In Soccer What Do U Prefer

Ladies, do you prefer basketball guys or soccer guys?

Crap, that's a hard one.I'd have to go with soccer. I feel like soccer players are just hotter in general.I mean, just look at his face. Just look at it. And that bod. Oh man. (This is Olivier Giroud.)Sure, there are plenty of hot basketball players too, but soccer is also more universal than basketball, which means that there are more soccer players in the world than basketball players, which then means that there are more men to choose from.I just want James Rodriguez to look at me the way he’s looking at that soccer ball. Sigh.

Do you prefer rugby or soccer?

I have had the opportunity to play both rugby and soccer(called football where I come from) an the answer to this is not easy. For all the people who claim to objective, a few things I learnt from personal experience:The probability of getting injured when playing either of the sports is the samethe level of tiredness at the end of a game is the sameThe amount of work required to be reasonably good at either sport is not significantly different from the otherWith this in mind, then it seems that what sport is better is a matter of personal opinion. However, interestingly in my experience this is not the case. Both sports are equally exhilerating and the sport that an individual is playing over a given time period usually feels like the "better" sport.Therefore, the simple answer is, I prefer whatever I am playing at the moment

Which soccer jersey's do u prefer:T-Shirt's or Long Sleeves?

Always T-shirt's...i never wear long sleeves...

Which sport would you prefer to watch ... soccer, basketball, baseball, tennis, cricket, golf or .....?





Why do most of rugby players prefer soccer cleats for playing?

To answer your question I think you will find generally Rugby boots now look similar to Soccer style boots, however generally Rugby boots require a bit more grip force than the typical soccer boot. Soccer boots can be worn, but won’t be suitable for all conditions.Generally you will find a lot of similarities in the footwear worn in all football sports. Ie any sport that involves kicking and running on a grass field. In all the sports the stud/cleat pattern is designed to provide grip on whatever surface is being played on.Traditional Rugby boots were developed around temperate climates with high winter rainfall, muddy fields and a requirement to have long studs to gain grip when pushing hard in soggy ground. Generally the studs are screw-in so you can change to short studs when it is dry…With increasingly better drained and maintained playing surfaces, Rugby players have moved somewhat to lighter boots with moulded cleat or stud soles. This type of boot is required across multiple grass based sports and they look similar and often are sold as general football boots.You will however, still find many forwards with Rugby specific, screw in stud type boots, purely because the high static forces in the scrum make them more suited to the task required.

Would you prefer to be the third goalkeeper in a major soccer club or the first goalkeeper in an inferior club?

I would rather play on the weaker won't get better on the bench. If you play and can help you team plus improve your game,you have a chance to be wanted by better teams. If you make a weak team better , you will be thought to be able to make a good team great.Also you are by the position you play the most important player on the field.if the opponent can't score, you usually winYou won't get better in the mental game if you are relegated to be seen as not starter skills and edge decline over time not playing.

Why do people in the USA prefer American football over soccer? Why do they find soccer relatively boring?

Violence.Make no mistake, as terrible as this picture appears, the savage intent behind the actions that caused this tackle aren't even really given their due. A collision like this happens in soccer every once in a while on accident. In football, it's what everybody is waiting for. The fans, the owners, the camera crews, the people who put together the highlight reels for the analysis shows afterward, and most of all - the players. If this happened in soccer or basketball, it would likely be a major violation of the rules. In football, this is a sanctioned tackle.This event, where one impressively stout gentleman is clearly getting hit hard enough by another to have actually knocked his helmet off, forced him to lose muscle control of the ball he was carrying, and get a slack, concussed look on his face, is all by design. The tackler in this picture dreamt about making a hit like this. He was thinking about it the whole time he was lining up for a play, right up until it happened. And then, he was a god. For a little while, until the next play, when he's going to try and do it again.The average American football player is about five inches taller than your average soccer player and weighs about sixty more pounds. And they're paid to get up to speed instantly and launch themselves with explosive force at each other. This is what football is about, and although it has its moments of athletic grace, it’s basically conceded the subtle beauty of skillful and elegant play to sports like soccer and basketball. Football is a brutal sport played enthusiastically by brutal men who brutalize each other. It’s gloriously, unapologetically savage, and we cant get enough of it.

What kind of sport do you prefer?

I prefer tennis and swimming.
Martinha, vamos caprichar nas perguntas ok ?
Foi um bom começo.