In College Can I Get Away With Writing An Essay About How Shy/socially Awkward People Need To Feel

Tips for meeting people in college?

Live in the dorms! The friends I made my first semester living in the dorm are still the friends I have today in graduate school. I suggest co-ed dorms too if your school has them.

Take some smaller classes. If you're at a large university this will be difficult as a freshman, but try to squeeze in a round table seminar, an honors course, something with 15-20 people. Find out if there are any interactive/field work courses that interest you where you spend time OUTSIDE the classroom. You'll have more time to get to know people.

If you are of a faith group, or are interested in learning more, attend meetings of religious organizations (Campus Crusade for Christ) is a good one. They are very freshmen friendly and the people there are generally interested in getting to know you and they plan special mixer events, and so on. Or look into the college programs of local churches.

Find other campus clubs/groups that meet your interest and attend a meetings to see what the atmosphere is like. And with any club/group, don't just go to the main meetings. Step out of your comfort zone and attend outings, retreats, etc. That's how you really get to know people.

Look for big university-wide events the first few weeks of school. Remember, everyone is in the same boat as you. I thought I would be awkward at meeting new people and I missed out on opportunities. But meeting new people is sometimes awkward, and that's okay. Because, like I said, you're not the only one looking to make friends.

Why do so many people fail college?

This is my essay topic and im looking for more opinions besides laziness and too much freedom. i am in college but im determined to graduate so i dont have much in put for this one. any opinions are appreciated!

Do hot people get away with being socially awkward/unlikeable etc?

Like when you think of a socially awkward guy or girl generally theyre quite unattractive. But I noticed in my class theres a couples guys or girls who are shy, and bad at conversation . And make bad jokes and are generally just really awkward to talk to but theyre not regarded as losers or socially awkward people because theyre attractive. Is it just me or have other people noticed this?

Why are college kids so quiet?

Why are college kids so quiet? Every time I go into a huge lecture or a small discussion class the students come in and just sit there without talking to people around them. Everyone is listening to their music or texting and not even bothering to meet new people.
In high school it is just the opposite: people talk too much.
In my opinion I think it's important to be outgoing in college and meet new people because that is what it's going to be like in the real world when we are out on the job. So why don't college kids act like this? Do you agree with me?

Essay on shyness (cause & effect)!?

To start, you can casually bring the essay into a question or an interesting fact, like...

"Have you ever gotten butterflies or felt like you can't say anything to a person?"

"It's interesting how we tend to hide ourselves in the face of other people."

Or, to be more specific and direct, you could write something like...

"Humans the world over have felt shy at least once in their lives."

I'd personally go with a starter that's a bit more savvy and not too professional, but make it specific and appealing :). That way, the reader would be drawn in and be curious to see what the rest of the essay will say and sound like :D.

Shyness... My opinions on their cause and effect...

In my opinion, shyness is much like a disease contributed from lack of social interaction. It can spread from person to person as they face situations they aren't prepared for.

Without fully experiencing it, people tend to get nervous and shy. For example, when you talk to a person you like.. You've never talked to that person before, or you're not completely used to it to make it rather comfortable.

It could also be caused by insecure thoughts that dwell in the person when faced, and prior to facing a situation where they worry about their personal values.

Shyness could be gained from lack of social interaction, from facing situations one's not prepared for, from thinking insecurely, and pertained from the butt-hole-ness of others (jerks that pick on you).

How shyness affects a person... It may make a person timid, feel scared to face a certain situation, make the person(s) more reserved, feel insecure and be subconscious, and overall, try to avoid whatever may be causing the shyness in the first place.

I hope this helps, and good luck :D!

Do you have to party in college?

I'm a high school senior right now. I'm getting ready to go to college and... people on the facebook group page for the freshman class are writing stuff like lets party! and stuff like that.
Honestly, I haven't been to that many parties but I feel like parties full of strangers and people that I don't know would be really awkward.
Partying wasn't really one of the things I was looking forward to in college.
But NOT wanting to party in college.... does that show signs of anti-socialness?
I've never even been to an actual concert before. Only a classic orchestra concert or something. Like once...
I AM pretty anti social... but I have friends.. uhhh... Idk.
Am i a loser? lol I see all these girls going to concerts and partying and all that...
And I've never really done that before and it's not really something that I look forward to...