In Testing Times Whom Would You Trust More. Your Father/mother Or Your Life Partner If Given A

Between mother and wife, which one is more important for a married man? Why?

Which one is more important for a married man? Definitely if his mother is mature, she will tell him to love his wife. She will also love his wife. If his mother and his wife quarrel and the man has to go for his wife. That is because that way his mother is immature. That is because his mother is one of the persons who had shaped his character. And when the man was very young and was in his tender age, he would have believed in so much his mother had told and he would have seen as a towering figure in his life. And so later whatever way he behaves, his mother is responsible.It is an insult on a man to expect a man give importance to one of the persons among his mother or wife. Definitely the mother is in a better position to blackmail him citing all the sacrifices she had done for him. And the worst part is if the man is immature, he will be more trusting his mother if she blames his wife and won’t be kind to his wife. That is because the child part of him is familiar with his mother’s ways but not his wife’s ways. Whatever his mother needs, his mother definitely can’t expect emotional support from him and she can’t show as a child to him. But his wife needs to be emotionally supported by him and that way only his relationship with his wife blooms. His duty is to build understanding and trust with his wife. And definitely it is not necessary for him to build understanding and trust with his mother.What will really happen is the man will give more importance to the more mature woman among these two. But the truth is, if the mother were mature, he will also be a mature person and will take care of his wife.

Are there any men who are not tempted to cheat on their partner, honestly?

Not tempted? I would think there are very few, if any, who haven't been tempted.

But I think there are a great many men who avoided the temptation and did not act on the impulse.

My partner's daughter has given him an ultimatum.?

my partner and i are together 2yrs. we are very much in love. this is the best relationship i have ever known. we have chemistry, trust, love respect, a great sex life.........i couldnt ask for any more!!! we both have one daughter each from a previous daughter is 4yrs.his daughter is 11yrs.he has bonded with with my daughter and takes a disciplinary role.

his daughter only stays with us once a week therefore she has not had the same amount of time to bond with me and my daughter. over the past few months i noticed that she is very clingy to her father when she is down and reluctant to allow myself or my daughter near him. I put this down to the fact that she was making up for lost time. however, i also felt sorry for my own daughter who was constantly trying to gain my partners attention as she obviusly felt rejected. this situation also left me feeling pushed out. i was uncomfortable with the situation as i felt that my partners daughter also did this on purpose. i felt as though she may be deliberately trying to keep me and my daughter at bay.

i spoke with my partner about this and he would say that the only problem was me. that i was jealous of his daughter and that i needed to just to accept the situation as it is.

my partners daughter has now contacted him and said that he has to choose between her and me and my daughter. it is either her or us or her. if we are there she no longer wants contact.

i feel terrible for my partner and powerless to do anything. i dont even know what to say. i have tried everything for this girl. spent huge money on her bedroom, organised parties, hosted sleepovers with other girls her age, spent time just talking to her, organised family meeting where she could discuss any issues she might have, baked cakes, family name it ive tried it. i dont know where to go next.

my partner says that he will not choose how he will be with based on what his daughter thinks. but i worry that he will either change his mind or resent my if he loses contact with his daughter now.

what do i do? do i try again to speak to his daughter again? do i walk away? do we just go on without her?

Who is more important: a wife or a sister?

Always remember one thing that - your wife has come to you by leaving her father, mother, brother, sister, even her home where she spent her childhood.She left everything after getting married just for you.Now it should be your responsibility to take care of her and treat her well.Your sister will also do the same, she will also give up her family for her life partner and after this it would be her husband's duty to treat her in the same way like her family used to do with love.Now after this your sister will find her husband more important than her family because she has started a new family and it should be her top duty to give importance to her new family.In the same way you as a husband should also give priority to your wife and your new family first.But it doesn't mean you should forget your sister and your parents, you should always support them whenever they need you and your wife's duty should be to support you in doing this.A good wife is someone who treat her husband's family in the same way like her own. And same definition is applicable with husband too.But if your wife's behavior is not good and she always tries to see your sister down without any reason then for sure you need to see who is right and according to it you should try to make justice and support the one who deserve.I have heard of many cases where a person had to leave his caring parents and his kind sister just because of wrong behavior of his wife.So, it's somehow depend on the character of your wife and also of your sister.Thanks.

Should you love your mom or your wife more?????????/?

Your wife should always come before your mother.

The Bible tells us to honour our mother and father, but it also tells us that there comes a time when a child leaves his mother and father to become one flesh with his wife (or husband).

The order of loyalty should be:
extended family
other organizations/groups/ethnicities/church/...

My father cheated on my mom....?

This is common actually. Like most girls your father was "perfect". He could do no wrong. In fact, many girls actually date men that remind them in some way of their fathers. (No, I don't think it's an electra complex where you want to have sex with dad, I think it's that dad has always been so good and perfect, the best way to get a good and perfect man is to get one that shares his traits.)

Now your father has betrayed that image. You are angry at him and you are reflecting that anger onto all men, your boyfriend in particular. The perfect man failed, so how could anyone else be better?

There are a few things that you can do. You can talk to your father. Confront him and tell him how his behavior has effected YOU personally. Tell him that it wasn't just your mother that he betrayed, but the entire family.
Talk to your boyfriend. Talk openly and honestly about all the things in your life and relationship that is bothering either one of you. Work together to find solutions to those problems. This creates a bond that will help you feel more comfortable with him and his commitment to your relationship.

Finally, you need to take some time just for you. Take time to sit down and honestly think about how this betrayal makes you feel. Confront it. Then consider why you selected your boyfriend. In what ways is he similar to your father? How is he different? Once you can recognize these similarities and differences it can be easier to realize that the actions of your father really don't say anything about the actions of your boyfriend. You need to think carefully and rationally, and might want to consider talking to a counselor or therapist if you need to. Recognize that you are casting the sins of the father onto the boyfriend and WHY. The Why is the most important part. Reach that and you should be fine.