lots of luck or good connections which are forged by good communicators. Usually extroverts are better at communications than introverts.An example from my life:Me and my friend buy from the same vegetable vendor. I am an introvert while my friend is an extrovert. We both have bought vegetables from him over a period of 7 years.When I go to buy I keep to the list and ask him questions only about the price and quality if needed and that's it otherwise I just enter, buy and leave.When he buys he talks to the vendor as if he is his friend and gets into small talk, in the first instances the vendor didn't take kindly to him but over a period of time he warmed up, now they even talk general things about their life with each other.In an instance where the vegetables are not upto the mark, I get a warning or at times the vendor doesn't bother telling me, only when I reach home I come to know.With my friend it's different, if a vegetable is not upto the mark he always gets a fair warning, at times the vendor goes out of his way to offer him good quality stuff.The connect that people feel with you is important, only then they may go out of their way to help you. Extroverts most of the times have an advantage over introverts in this aspect.

Are extroverts better than introverts?

Everything has it's ups and downs.If you are extrovert then you too will have some advantages and some disadvantages.Advantages:Friends friends and more friends.You will have a lot of them and the best part is you enjoy being with them(which is good) You will be seen as a positive energy and you will be the center of attraction wherever you go.People will depend on you and trust you easily.(If you have helped them in any way possible)You will always cheer people up.You will be loved by everyone(well!with some exceptions ;) )Disadvantages: No one will know that you are just flashing a smile and pretending that you are happy when you are actually sad deep inside You will feel lonely at times (deep inside your heart) even when you are hanging out with your friends because they expect you to be happy (which is not true always)No one will cheer you up because it was always you who has been cheering them up (because people  usually just look at things they don't actually see 'em.)Lastly,there will be days when you personally think being an introvert would have been a lot better. I could come up with only this much because these are my personal experiences and I will add more after further experiences in life. Afterall Age is relative to experience and am just 20 :)Peace!

Do extroverts have an advantage over introverts?

Not really.Susan Cain: 'Society has a cultural bias towards extroverts'The only advantage they have is they are not prejudiced in this world built for extroverts. Upto 75% of the world population comprises Extroverts.The rest are often perceived as odd balls and lacking in skills and are often seen as unfit for managerial or leadership roles.There's also this huge misconception that introversion = shyness/socially inept(most of the shy people tend to be extroverts, as surpsirisng as it may seem) and all other negative traits and assume extroverts are intelligent and outgoing. They just fail to understand what introversion is.This misconception is also a major disadvantage for introverts.Many of the world leaders, inventors etc have been introverts who changed the face of the civilization. Yet society has a bias towards extroverts only.

Does society like introverts or extroverts more?

It seems a lot of people here mistake shy, anti-social people for introverts. The person who greets you everyday may not be an extrovert. I greet people I know everyday when I see them. People who get within 5 feet from me would receive a smile. In buses, I give my seat to the oldest person I can see. I am not an extrovert. I am just raised polite. Do you have a nice friend who is a good listener? 90% chance they’re an introvert. They’re just good at socializing.The answer to the question might shock you. Society does not recognize which person is extrovert or introvert. Because the difference between them is extroverts gain energy when interacting with many people whilst introverts loses energy when interacting with many people.Ideally society will favor whoever is more polite, competent (especially if it’s in a workplace environment), and productive. But society is messed up nowadays, it favors the one with good looks, and ample fame. That is why society judges introverts harshly now, even though most of the brilliant minds in history are introverts. “You invented a more efficient solar panel but don’t have an instagram account? GTFO!” That’s society today.

Is there a fourth kind? Like; Extrovert, Introvert, Ambivert and so is there an Omnivert?

This is an interesting concept that I’ve never thought of. But I’ll just go over the definitions,Introvert: Someone who does not require much socialising and prefers to be along or with a small amount of people and instead taking concern with their feelings and thoughts opposed to external things.Extrovert: Someone who requires socialising and prefers to surround themselves with people and usually likes being the center of attention and is concerned with external things.Ambivert: Someone who likes socialising and social situations but values alone time evenly. (Majority of people).So ambi defines as both and omni means many. It concludes that an omnivert would be a noun used to label someone who over a period of time changed from one to another.E.g. At childhood I was more of an extrovert and when I grew to an adolescent I developed into an ambivert but when I was an adult I fully developed into an introvert.This could be described as omnivert but just remember you change and develop mentally but usually your personality does not change as much from an adult onwards. It is still possible but it would be over a longer period of time and it would be less likely. I also don’t believe omnivorous because of this could be replaced for introvert, extrovert or ambivert.Different environments can make us more introverted, extroverted or ambiverted and if this applies to you, it could possibly be described as omniverted, but it would probably be argued that you’re just an ambivert.

Why do americans hate introverts (people that like to be alone)?

Now society has got even me questioning my own personality. It seems as if there is no compromise. Extroverts = popularity, wanted introverts = recluses, and people to watch out for. I mean, growing up it's as if it's been really hard, being an introvert. Most of the time I embrace it, that the majority of the time the people that criticize me, and refuse to open their minds to my personality are extrovers. To be quite honest I've learned SO much about myself by being an introvert.

I've nothing against extroverts, but what I dislike, is being around extroverted people that make it their mission to "fix" me. That something MUST be incorrect about me since I am alone to myself, reading a book, enjoying myself ALONE. I don't understand. Now I'm here, questioning IF there is something unsettling about being introverted. Preferring to stay home, or walk about the city shopping alone, getting some coffe alone, reading alone, my favorite place is the bookstore. And well, some people are offended by my activities. Im honestly questioning if something IS wrong that I would prefer to stray from partying with my friends, and would rather do something independently? It's not helpful, that society encourages extroversion. Why can't it be both?