In League Of Legends What Character Is Better Zyra Kha

League of Legends what Champion should I buy: Zyra, Zac, or Zed?

I currently have these as my FAVORITE champions: Dr. Mundo(tank), Fizz(AP assasin), and kha'zix(jungle) please help me with which one I would have the most fun with. with these I would have you give me your honest opinion with this to help me decide

Dead line: 7 days from now

Where should I start in League of Legends?

Try out all positions in bots a couple games trying out a couple champs you think look the most fun. After that just take out a few roles until you have fun and do well.When I first played League I started top lane. From there I moved to bot lane. This was about the time adc’s were very important to carry the game. I played Ashe, Twitch, and Vayne in the bot lane, and for top lane I played Darius, Nasus, and Jayce.I didnt like the pressure being so high on me, so I moved to support. Pressure was still a bit up there, but since the game didnt entirely revolve around me I couldn’t be blamed on losses. Most of my games were Braum, Zyra, and Leona.After the end of that season I moved on again to jungle. I played a lot of Shyvana, Kha’zix, and Rek’sai.I finally settled on a lane and have stuck with it these last few seasons. I ended up playing midlane. I also found the types of champions I enjoy. That’s probably the most important part is how you like playing. How you enjoy it will naturally put you into a lane. Since I like artillery, burst, and kiting mages I currently play Ahri, Lux, and Syndra.So the right answer is to try them all, and try a variety of champions. It’s ok to switch anytime as eventually, a position may just suddenly click.

How do I become a better jungler in League of Legends?

5 simple jungle tricks that I don’t see people implement in their gameplay, especially in lower elo. Do these and you will increase your chance of winning.Kite your camps - Too many times I see jungler take unnecessary damage from Gromp. When you kite Gromp, it reduces the amount of auto attacks taken. Same with the wolves birds etc.Challenger Tip: Don’t stand there like an idiot and take damage.Take all the buffs - Unless your mid lane or ADC is carrying or ahead 8–0 by 10 minutes or something like that, save all the buffs for yourself. Remember, it’s Solo Queue. The home of clown fiesta.Challenger Tip: Better you take it then let mid lane take blue buff and die.Clear all camps then back - I have no idea why people like to leave camps alive. The amount of time you take to go b and get back to camps is wasted if you don’t clear the camps. Maximize your bank.Challenger Tip: You need all the money you can get = more chance to buy better items = carry your bonobo team.Farm or gank - It’s really funny to me when I see an indecisive player attempting to gank then back off, then repeat that for another 20 seconds. That’s 20 seconds wasted of you could be doing something else.Challenger Tip: Hesitation is costly. Just do it.Play by the meta/team comp - You have a Tryn Top, Diana Mid, Jhin ADC and Zyra Sup (Squishy). Who do you play? How about not Master Yi and suck up the pride and go something tank. Too many times team lose because of trash team comp and they want to be carry.Challenger Tip: Pride or Elo, your pick.

Why is the League of Legends community so toxic? I make one mistake and I get insulted the entire match. I don’t do something at the right time, I’m a retard, or that my family should die. Why is it that the lower elo players flame more than pros?

First, lower elo players do not flame more than pros. If you take your "lower elo" game into a game with pros, you are just as likely to get flamed and even harder because the relative competition in your game will punish that "lower elo" mistake even harder than the low elo game. Several pros have a history of being toxic and have received bans (even supposed permabans) because of it. In NA, IwillDominate and Jensen are such examples. Jensen is partly in NA because he did get a permaban for being toxic on the EU servers.Toxicity is solely player dependent and that depends on the personality of the player. If the player happens to be toxic, they will be toxic regardless of what rank they are.Now, why is the community toxic? Every single competitive multiplayer community is toxic. League suffers more than single player games though because it is a team-based game. So if you mess up in League, you are not just messing up for yourself and affecting yourself, you are affecting the game for 9 other people. This gives 9 other people reason to flame you for whatever mistake you made. In competitive multiplayer games that are played 1v1, like StarCraft is competitively, then your mistakes just affects the two people playing the game. Since your opponent is the only other person in the game and they are benefitting from your mistake, then they aren't likely to flame you for it. At most they might taunt you about it, but really they are probably praising themselves for their good play that made you make the mistake. You are only affecting yourself on your team of one.The other big aspect that goes into the toxicity of multiplayer gaming community is the feeling that you are anonymous because you don't know the other players and they don't know you, so you feel more at liberty to flame them and be generally mean to them. After all, the thinking is that you aren't likely to encounter them again, given the size of the player base. I have known some people who were toxic online actually turn out to be really cool to hang out with in real life. And when playing with them at LAN events, even though I make the same mistake in game, they aren't so toxic about it because they realize I'm not just a random person online, but a person they consider to be friends with.

What are some of the best league of legends champions to one trick and carry games?

Depends on the lane and what you enjoy: It’s no secret playing a champion OVER AND OVER AND OVER again same way, same mechanics repeated everyday for the rest of your ranked climb seems daunting, if it weren’t for the enjoyment factor of your champ.You need to be so engrossed in that champ that you don’t feel bad for losing a game with him/her, rather, you feel bad whenever you perform sub optimally on that champ’s mechanics. Some, but not necessarily all, are low skillgap champs, where they allow the player to build muscle memory quite fast, and focus on their enemies more. If you’re looking to carry, they should be carry types as well. Playing a lategame champ as one trick won’t lead you anywhere if you’re in an elo where the games end pre 20.Also: They shouldn’t be anywhere near on the FoTM ban/pick scenario.Saying that, here’s a list of champ >>>I<<< elect to be good champs to pick up and master while having fun, in each lane.Top: Tryndamere, Gangplank(Arguably the hardest on this list, but the most satisfying if you can master him), poppy, malphite, sion(play full AD sion top, let me know how much fun you had), camille, pantheon(Same as ad sion, except imagine not finding him early cause he ulted out of map/in a bush).Mid: Gangplank, AP malphite, pantheon, annie, Veigar, Zed(if they don’t ban him, that is)Jungle: rengo, full lethality jarvan, Khazix, Yi, Xin, Noc.ADC: LulSupport: Zyra, brand. Full AP

League of Legends: What are the strengths and weaknesses of Hecarim?

This questions is dear to me since league of legends is one of my favorite all time games- just a disclaimer I am by no means a professional but I'm certainly a veteran and reached the top of gold 1 and trying to break into platinum now. 1)So from the most basic level a weakness of hecarim is that he has no function in any other lane obviously no real burst or lane domination skills playing him in anything but the jungle right now is futile 2) there are different types of junglers there are sustain junglers, assassins, chasers, sustain, cc heavy and even objective control hecarim is a chaser which isn't insanely popular right now the current meta calls for cc heavy junglers who can truly lock down the carries with escape abilities. 3) alot of hecarim a weaknesses come from what's popular right now among carries and top laners. If the characters who are popular are characters with high escape and damage output are popular than hecarim as a chaser with no lockdown are automatically at a disadvantage. However tanky chasers with lock downs such as rammus becomes a god tier jungler. It's all about flavor of the month. 4) hecarims greatest glaring weakness however is a product of balancing his strength. Hecarim is by far the fastest champ in the game over a moderate space that being said he can catch anyone except maybe a good nidalee who sees him coming. That being said riot decided we can't give this guy unreal burst potential or too much tank potential. If you think about it having there be a character that you can't escape from who's also a killing machine and invincible by design is Terrible but he'd still awesome he just needs alot of item reliance. All in all he's a gimmick character who's skewed too sharply in one direction however depending on what the current state of the meta is he's well worth the play

What's your best league of legends pentakill ?

Okay, I guess I’ll set the scene, seeing as this is one of those “write-a-story” questions. I do have the video, but be warned, it isn’t the highest level gameplay you’ve ever seen.It was 2013. I was a young ADC main. After Jinx was released, in Season 3, I played for 6–8 hours a day. I was a one-trick; she was my best champion by a long shot. I had recently improved from Silver to Platinum in a matter of months.Platinum ladder was starting to get to me, though. I had lost my Plat III promotions about 3 times, and I needed to blow off some steam. So I did what every dedicated League player does when they’re fed up with ladder:I got on my smurf account.I was on Skype (TBT right?) with a friend of mine (lets call him Dom) who was a Gold I Jungler, and we were trying to get him through his promotions (although admittedly a little unfairly).We started the game behind; Dom got counter-jungled, and he couldn’t help me get a comfortable lead early on. Luckily, we had a ridiculously fortunate Dragon fight where I accumulated 4 kills.After a meticulous series of picks and pushes, I ended up with a majority of the team’s kills. I was 13–5. The enemy team got out of position to pick off our Zyra, and then this happened (warning: excited profanity):Easiest 1v5 Jinx Penta NA

Have people stopped playing Attack Damage Carry in ranked League of Legends? Especially Twisted Treeline?

As far as I can tell, the meta for Twisted Treeline (I’ll refer to it as TT for time’s sake) is very different than the meta for Summoner’s Rift. This is due to A) the smaller map and B) Fewer champions on each team. If you chose ADC, one of the roles most notorious for having a weak early game, you’re faced with these problems: You’ll have either no lane support or no jungler. Someone has to cover the other lane, after all. The jungle is much closer to lane, so you have a higher chance of getting ganked. Another thing against ADCs. Finally, with such a weak early game, they might not be capable of following up on a gank from their own jungler, especially if they’re a bit behind the enemy. For this reason, ADCs with their own CC is the most viable. No Sivir. No Tristana. Instead try Jhin, Caitlyn, even Kennen as ADC. Hard CC, as opposed to taking 20% of the team, takes 33% of it out. The scale may seem small, but compare 36 damage to 40. compare 108 to 120. Compare 720 to 800. In league of legends, numbers matter. You take quite a bit less damage by simply hard CCing their priorities. Tanks and early game snowballers are meta because of that; they have CC, and they’re able to hard carry if they get even the slightest lead. Towers are weaker, so playing safe and backing occasionally will almost always result in a gold lead by turrets. It’s a game that exaggerates proactivity, and making plays: things that ADCs can’t do until late game.And late game doesn’t usually happen.ADCs hit power spikes with 3, 4, 5 items. Games, though can last only 15 minutes, meaning hardly one is completed by the time the enemy is seizing inhibs. You’ll be denied farm. You’ll be camped. You’ll die.If you have a support, their jungler gets fed off of your camps, having free roam of both sides and both altars. If not, hope you have tanks on your team that can stall the game out.TL;DR- It’s not viable to use ADCs compared to early tanks or snowballers, which is why it’s fallen out of meta.Of course, I’m only silver 5, so what do I know?

What League of Legends skins give you a slight gameplay advantage?

Ah yes, so many decent answers. Allow me to add on to the list of nightmarish skins that should have never be made:Haunted Zyra. This abomination of a skin, man. Her friggin snares are near invisible, i tells ya!!iBlitzcrank. Whoever thought that making a near invisible grab is a good idea; screw yourself. Now!Firefighter Tristana. Forget the regular Tristana skins where you can visibly see a cannonball fly into your character, this little biatch literally squirts only water. It’s like barely even a squirt. Why, rito, why?!High Noon Yasuo. Definitely one of the top rage-inducing skins. Windwall is neither accurate nor visible in lane. The size of it doesn’t even reflect the hitbox (too-small or too-large depending on the angle)Those are the few i can think of as of now. Use them, and I will be sure to report you to the rage committee and ensure that your player profile will be published in the monthly Sore-Loser-Complains magazine!On a side note, use either Gragas Esq. or Gentleman Cho’Gath for maximum win-rates. I heard that you get +50 swag and +50 dapper when you use those skin in game.Shameless self plug:Do check out my YouTube channel if you like gaming content! I do mostly indie games, but with the right motivation and content type, i might do AAA titles and even League contents as well! Click here: Norren