In Research A Correlation Of 1.59 Means What

How does one create a piecewise linear model?

In R use library(segmented) and the function slope(segmented.mod).The split that minimizes mean square error is optimal. The R function "segmented" finds optimal split and builds OLS on each segment.Generically, R code, a single-variable linear model of y against x looks something like this… You can simulate piecewise data and try it out.$ install.packages("segmented")$ library(segmented)$ lin.mod = lm(y x)$ segmented.mod = segmented(lin:mod; seg:Z = x; psi = 14)$ plot(x,y, pch=16, ylim=c(5,20))$ plot(segmented.mod, add=T)I’m sure there’s an equivalent Python sci-learn toolkit that does the same. Similarly SAS and all major statistical tools.Good luck.

What is the difference between a 45 Colt and a 357 Magnum?

What is the difference between .357 Magnum and .45 Colt?The projectile sizes are different- one is .357-.358 inched in diameter, the other is .452 -.454 inch in diameter.Standatd Projectile weights are significantly different .SAAMI Standard MAP (Operating pressures) 45 Colt operates circa 14,000 psi piezo. .357 Magnum operates at 35,000 psi piezo..Regarding handguns, 45 Colt is only chambered in large frame revolvers and two shot derringers. .357 Magnum is available in small frame, medium frame and large frame revolvers , two shot and four-shot derringers and a few automatic pistols.Muzzle velocity- .45 Colt in Standard loads is 830- 900 feet per second. .357 Magnum has velocities that range from 1200–1400 or so, in Standard Loadings.The US Army used the.45 Colt as a standard issue cartridge from 1873 to 1918. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police issued it as well. The US military has never used .357 Magnum as a general purpose standard issue cartridge, but literally thousands of police agencies around the world have.Those are some differences.If I have an angry bull that’s trying to gore me, or a bear that needs to be shot, I would prefer , by a wide margin, to use the .45 Colt. If I am deer hunting from a tree stand, although both will get the work satisfactorily at 50 yards, I would under most circumstances choose the .357.As a Defense Loading- either will get the job done.I hope this helps.

How much weight can I lose from walking 2 miles 5 days a week for a month?

Walking 2 miles a week may help you lose some weight in the beginning.Calories burnt by walking - 5 x 30 x 5 = 750 calories. This will help lose 400 grams in a month.However the following walking for weight lose could be better optionWalking to Lose WeightWalking burns 5 calories per minute.There are 1440 minutes in 24 hours.Average calorie consumption is 2500 for a person looking to lose weight.Calories are produced during cellular metabolic process. By exercising or increasing the burning of calories we cannot increase the production of calories during cellular metabolic process substantially. We can at best expect small changes.Calories are used by vital organs and vital processes of the body AND for physical exercises and movements.So if we start spending too much calories all of sudden on exercises there will be shortfall of calories in the body. This will be made good by restricting the calories required by vital organs.So if you keep running for hours we may die in few seconds. But there are defence mechanisms in the body which ensure that we do not run that long which can kill us.Walking for 5 minutes every hour (Around 10 times in a day) will burn 5x5x10 = 250 calories in a day.Resting Metabolic Rate was 2500/1440 x 50 = 87 calories.Net Calorie loss is 250 - 87 = 163.This is less than 7% of average calories that are consumed by a person looking to lose weight. This extra burden can be shared by increase in cellular metabolic rate within few days.How do a person feels by walking for such a short period of time.More alert, full of energy etc. This is indicative of increase in Resting Metabolic Rate. That would mean there will be extra calorie burning without an exercise, if that extra burden can be shared by cellular metabolism.So if a person keeps walking he is quite likely to increase his Resting Metabolic Rate.But if a person walks for 1 or 2 hours at a time, the extra calorie burning will be 60 x 5 or 10 = 300 or 600 calories. That will be difficult to shift this extra burden on cellular metabolism. So the body will save some calories meant for vital organs. That will cause deterioration of vital organs.Walking 2 to 5 minutes every hours means sure weight loss. The chances of regaining this lost weight will also be minimum because there is increasing in Resting Metabolic Rate. So even if you stop walking you will not gain any weight.